October 2020

Hi friends! Happy Friday and Happy Halloweekend! What do you have going on this weekend? I’m looking forward to catching an Amanda Kloots workout, filming another video for you guys, and seeing the crew all dressed up in their costumes. I’d love to hear what you have going on.

Dia de los Muertos is also just around the corner, and to honor the holiday, Kyle did a special virtual cooking show with my mom and nana through Flying Aprons. The girls and I were so excited to tune in and make some recipes that have been in my family for multiple generations: bizcochuelos (a circular anise shortbread-esque cookie), champurrado (Mexican hot chocolate) and my nana’s Arroz con Pasas (like a sweet rice pudding. I used to eat giant cold spoonfuls of it out of her fridge.).

With my family, I feel like so many recipes are accidental secrets because the chefs make them without saying a word to anyone about what they’re doing. I watched my nana Flores (my nana’s mom) make hundreds of tortillas and she always had a pot of the BEST beans on the stove, but I had no clue how she did it. When I asked her how to make tortillas, it was hilarious.

“Well you use the masa and the water.”

“ Ok nana, do you add any salt or anything like that?”

“Well salt, YES.” (Like “Obviously.”)

“What about lime juice?”

“Oh yes, lime juice.”

“How much do I add?”

“You know, until it’s right.”

These are how we get all of our recipes on my mom’s side of the family haha. The fact that my mom and Kyle were about to track these down and get details was a miracle, let me tell ya. Of course, everything was amazing.

Kyle has such a great energy on camera – get this guy a cooking show already!- and my madre was his sous chef, while nana watched and chimed in with her tips. It was absolutely perfect.

(Pic from their Facebook page)

Besides the virtual cookie lesson, it was a pretty *normal* week around here. Liv crushed her distance learning this week – no homework left this weekend! – I caught a hot yoga class, and the Pilot was gone on a trip. He’s back today and I’m so excited that he’ll be here for Halloween! He’s missed the past few Halloweens so this is a huge deal.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! These are some of my fave finds from the week and around the web. As always, I love to hear about the things you’re lovin,’ so please shout out any faves in the comments section below.

Read, watch, listen:

New Food Babe Kitchen! Vani was one of the first people who inspired me to dig more into ingredients and sources of the foods we were eating. I’ve been following her forever and have learned so much from her. (Her protein powder, Truvani, is my very favorite right now!) She sent me a copy of her new book and it’s packed with beautiful whole foods recipes. I’m so excited to use this for meal planning next week.

Do you like scary movies?? Pre-kids, I didn’t love them but was ok watching them. Now, especially with the Pilot’s travel schedule, I can’t do it. Give me all of the happy, lighthearted fluff I can take.

Fashion + beauty:

Tarte create your own kit through tonight! This is one of the few makeup brands I love besides Beautycounter. I especially love their eyeshadow primer, their mascara (the bast), highlighter and eyeliner. You can build a full 7-piece kit for only $63 here! I always order backups of my fave products when they have this promo.

Current uniform: a Madewell tee with a long cardigan, jeans, and my low-top sneakers.

Fitness + good eats:

A pumpkin workout for Halloween weekend!

This Nightmare Before Christmas pumpkin pie is so cute!!

Dynamic stretches to do before every run. 

Try this barre and dumbbell combo if you haven’t already. It’s a burner, for sure.

Just for fun, a Halloween pic of Bella in her skeleton dress. I still reach down on the bed every morning to pet her, hoping she’d still be there.

This delicious on-the-fly lasagna soup. I sautéed onion, garlic, and turkey sausage in the instant pot, and then added chopped carrots, a container of chicken bone broth, 1/2 a jar of Rao’s marinara sauce, a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas, lots of oregano, basil, salt, and pepper, and some smashed up Banza lasagna noodles. Cook on soup setting for 15 minutes and top with feta! I served it with a caesar salad and the girls loved it! It was awesome for lunch leftovers the next day, too.

Happy Friday!



PS I’m extending the sneaky giveaway until Monday if you want to enter here! 

The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

10,000 COVID-19 deaths, 3 lives remembered

This week, Canada hit a grim milestone: more than 10,000 people in the country have died from COVID-19 — although experts say the true number could be higher. Today, we hear about three of the many who have been lost: Shawn Auger, the first recorded Canadian in his 30s to die from the disease; Gurinder Anand, who made his mark on Montreal with his cooking and community spirit; and Bontu Abdulahi, a personal support worker and devoted mom.

