This week in Megan’s blog:
Fasting Basics: What to do if you’re struggling to get through your fast? Part 2
“Nobody in history ate six or eight times a day!”
truLOCAL TV host and Nutritionist Stephanie Kay sits down for part two of her interview with Dr. Jason Fung to talk about all things intermittent fasting!
Megan Ramos will be speaking at the Low Carb Real Food Show
Join Megan on November 3 in Toronto, along with special guests Jeff McCann and Carolann McCann. Organized by TFM’s own Andrea Lombardi, TFM is the platinum sponsor of the event.
Don’t miss our social grand opening day!
Keep an eye out for a new series of live talks from Megan, Jason and some of the TFM coaches. The festivities kick off at 8:45 AM ET November 5th on Facebook – with following events also taking place on IG Live and in the membership community.
8:45 AM ET – Megan Ramos (Facebook Live)
9: 45 AM ET – Brenda Zorn (Facebook Live)
10:45 AM ET: Nadia Brito Pateguana (Facebook Live)
11:45 PM ET: Megan Ramos (IG Live)
1:45 PM ET: Terri Lance and Larry Diamond (Facebook Live)
4:15 PM ET: Megan Ramos and Dr. Jason Fung (Live in the TFM Community)
Join in the next group fast
Next week Brenda will be practicing Time-Restricted Eating (TRE) in the Group Fast. She will be looking at techniques like 18:6 or 16:8, and talking about eating windows, meal timing and many more techniques that will help you prepare for more skilled fasting.
Three Things I learned from Low Carb Houston
The event just wrapped, and we want to share some of the great info we heard.
John Clary
1. It’s fairly well known that a ketogenic diet has been used to successfully treat epilepsy for over 100 years. Continuing research indicates that it may also be useful in treating other neurological problems, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and others. This is due to the insulin resistance of the brain which affects how the brain uses glucose. Burning ketones as fuel gives the brain an alternative energy source and there is some evidence that these conditions may be improved or slowed. Of course, we make ketones by reducing the amount of carbohydrate in our diet and by adding fasting.
2. Each person has a personal fat threshold. This threshold determines how much fat a person can store under their skin as adipose tissue. This is the fat that is stored on our arms, legs, buttocks, belly, etc. This contrasts with the fat that is stored around the organs, which is called visceral fat. This is where the fat starts to become stored once the body has stored what it can under the skin, once the person has reached their personal fat threshold. This is the more problematic type of fat – the fat that is stored in the pancreas, in the liver and in other organs. You can’t see this fat with the naked eye but it is a sign of hyperinsulinemia – too much insulin in the blood – and can contribute to explaining why people can have type 2 diabetes without being outwardly fat looking.
3. There are many people in the low-carb community who have a passion for helping others improve and regain their health through food and fasting. There was a lot of sharing and caring. The movement is getting bigger and stronger. (And most seem to love feasting on Texas barbecue!)
Terri Lance
1. Undiagnosed diabetes, hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome are all highly correlated with sexual dysfunction in BOTH men and women. When doctors have patients reporting sexual dysfunction, testing for components of metabolic syndrome should be a standard screening decision.
2. Folks with type 1 diabetes can learn to dose insulin in ways to maintain more consistent blood glucose when implementing a ketogenic or LCHF way of eating, thereby avoiding the hypoglycemia and recovery glucose swings.
3. There is no evidence that having higher cholesterol, and even higher LDL, are causal for cardiovascular disease or risk of heart attack. In study after study, older individuals with higher cholesterol and LDL are at lower risk for all causes of mortality.
Larry Diamond
1. From David Diamond (no relation) and Dr. Nadir Ali, I learned how a new class of statins called PSK9 worked. They block a natural mechanism that resists letting LDL inside of cells. Why do we have it? LDL is used for many things. When fighting infection, it helps us to have higher levels. The number needed to treat with PSK9 is 48. Need to treat 48 people for one positive outcome. And they’ve never been studied long term.
2. Learned a great saying from my IDM Colleague, Brenda Zorn, to help with longer fasts and getting comfortable going longer. She said, ‘it’s 80% psychological and 20% electrolytes.’ I’m going to use that with myself, my wife and my clients. We tend to get hungry at 24 hours and then again on day two. Take salt, stay busy, see if it passes. Maybe try some Fasting Tools if not. Very useful saying.
3. From Amy Berger, I learned about the deep connections between insulin resistance and Parkinson’s disease. I suspected that. But she then presented studies and evidence linking insulin resistance to multiple sclerosis, ALS and Huntington’s as well. What all of them have in common is a disrupted energy supply. Both fasting and a low-carb diet to produce ketones seem to help all conditions. It’s very promising.
Trust the Process
Coach John Clary reminds us that it’s about progress, not perfection
We are all at different points in our journey. We have different goals. But one thing that happens to most everyone, sooner or later, is that our progress slows. Our circumstances change and we’re not getting the results we want, as fast as we want. It is not uncommon to become discouraged.
It’s important to remember that reaching our goals is not necessarily a linear process but may be a series of ups and downs. The trend is what is important. If your goal is weight loss, it’s not at all uncommon to have your weight go up at times. The body is adjusting. If your goal is reversing type 2 diabetes, there may be times where your glucose goes up. The body is adjusting. Whatever your goal, it’s probably not going to be a straight line.
Eating real whole foods in real meals, no snacking, is a recipe for success for weight loss, reversing or stabilizing metabolic diseases and improving insulin sensitivity. Do not be discouraged, this process is about progress, not perfection. If you are not getting the results you want, consider changing what you’re doing. It might be a good time to re-examine what you are eating. Modifying your fasting schedule or eating window might be in order.
Above all trust the process.
The post TFM Round Up – November 1, 2019 appeared first on The Fasting Method.
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