Oh hello there. I feel like I’m coming out from a cloud of partying and planning all week long! It feels weird to be back in real-life mode.
We celebrated the Pilot’s birthday, went to Trunk or Treat, and the following night was P’s birthday party at Pump It Up with all of her little friends from school. She requested a Frozen theme, and my friend Amy one again made the most gorgeous cake. Can you believe it tasted even better than it looked?
(The mountain LIT UP! She also made Liv’s Toy Story birthday cake and Meg’s baby shower cake. Her designs are insanely gorgeous and the cake itself tastes like a dream. If you’re in Tucson, hit her up if you’re looking for a special occasion cake or cupcakes!)
The kids arrived, jumped their little hearts out, and they also did a balloon drop – 100 balloons were dropped from the ceiling. They went crazy!
We hired a glitter tattoo artist to do glitter tattoos for the kiddos,
and ate pizza, wings, veggie tray, popcorn, cake, ice cream, and cupcakes.
The lil treat bags:
(I wanted to play off the “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” song and ordered these melting snowman kits for each kid. I also added some candy and a Frozen slap bracelet to each bag. Easy peasy.)
The birthday girl herself:
Everyone had a great time, but we decided Pump It Up isn’t our favorite birthday party spot. (I think we like Get Air much better. Get Air lets you bring in whatever food and drinks you’d like, and Pump It Up forces you to order from a limited menu that they mark up and order from Domino’s. I totally get that it’s how they make money, but it’s kind of a bummer to have a party and not be able to bring in food or even order what you’d like. They were also super regimented about weird things – like some kids came out of the room to get glitter tattoos and they didn’t let them go back in, even though they still had 10 minutes of jump time left – and it was kind of a buzzkill if that makes sense.) For Liv’s party, we’ll prob scope out other options, especially since a couple of fun new kids’ spots have opened.
The partying continued through the rest of the weekend! P’s birthday was Saturday, so we all went to Prep and Pastry for brunch after dance class,
(when your Bloody Mary has an appetizer as a garnish)
and later that night, everyone came over for dinner and pumpkin carving.
The Pilot wins the prize for best pumpkin. He did the guy shrugging emoji.
Our masterpieces:
(Wearing my fave Amazon shirt)
One of my favorite things in the world is having everyone over at our house, hanging out, eating, and the cousins all running around. The Pilot asked what I wanted to do for my bday (it’s in November) and I said, “This. Food, drinks, cake, and the fam.” That’s all you really need, right?
HIIT Bootcamp started this week and I’ve loved seeing everyone’s check-ins on social. It’s going to be a great 4 weeks.. and I’m excited for a little group motivation this time of year.
Hope your week is off to a lovely start and I’ll see ya soon! Thanks for checking in today. <3
The post Party people appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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