IDM Community – May 28, 2019

In Megan’s Blog:

Fasting basics: When to stop your fast

BBQ and Patio Season is Coming!

Coach Andrea Lombardi considers the effects of alcohol on your body.

BBQ and Patio Season is Coming to a North American City Near You!

Some of the most common questions I get as an IDM coach are around the topic of alcohol. And with patio season in full swing in the southern part of the US, and just around the corner for us in the northern states and provinces of Canada, I thought I would take a moment to address it.

Can I enjoy an alcoholic beverage while trying to lose weight?
Yes, you can enjoy a drink or two while trying to lose weight or trying to lower your blood sugars. Just know that alcohol will put a brief pause on any fat burning and ketosis happening in your liver. If you’re adhering to a low-carb, healthy-fat or ketogenic diet and would like to partake in a drink, we recommend you choose dry red or white wines, which are relatively low in carbs, or pure spirits, which have no carbs and can be mixed with soda water. You definitely want to avoid fancy sounding drinks with sugary mixes. When I go out, I like to enjoy a glass of cabernet, and when I go south on vacation, my drink of choice is a mojito with no sugar and extra lime.

What happens to fat burning when I have a drink?
So, let’s say you’ve made a low carb drink choice, what happens to fat burning? Well, your liver is the main organ in your body that processes the alcohol. So, it must work to metabolize that alcohol, and when it does, it puts the brakes on fat burning. Only once that alcohol is metabolized can it resume fat burning.

How can I do damage control?
Your liver requires water to do its job effectively. When alcohol enters the body, it acts as a diuretic and can dehydrate you. This is why it’s very important to drink plenty of water before and after any alcoholic drink. Making sure you are replenished with sodium and magnesium is also very important.

When should I avoid having a drink?
For those of you with fatty liver disease or other liver problem, we advise to avoid alcohol altogether. If you’ve hit a plateau and are struggling to lose weight, you will also want to avoid alcohol. And of course, if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, you will want to refrain as well.

For those who are well on their way and want to enjoy a patio or BBQ cocktail or cool drink at the cottage, I see no reason why you can’t enjoy a drink. But, please remember that with alcohol, for reasons other than weight, we do recommend moderation, so no more than one drink for women and two for men, per day.

A comprehensive guide to salt

Are low-sodium diets necessary — or even safe — for everyone?

Salt is under the microscope over at the Diet Doctor. Don’t miss this great chance to learn more about salt and how much of it we should be eating, based on the best current evidence.

Time to sign up

IDM has targeted new groups to help you fast and get healthy!

If you’re looking for targeted solutions for issues such as weight loss or diabetes, or more specific help with long-term fasting and behavioural change, IDM has new, focused groups for IDM Community Members and coaching clients.

These sessions are free to IDM members, so be sure to take full advantage of them!

Log in to your membership dashboard and sign up to these weekly groups, which include:

Monday: Intermittent Fasting with coach Larry Diamond, 10:00 am ET

Tuesday: Intermittent Fasting with Nadia Pateguana, 8:00 am ET

Wednesday: Diabetes with Andrea Lombardi, 2:00 pm ET

Wednesday: Weight loss with Jeff McCann, 5:00 pm ET

Thursday: Extended Fasting with Brenda Zorn, 11:00 am ET

Friday: Behavioural Change with Terri Lance, 5:30 pm ET

Saturday: Extended Fasting with John Clary, 10:00 am ET

Intermittent Fasting will focus on talking about different intermittent fasting protocols, generally ranging anywhere from 16 up to 48 hours of continuous fasting, two to three times a week.

Extended Fasting will look at extended fasting protocols, which need to be carefully considered and planned for. These can range anywhere from 48 hours to seven to 14 days for some individuals. (Talk to your doctor before you take on an extended fast.)

Diabetes will focus on different strategies to help with type II diabetes. This may include different fasting strategies and dietary changes. (You will need to follow-up with your physician about your diabetes medications if you are currently taking any.)

The weight loss group will focus on talking about different strategies to help with weight loss, including different fasting strategies and dietary changes.

The behavioural group will talk about different behavioural issues and how we can overcome the emotional and mental aspects of dieting and fasting.


Grab your copy now

The audiobook for The Longevity Solution is now available!

Dr. Fung on the BBC

BBC report explores how insulin could drive down obesity rates

Fasting for new growth!

Scientists Discover That Fasting Triggers Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer

The post IDM Community – May 28, 2019 appeared first on Intensive Dietary Management (IDM).

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