This isn’t a sponsored post, but my friends at Les Mills offered you a free 30-day trial! Get yours here. It’s such a fun way to get in workouts at home or while you’re traveling.
When I’m home with the girls, workouts can be hit or miss. P only goes to school for half days – fellow mom friends know that’s just enough time to eat breakfast, run an errand or two, and it’s time to go back – but on the two days she stays for lunch, I can squeeze in a workout. On the half days, I work out at home. This is what I’ll also be doing now that summer is here and they’ll only be at camp for half days.
I’m so thankful for options I can do while the girls play, whether it’s a ride on my Peloton bike or an on demand workout. I usually start a workout with zero expectations, so if something happens and I can’t finish it’s NBD, but I find that I’m usually pleasantly surprised. It’s not too bad to sneak in a workout with the girls at home if I need to, and I feel like when they see my exercise here and there, they notice that it’s a priority for me to move and be active.
Recently, I got to check out the new platform for Les Mills On Demand and was so PUMPED (<— pun?) by the variety and the quality of classes. When I first tried it out, I was pregnant with P, and the available classes were awesome, but they were different from what’s currently available. Many of the classes were the same videos we receive as instructor training, and sometimes it didn’t translate just right for an at-home workout. They’ve completely revamped the site, added new classes (including classes that were specifically filmed for On Demand), and it’s such a great way to shake up your routine and get an awesome sweat at home. They have over 600 classes to choose from!!
Here are some of my favorite workouts:
BODYPUMP is the muscular endurance barbell workout that I fell in love with years ago. It continues to get better over time as they add more recent tracks and new exercises to the format. They offer tutorials on the common BODYPUMP exercises, along with shorter classes (for example, 30-minute remixes and classes focused on solely upper body or lower body). There are also a ton of the hour-long classic classes, which I love.
This was my first time taking a BODYFLOW class and I really enjoyed this fusion of yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates. They incorporate breathing elements into the flow, and I felt calm and centered when it was over. As someone who doesn’t like to hold poses for a long time, it felt great to MOVE and breathe the entire time. I’ll definitely be adding this one into my rotation.
OMG. BODYATTACK makes me feel like a fierce ninja. The movements sync so perfectly with the music, and I feel like it hypes me up with endorphins. This class is focused on conditioning, strength and agility moves, so you’ll do burpees, squats, and push-ups in between cardio drills and agility work. This workout felt extremely balanced and INTENSE. I can’t wait to do it again this week!
Les Mills GRIT:
I’ve had the opportunity to take live GRIT classes at the IDEA conferences, and they destroy me in the best way possible. They’re a 30-minute High Intensity Interval Training workout, and they offer three varieties: cardio, strength, and plyo.
More of the classes they offer On Demand:
SPRINT (cycling)
RPM and Immersive Cycling (The Trip)
DANCE (hip hop, contemporary, and house)
You guys. There’s so much to choose from. I’m so excited to continue to try out new workouts, especially since our gym doesn’t offer Les Mills classes.
Pros about Les Mills On Demand:
– My #1 favorite thing about Les Mills is their dedication to safety. All of their classes are designed with purpose and tested for effectiveness, safety, and motivational techniques. I also love that they hold their instructors to such high standards. It was the most challenging and informative certification process that I’ve completed. The videos are lead by master trainers, who inspire me to be a better instructor every time I take a class.
– If you click on a workout, they break it all down for you. You’ll know what equipment you need, the song tracks, and the exercises beforehand. This is perfect for those who want to avoid certain exercises for injury purposes (though they do provide modifications), or like to know what they’re doing in advance.
– The comments section is a gold star. You can read what fellow participants thought of the workout.
Some of the formats require equipment, which you can purchase through the website. Usually it’s not a big deal – especially if you have some dumbbells and a mat at home – but you may need to seriously modify or skip a small few of the formats. For example, I don’t have a step, so I didn’t try any of the BODYSTEP workouts.
I’ll be incorporating some of these workouts in Summer Shape Up (as backup options when you don’t want to do the official workout or would like to switch it up), and here’s a plan I put together for the next few weeks until the Shape Up begins.
I was so excited when Les Mills offered to share a free 30-day trail with you through my referral link. Click here to set it up! I hope you love it as much as I do.
Have you tried Les Mills before? What’s your favorite format?
The post Les Mills On Demand Review appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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