Sharing some of my favorite channels for free YouTube workouts online.
Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you’re having a good morning so far. I’m doing the usual studying for Precision Nutrition and looking forward to cooling off at the pool later. It’s that lovely time in Tucson when you should probably hide out in a pool or AC.
Last week, I did a poll on IG to see if you were still working out at home or had gone back to a gym or studio since it reopened. A majority of you said you were still working out at home! While I definitely missed the energy of group fitness, I have fallen in love with home fitness again. I forgot how convenient it is to work out at home without needing to *get dressed.* You just grab your equipment and go for it! (The kids are awesome while I get in a short workout. They play together or watch a show, and then they know we’ll usually head out to do something fun as soon as I’m done.)
Today, I wanted to share some of my favorite YouTube channels for workouts since so many of you are still working out at home! (Also, if you’re rocking the home workouts join Fit Team – last call!! I was supposed to close it last night but am giving an extra 24 for those who missed it. I’m not sure when I’ll open enrollment again and you will loooove it.)
Best YouTube Fitness channels
1. Fitness Marshall
Fitness Marshall is one of my #1 choices when I just want to move and have a ridiculous smile on my face the whole time. His dance cardio videos are a blast and he cracks me up. If you need a mood boost, put on some Fitness Marshall workouts for 10-15 minutes and it will turn your whole day around.
2. Yoga with Adriene
I LOVE Yoga with Adriene, especially because she doesn’t try to “talk like a yoga teacher.” (You know what I’m saying, right?) She talks like a normal person, and has wonderful flows and cues. She has a lot of different types of classes on her channel and classes range from restorative and very beginner level so more advanced flows.
3. Jessica Valant Pilates
Jessica is a great friend of mine and I look up to her so much. She’s so knowledgeable and real, and her amazing YouTube channel is a reflection of the type of person she is. She has a variety of workouts on her channel, with an emphasis on corrective exercises (she’s a physical therapist) and Pilates. Definitely check it out.
4. Nicole Pearce
Nicole is another friend, and I love her style of teaching. She teaches Megaformer classes and group fitness, so I feel like a lot of her class designs are intended to make you BURN and challenge you to the max. She uses a lot of compound exercises, pyramids, and tiny pulsing movements. Check her out here.
5. Bad Yogi
Another friend shoutout 🙂 Erin is amazing and I also love her style of teaching yoga. She reminds me of Adrienne in the sense that she talks to you like a normal person. She also uses corrective fitness and strategic designs in her classes, which range from yoga for back pain, happy hips, yoga to wake you up, and balancing flows. If you’re looking for a unique twist on traditional yoga classes, she’s your girl.
6. MadFit
MadFit has dance cardio, short strength workouts, one-song workouts, stretch, and HIIT. I haven’t tried a ton of videos from her channel, but I really like her dance cardio style. It’s the perfect workout when you want to get in some movement but don’t necessarily feel like an intense HIIT class or run.
7. Popsugar Fitness
The Popsugar Fitness channel has a huge variety of workouts, from yoga and barre, to HIIT, strength, core work, Pilates, pretty much everything you can wish for. The only problem is a lack of consistency to the quality of these workouts. Some of them are excellent, while others are meh. I love the variety but haven’t loved all of the classes I’ve tried.
8. Kayla Itsines
Kale Itsines is the queen of cardio-heavy circuit workouts. They’re all quick (around 28 minutes) and combine a mix of cardio and strength work using dumbbells or bodyweight. I feel like the workouts always look easy on paper but when you try them, they’ll kick your booty. Her channel mostly consists of workout tutorials for the full workouts.
9. Coach Kel
Coach Kel has a great mix of barre workouts on her channel. They’re more dancer-based than classic barre (different than Physique57 or Pure Barre) but are challenging and she gives great cues. I also like that she doesn’t have an over-the-top fitness personality – sometimes YouTube fitness instructors are a liiiiiittle too high on the faux energy for me if ya know what I mean.
10. Shamless plug here for my own YouTube channel!
If you’re looking for new barre, quick HIIT or total body, or ab burners, subscribe to my channel here!
So tell me, friends: what’s your favorite YouTube channel for workouts? Any fitness instructors you LOVE? Shout it out in the comments!
10 of my favorite online fitness trainers
The post Best YouTube Fitness channels appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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