Ambulance outside St. Boniface Hospital

If Manitoba is planning to take more drastic measures to control the spread of COVID-19, the window of opportunity is closing faster than a drive-thru window on a blustery night. This is partly because of increasing demands on the health-care system — and partly because the calendar demands action now and not in the middle of the Christmas holiday season.

Hi friends! I’ve got a new short episode up on the podcast this morning. I rarely do solo episodes, so please let me know if you enjoyed this one! If you like them, I can post a bit more frequently since it’s just me. 🙂

062: 5 simple ways to cultivate joy and care for yourself during this time. The Fitnessista Podcast

Resources from the episode:

Click here to get 30 days FREE of Les Mills On Demand. I love this platform for at-home workouts and they have such a great variety of different formats. I highly recommend BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT, BODYATTACK, and CXWORX. Click here to get your trial!

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you.

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

I didn’t download a full transcript for this episode, but jotted down some notes after recording.

5 simple ways to cultivate joy and care for yourself during this time

1. Stay in your own lane. I’m a true believer that comparison is the thief of joy and it’s so easy to feel frustrated right now by what others are doing, and comparing yourself. For example, I see people who are still rocking their online businesses and I feel like I’m dangling by a thread – so much of my day is dedicated to navigating Liv’s distance learning schedule and assignments. I literally watch my inbox build and explode each day and right now, there’s not a lot I can do about it. Instead of panicking, I’ve tried to be really strategic with the small time pockets I do have and just try to show myself grace. Things are challenging, and if you’re having a hard time right now, I see you and I’m right there with you. At the end of the day, all we can really focus on is ourselves and our own families. Try to avoid comparison right now, especially with careers or goals that you’ve set. Everything has shifted and we’re all forced to just adapt and do the best we can.

2. Eat the cupcake, drink the wine. Under normal circumstances, I think it’s important to pay attention to hunger levels and how you’re feeling, but right now, I’m all about taking any step that will bring me a small amount of joy. I’ve had way more sugar in the past 6 months than I have in a long time, and I’ve had a bit more wine. Just do the things that make you happy!

3. Take breaks. I try to remind myself that it’s not the end of the world when Liv misses a class, or we end up skipping an assignment to make up later. Sometimes she’s so fried from the screen time that we both need a break, and I give her time to run around outside and we go for a walk. Don’t be afraid to take breaks for yourself, even if they’re small. I also wanted to tell you guys about basking, which is a technique I learned from my therapist (<— I should ask her to be on the show!) Basking is paying attention to tiny details to become present and enjoy the current moments.

4. Pay attention to sleep and hydration. These are two things that make a significant impact on how I feel, so I’ve been focused on cultivating a true sleep routine and drinking enough water each day. Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounce each day, and for sleep, find your magic number. For me, it’s a solid 8 hours and I feel rested and energized. So many restorative processes occur when we have quality sleep, so it’s a nourishing step we can take for ourselves during such a crazy time. Sleep can also affect our immune system; poor sleep can cause us to be more likely to become sick if exposed, and can also affect our recovery rate. As far as hydration goes. it can impact our huger levels, joint and eye lubrication, digestion, our skin, circulation, transporting nutrients, and maintaining body temperature.

5. Take time every day for something you enjoy, even if it’s just 5 minutes. This can be a book, a show, a short walk, meditation, a stretch or foam roll, a dance party, a call or porch visit with someone you love, doodling, journaling, hand knitting, anything that you enjoy that can serve as a reset and a happy distraction.

I’d love to hear about how you’re navigating this time and anything you’re doing to spark a tiny bit of joy right now.

To bring an extra little joy to this post, how about a Beautycounter giveaway? Leave a comment below and I’ll pick a lucky winner to receive a Vitamin C serum, charcoal mask, and some of my favorite healthy treats. I’ll announce this winner in this week’s Friday Faves post.



The post 062: 5 simple ways to cultivate joy and care for yourself during this time appeared first on The Fitnessista.

