As a mom with two young daughters, I love learning about and sharing mom hacks. Anything we can do to make this wild journey a little easier, and I’m a fan. I asked for your best mom hacks on Instagram – they’re genius and so helpful!
I can’t believe the girls are already 9 and 5. (How does this happen?!) This little crew brings me more joy and happiness than I ever thought was possible. They challenge me and crack me up I’ve done the solo parenting thing for stints longer than I’d like while the Pilot’s been away for work, so I’ve definitely come up with a few mom hacks over time. I LOVE mom hacks, life hacks, anything hacks, so anything to make the days easier is welcomed advice in my world.
Especially as the world is slowing “opening back up,” we’re resuming busier schedules and filling our calendar with summer activities. We don’t have regular childcare, and so mom-ing full-time while running a multi-faceted online business is lot to juggle most days. I reached out to you all on Instagram to ask for your best mom/parenting hacks. I will certainly be implementing some of these myself!
Your Best Mom Hacks
“When my kiddo wants a toy I’m not buying, I take a picture of him with it and send to Santa.” (We do this one, too! I say, “Let’s take a picture and add it to your wish list.”)
“I let the kids use bubbles in the kitchen. Then I wipe down the floor and call it clean.”
“Socks for my younger two (6 & 8) go by the front door, not their bedrooms, to put on as we leave.”
“When you strip the beds, use the pillowcase to dust the furniture in the room.”
“I always park near the cart return so it’s quick and easy when I come back to the car.”
“If it’s a choice between two things, I suggest the thing she SHOULD choose second. It always works.” (Why is this always the case?! It totally works)
“I use your car wash hack when I need a minute of peace!” (I still use this one! When everyone’s a little crazy, I’m like, “Hey we need to go wash the car.” As we’re showered in colorful bubbles, the kids ooh and ahh, I get 3 minutes of peace, and we’re all reset after we leave.)
“Make your husband do all the nighttime wake-ups.” (THIS. The rule is whenever he’s actually home, nighttime wakeups are just for him.)
“Apply sunscreen when they’re in their carseats, strapped in.”
“Every kid gets one color of cup for water and that’s the only one they can use all day.” (We need to do this. I find cups all over the house.)
Some of my own favorite mom hacks:
- Never leave the house without water and snacks for everyone in the car, no matter how far or how long we’ll be driving.
- Wash their hair the second the get in the tub. This way, if we have to get them out if they’re bickering, etc., everyone is already clean and ready to get out anyway
- Emergency lollipop. This was a huge one when they were little, but I always had at least one lollipop in my purse. If someone got cranky in the grocery store checkout line, I had NO problem handing them a little sugar to get us through the next 5 minutes. I don’t like to reward tantrums with sweets but sometimes in an emergency, you do what you gotta do. (Now that my kids are older, I’ve slyly handed a mom an emergency lollipop a time or two. On an airplane, I thought the mom was going to kiss me lol.)
- Always have a couple of band-aids in your purse, too, for your own kids or another kid who may need one.
- Anything you can pack or do the night before, do it. It makes mornings so much easier when snacks and lunches are already packed, clothes are out, and water bottles are ready to be filled.
More of my mom hacks are here!
So please: drop all of your favorite mom or life hacks on me! I love them!
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