Hi friends! I hope you’re enjoying the day so far! It’s been quite a while since we’ve done a virtual juice date, so I thought that would be a fun post for today. So please grab a glass of your favorite morning beverage, let’s grab a pastry from the pastry counter, and hang out for a bit this am. <3
(wearing the coziest Barefoot Dreams cardigan and it totally lives up to the hype)
If we were having juice right now…
I’d want to hear about how you’re doing with everything going on. Like, how you’re really doing. I feel like so often we’ll say, “I’m good!” or “I’m hanging in there!” but there’s so much more than that. I’d love to hear what you’re up to, how the kids are doing, or anything you’re looking forward to this fall. I’m really looking forward to the Pilot’s and P’s birthdays in October. Any ideas on how to celebrate the big 4-0??
I’d ask you what kind of workouts you’ve been loving lately. There are so many great online options available right now. I’m still loving Les Mills On Demand, Peloton, barre, and an occasional studio hot yoga class. I started strength training a bit more recently – I was doing mostly cardio for quite a while because I really needed the endorphins – and it feels good to lift heavy things again. I’ve lost some strength and muscle mass, so I’m looking forward to building it back.
I’d ask you if you’ve read anything amazing or are watching anything good right now. I’ve been picking through Frida Kahlo’s diary for a bit each day and it’s magical! It’s completely in Spanish, which is good because mine has been a little rusty. TV-wise, I’m still enthralled by Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. It’s just the lighthearted fun I need after the kiddos are in bed and I just want to unwind and eat a Good Pop on the couch. I was super excited for the return of Dancing with the Stars but zero studio audience and the fake dubbed cheering is a little bizarre.
I’d talk to you about school. What’s going on with school in your neck of the woods? We finally got the word that Liv may be going back to school in October for ONE day a week. Lolololololol. <— that’s me laughing maniacally until I start crying. Thankfully, I feel like we’ve found a groove a bit with a distance learning. It’s just that the screen time amount is far beyond our comfort level and it’s a lot of work and projects. I also have to admit that I’m really concerned about what a return to school will look like. I don’t want the kids to be scolded if they want to interact with each other and the thought of them eating in a classroom with an “X” for where they may sit, 6 ft away from everyone else, is troubling. I think we really need to consider the mental health impact on children for all of this and if school is going to turn into a prison environment, we’re considering alternate options and homeschooling. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that because she really misses her friends and her teachers. :/
I’d tell you that I’m doing a Charcoal Mask Zoom pop up tomorrow and am so excited about it! It’s the first virtual pop up that I’ve put together and I’m so pumped that so many reader friends signed up. We’re going to do the charcoal mask during the call – I sent out samples earlier this week – and it will be so nice to see so many of the faces of friends who have been leaving comments for years. Any fun ice breaker type things we could do? I was thinking about asking everyone to share their #1 fave beauty or skincare product. Also, I’m considering planning more of these in the future as a fun virtual way for us to hang out. Please let me know if you’d be down!
So tell me, friends: what workouts are you loving lately? What’s going on with school for the kiddos? How are you, the kids, the fam? Any amazing reads or shows you’re enjoying?
Thanks for hanging out with me this morning and for stopping by the blog today. I’ll see ya tomorrow with Friday Faves!
The post Virtual juice date appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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