The Annual Pile on the Miles Running Challenge Starts Nov 1st! Join now to see how many miles you can run or walk this month! Get the FREE printable Running Tracker and Chase down your goals. Plus there are daily check-ins here and on the @RunEatRepeat Instagram account to help you stay accountable and motivated. ... Read More about Pile on the Miles Running Challenge 2020

The post Pile on the Miles Running Challenge 2020 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

섭취 열량을 줄여 체중을 줄이는 방법은 대개 신진 대사율을 줄여 체중 감량을 더욱더 어렵게 합니다. 우리 몸은 체중을 안정적으로 유지하는 경향이 있습니다. 주의 깊은 과학적 연구는 간단한 섭취 열량 제한이 대사율을 감소시킨다는 것을 실험적으로 입증했습니다 반대로 의도적인 섭취 열량 증가는 대사를 촉진합니다 섭취 열량 제한을 통해 체중을 감량한 경우, 대사율이 떨어지기에 감량한 체중을 유지하기 어렵습니다...

通過減少卡路里來減肥通常會降低您的新陳代謝速度,從而阻礙進一步的減肥工作。我們的身體傾向於保持穩定的體重,即所謂的 “身體固定體重”。. 仔細的科學研究通過實驗證明了簡單的卡路里限制會降低代謝率 另一方面,故意熱量過高會提高代謝率 如果代謝率下降,熱量限制後很難維持體重減輕 通过 Jason Fung, 博士, 的联合创始人 The Fasting Method, 翻譯: 葉世明(Simon Ip) 我們都聽說過減肥的建議,您只需簡單地計算卡路里,少吃些即可。我們也知道,這種建議很少,即使可行的話。其失敗的主要原因之一是新陳代謝率的下降,或者是人體每天消耗的熱量所消耗的卡路里數量。儘管這對於某些人來說可能是個新聞,但數十年來,這已成為科學事實。值得一提的是,在25年前的1995年發表於著名的《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》上的經典研究之一,看看可以學到什麼。 總能源支出(TEE)和減肥. 在該實驗中,對41名體重穩定的受試者(一些肥胖者和一些非肥胖者)進食了45%碳水化合物,40%脂肪和15%蛋白質的流質飲食。調整了“食物”的攝入量以達到實驗性減肥或增重的目的。換句話說,食物中的大量營養素組成保持不變,只有數量有所變化才能達到理想的減肥效果。這類似於“減少卡路里”以減肥的標準建議。雖然使用這種方法可以減輕體重,但總能量消耗(TEE)會有什麼後果?如果以“卡路里攝入量/卡路里輸出量”為框架,那麼問題是,當您僅通過降低“卡路里輸出量”來減輕體重而又不改變食物成分或進餐時間之類時,卡路里攝入量會怎樣? 一組針對體重減輕10%,另一組針對體重增加10%。體重增加後,受試者恢復到初始體重,然後又實現了10%或20%的體重減輕。發生了什麼?這是圖形形式的結果: 讓我們看一下體重增加10%的人群。為了增加體重,人們每天增加近500卡路里的能量消耗。卡路里輸入/卡路里輸出理論的主要假設之一是,響應熱量變化,TEE不會變化。也就是說,如果您吃更多的東西來增加體重,那麼您的能量消耗將保持恆定,因此多餘的卡路里會簡單地以人體脂肪的形式沉積。