Special Guest Series
Dr. Ken Berry: How to Talk to your Doctor – Part I
Dr. Ken Berry has spent the last decade battling the epidemics of obesity, insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Lies My Doctor Told Me, and hosts his own channel on YouTube – youtube.com/kendberrymd.
For the next five weeks, Dr. Berry will be hosting a special guest series for members here on IDM: ‘How to Talk to your Doctor.’ Whether it’s a ketogenic or low-carb diet, many health care providers in the US, Canada and around the world just don’t understand this way of eating yet, nor the many associated health benefits.
So, don’t miss this series so you can get the knowledge you need to talk to your doctor!
Get ready for Ketofest!
From Fasting Friday to Science Sunday, it’s a perfect chance to flex your keto muscle.
Imagine spending a weekend with hundreds of other low-carbers in a coastal New England town turned keto!
You’ll have that chance at Ketofest – the Food and Science Festival taking place next month (July 19 to 21) in New London, Connecticut. Within four blocks, you’ll have the chance to interact with world-class speakers, patronize local restaurants serving real keto dishes, enjoy grilled bacon cheeseburgers on low-carb buns, attend a pig roast (where you don’t have to worry about sugar in the sauce), learn how to cook your own keto dishes, attend talks on various keto-related topics, take fat-adapted fitness classes, and network with other ketogenic warriors.
So… there’s definitely some cool stuff to do and learn.
Best of all, IDM’s Megan Ramos will host ‘Fasting Friday,’ a free event where she and her team will share the latest clinical data from IDM patients, as well as recent science on fasting. There will also be food-free activities for those who are fasting.
Megan and Dr. Ken Berry will also speak – along with an impressive list of other experts – on Science Sunday. It’s a chance to learn about the latest research, science and stories from the thought leaders in the low-carb space.
For more info, visit ketofest.ticketspice.com/ketofest-2019.
Tales from Hawaii
Coach Terri Lance reports from the first IDM retreat in Kailua Kona
Considering Body Composition
Coach Nadia Pateguana considers Body Composition and Dexa Scans
Wondering about the difference between the two when it comes to determining body composition? Read on.
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a classification based on height and weight (kg/m²). It’s not an accurate determination of body fat, as it can overestimate body fat in athletes and others with a higher lean body mass. It can also underestimate body fat in older people or people who have lost muscle mass (cachexia), because it ignores important factors such as muscle mass, age and fat distribution. Although this limits its overall accuracy, BMI is generally considered a simple and useful measure clinically.
Figure 1: BMI (Body Mass Index)
Figure 2: BMI Chart, Source HuffPost
Dexa Scans
A Dexa Scan (aka Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) is a form of x-ray technology and today’s gold standard for determining total body composition. This total body scan determines the three major body composition components:
1. Body fat mass
2. Lean mass
3. Bone mineral content
Figure: Dexa Scan (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry), 1 year comparison on IF/LC
Dexa Scans give you a total analysis including age, gender, fat percentage, percentile, total mass, fat mass, BMC (Bone Mineral Content) and Fat-Free (or lean) mass. The Percentile for Body Fat is plotted based on percentage of body fat (total) versus age. Fat distribution is determined and it’s important for determining health and risk. For example, determining Android fat (aka visceral/organ fat) vs Gynoid (aka subcutaneous fat around hips, thigh and buttocks).
A Dexa scan analysis may or may not be available in your area, and range in price depending on where you live and which company you use. Generally, they cost anywhere from $100 to $200 per scan and it might not be covered by your health care insurance.

The audiobook for The Longevity Solution is now available!
Grab your copy now

GQ on the benefits of fasting
Why you really should try intermittent fasting

See this ABC News video?
Benefits and Tips on Intermittent Fasting
The post IDM Round Up – May 24, 2019 appeared first on Intensive Dietary Management (IDM).
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