This week in Megan’s blog:
Fasting Basics: What to do if you’re struggling to get through your fast? Part 1
We now have weekly ZornFasts!
Next week, join us for Brenda’s Extended Fasting challenge in the membership community!
IDM Members
Quick and easy recipe
Try some flavourful Greek Chicken Burgers!
Did someone say burgers? Check out this recipe from our friends at truLOCAL! Jam-packed with fresh Greek flavours, this unique take on a basic burger will take mealtime to the next level. (And, keep in mind: buns are always optional!)
PLUS, don’t forget to use our exclusive promotion code IDM25 to get $25 off your regular sized box of locally-sourced meat & fish!
truLOCAL is a Canadian company that connects consumers to local farms, giving them access to high-quality meat and fish products that are often hard to access otherwise. truLOCAL lets you shop online, with delivery to your door if you’re in one of their distribution areas.
Respecting the Dignity of the Journey
Change is a personal decision, advises coach Larry Diamond, not something you can choose for anyone else.
Deciding to go on a health journey and make sustainable lifestyle changes is a very personal decision.
It usually happens thanks to a unique combination of intrinsic factors. It’s called ‘Finding Your Why.’ It’s often the critical element for success in a health journey. Seemingly, all of a sudden, everything is different. Changes and paths forward appear clear and achievable. You start focusing on everything you’ll gain, instead of what you will give up. Hope and determination are both at highs.
When and why this happens usually can’t be forced. And we certainly can’t force a ‘Finding Your Why’ moment in anyone else. Respecting the dignity of the journey means respecting someone else’s process, timing and decision to not embark on changes or a health journey at the same time as you. Or, not at a time you would wish them to.
Realizing this also helps you protect your energy. It helps protect both parties from frustration with one another – and having someone shut down and potentially be driven further away from necessary change.
What can you do? You can continue to lead by example, and share support and understanding any time you’re asked. We do watch and learn from one another. Taking your health into your own hands and healing means a lot to the people in your circle. Others can sometimes make your choices for themselves. It’s a human thing. Friends and family are used to a certain relationship and habits of being together. Express your feelings if this becomes problematic, but remember that your changes, through no fault of your own, may evoke strong feelings in them.
Ultimately, you’ll be an example to all around you. You never know what seeds you’re planting. They make time to sprout, but it’s much better to wait for fertile soil – soil that is enriched by finding our whys.
That makes for the most successful and lasting health journeys.

How Nutrition-Tech Could Save Our Healthcare System
And Billions Of Lives Around The World

Tips from Men’s Health
4 Changes You Need To Make If You Want To Lose 5kg

Another IF success story
One woman lost a remarkable seven stone with this diet plan
The post IDM Round Up – October 18, 2019 appeared first on The Fasting Method.
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