這顯然是不正確的。為了應對體重增加,身體正試圖將其燃燒掉!但這不是大多數人感興趣的部分。 當您通過減少卡路里的數量來減肥時會發生什麼?事情開始變得非常有趣。隨著體重恢復正常,TEE也恢復基線。隨著體重減輕10%和20%,人體每天可減少TEE約300或400卡路里。 人體通過減少TEE(一天燃燒的卡路里數量)來應對因卡路里減少而導致的體重減輕。這將大大減緩進一步的減肥,並強烈鼓勵體重恢復。飲食。如果您想通過減少進食來減肥(以減少熱量作為主要飲食),那麼您可以在這裡“ WTF?!! OMG,太爛了!” 讓我們將其放在飲食環境中。假設我們體重穩定,每天進食約2000卡路里的熱量,燃燒約2000卡路里的熱量。我們決定要減肥,因此我們採用卡路里計數和卡路里限制方法,而不改變食物的種類或進餐時間,只改變部分食物。這是醫學專家給出的相當標準的減肥建議-誤食控制部分飲食的技巧。我們將每天的卡路里消耗從2,000卡路里減少到1,700卡路里/日。 最初,體重下降完全符合您的預期。太棒了!我們的褲子合身好一點,甚至我們的岳母都說我們看起來不錯。成功!但是隨著時間的流逝會發生什麼?我們的身體立即做出反應,將TEE降至每天約1,700卡路里。因為我們使用的能源較少,所以我們可能會感到寒冷,疲倦,痛苦和飢餓。如果您曾經吃過熱量限制飲食-您可能知道這種感覺。但是我們看起來不錯,而且正在減肥,所以,嘿,值得。 幾個月過去了。隨著能量消耗的下降,體重減輕減慢。每天吃1700卡路里的熱量和燃燒2000卡路里的熱量意味著每天300卡路里的赤字。但是每天進食1700卡路里的熱量,僅燃燒1700卡路里的熱量就意味著完全沒有體重減輕。決心打敗這件事,我們進一步將卡路里減少到1600 /日。減肥再次開始,但我們的身體通過進一步降低TEE做出反應,減肥再次停止。這只是數學。即使您嚴格遵守熱量限制飲食,也會發生這種情況。 但是較低的TEE意味著您感覺更冷,更餓,更累,這似乎在不減輕體重的情況下是不值得的。灰心喪氣。厭倦瞭如此糟糕的感覺,我們增加了卡路里攝入量 – 達到每天1800卡熱量。超過目前的1600,但低於原來的2000卡/天。由於TEE僅1600卡路里,而您正在吃1800卡路里,因此體重開始恢復。 我們感到自己失敗了。我們認為這是我們的錯。我們的醫生,營養師和其他醫學專家默默批評我們“失敗”。其他人則默默譴責我們缺乏“意志力”,並提供了毫無意義的陳詞濫調,但沒有任何解釋。聽起來有點熟?是的,我是這麼認為的。 但實際上,失敗不是我們的失敗。實際上,控制飲食的比例保證會失敗。在過去的100年中,它已被科學和實驗多次驗證。我們認為它起作用的唯一原因是因為每個人 – 醫生,營養學家,“科學家”,媒體 – 都使我們相信,這全都與卡路里有關。也就是說,與食物有關的唯一影響體重增加的因素是您一天中攝入的卡路里數量。沒有東西會離事實很遠。 我們攜帶多少體內脂肪就像一個恆溫器。在您的房間中,您可以設置一個理想的溫度-通常為室溫,大約22攝氏度。如果您的房屋溫度過高,則恆溫器會打開空調以使其冷卻。如果房屋溫度過低,則恆溫器會打開暖氣以對其進行加熱。最終結果是房屋保持相對穩定的室溫。 車身設定車身設定重量(BSW)。如果吃得太多(卡路里過多),您的身體將增加燃燒所補償的卡路里數量(TEE增加)。如果您吃得太少而減肥,那麼您的身體會減少燃燒的卡路里數量(TEE減少)。兩者都會使車身更接近其BSW。難怪減輕體重是如此困難! 因此,成功實現長期減肥的最重要問題不是“如何減少卡路里攝入量?”我們要回答的問題是“如何降低體重?”與人體所有事物一樣,我們的體重由荷爾蒙控制,而不是控制卡路里。 有關更多信息,請參見肥胖代碼  進一步了解Pique空腹茶。  有關禁食的教育知識,支援和群組,請轉到禁食方法。

Losing weight by cutting calories generally decreases your metabolic rate which hampers further weight loss efforts. Our body tends to maintain a stable weight, the so-called ‘body set weight’. Careful scientific studies experimentally demonstrate simple calorie restriction reduces metabolic rate On the flip side, deliberate caloric excess increases metabolic rate Maintaining weight loss after caloric...

Perder peso al reducir las calorías generalmente disminuye tu tasa metabólica, lo que dificulta los esfuerzos adicionales para perder peso. Nuestro cuerpo tiende a mantener un peso estable, el llamado "peso corporal fijo". Cuidadosos estudios científicos demuestran experimentalmente que la simple restricción de calorías reduce la tasa metabólica Al contrario, el exceso calórico deliberado aumenta...

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re enjoying the week so far. I feel like I’m finally coming out of a post-celebration and birthday blur. The Pilot turned the big 4-0 on Saturday and P turned 5 on Monday. Since the Pilot was hitting such a milestone birthday, I really tried to brainstorm ways to make it special considering the circumstances. Originally I had wanted to plan a destination party and have our friends from all over meet up with us to celebrate for a weekend. Obviously that wouldn’t be the best idea right now, but figured that the two of us could have a short getaway.

The best part is that it was 100% a surprise for the Pilot! I very rarely get to surprise him – I feel like he knows everryyyytthing lol – and he didn’t know where we were going until we were almost to the airport. (Let me just throw it out here that it took a ton of planning but was so worth it!!) We spent 24 hours in Vegas and it was the perfect low-key celebration before family dinner on Saturday night.

(Dress is here!)

A few people asked me about Vegas during COVID and I did a ton of research before our short trip.

Here are some of the things I noticed/learned:

– We stayed at the Bellagio which is one of our faves and I read in a few forums that they really went above and beyond during this time. The Pilot and I joked that this is probably the cleanest Vegas will ever be. They had hand sanitizer and hand washing stations in the casinos, plastic partitions, masks required inside, the whole deal. When we got up from a small table after enjoying breakfast and coffee, a lady instantly appeared and was sanitizing it.

(A welcome bag in our room with masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and a door opener)

– We flew Southwest, which is what we used to fly to Colorado. They’re still keeping middle seats open and it was totally fine

– We got car service so we wouldn’t have to ride the shuttle (<— our usual Vegas pick because it’s inexpensive and fun) or an Uber/Lyft.

– We did the things we usually do here in Tucson: wore masks when indoors or around groups of people, washed our hands, and favored outdoor activities when possible

When we got into town, we checked into the room and then went downstairs for caviar. It’s one of our Vegas traditions to get caviar from the piano bar downstairs and it didn’t disappoint. We had amazing shrimp cocktail, drinks, and people-watched.

After caviar, we walked around on the Strip for a while and did some damage at the Forum Shoppes in Caesar’s Palace.

After shopping and walking around, we hung out at the hotel for a bit and then got ready for dinner at Eiffel Tower. (Pro tip: call instead of making reservations online! I wasn’t charged and we had an incredible window table.)

You guys. I didn’t know if the food at Eiffel Tower would be overhyped but it was AMAZING. It might have been the best restaurant salmon I’ve had. It was in a savory pinot noir buerre blanc with leaks and a crispy panko topping. The only thing that was a little meh was the chocolate soufflé dessert. (I mean this one will always be #1 in my heart.)

The next morning, we slept in, grabbed coffee and breakfast at the hotel, and headed to the airport! It was the perfect short and sweet trip, and also really special because we haven’t had a night away in years. With our move to Tucson, the deployment, straight into airline interviews, training, and the Rona, we haven’t been able to take a couple’s trip. When we got back to Tucson, we picked up the girls, the Pilot opened his gifts from us, I frosted his bday cupcakes, and we headed to dinner at Tanque Verde Ranch.

We wanted to pick an outdoor spot for his birthday dinner and it was perfect. They had live music and the food was wonderful as usual. We were even greeted by an entire family of javelina who like to hang out for scraps!!!

The best cupcake toppers:

The birthday guy:

I wanted to thank the lovely person who recommended making a video montage for the Pilot for his birthday. It was a HUGE hit. This is the site I used and he really loved being able to see birthday wishes and videos from friends and family members all over the world.

Sunday morning was P’s birthday party! I wanted to throw a small outdoor get-together for her and her friends from preschool. We had it at the same spot where the girls take horse lessons, and they had farm animals for the kiddos to pet and hold (bunnies, chickens, goats) and they each got to ride a horse during the party.


Since it was in the morning, we had the most amazing breakfast spread from Prep & Pastry: mini pastries, egg sandwiches, bacon, and sausage. I just grabbed cupcakes for dessert from Whole Foods. It was the perfect low-key celebration and the kiddos had a blast.

Party favors!

I also ordered little horse bracelets, horse stickers, and then added some treats like Annie’s gummies, lollipops, and mini stampers.

Last week was pretty insane getting everything ready for Vegas and P’s party but I’m happy to say we’ve made it to the other side. Now we just have Halloween this weekend….

What are you guys doing for Halloween this year? I’d love to hear your plans and anything creative you’re doing to celebrate. What are your kids going to be?



The post weekend bday festivities appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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