truLOCAL TV host Stephanie Kay Nutrition sits down with Dr. Fung to talk about all things intermittent fasting!
How can I test my insulin levels? Can it be done at home?
Over in the Member’s area, IDM’s Andrea Lombardi talks best practices when it comes to testing insulin levels.
IDM Members
Healthy fats, happy brain.
Polyphenols are an important element to good health
Healthy fats and polyphenols make for a happy brain.
Polyphenols are micronutrients we get from certain kinds of plant-based foods. Full of antioxidants, they have positive effects when it comes to diabetes, weight management and some common and pervasive diseases.
When it comes to polyphenols, think berries and beans, nuts, vegetables and dark chocolate, as well as black and green tea and red wine. It’s best to source them naturally, but you can also take them through supplements.
Considering Water Retention
IDM coach John Clary explains the link between carbs, glycogen and water
The healthy human body is made of about 80% water. Some of us have even more, due to water retention, especially if we eat the typical western diet high in carbs and processed food. Each gram of carbohydrates, stored as glycogen, retains about four grams of water.
When change our way of eating to real whole food in real meals, and no snacking, we often lose a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time. Often, this initial weight loss consists of water that the body was retaining.
High insulin levels can make us retain water and salt. When we change to a diet low in carbs and eliminate processed food, glucose levels are lowered, and less insulin is required to help metabolize the food we eat. In addition, when we fast, glucose and insulin levels may drop dramatically because there is no food to metabolize.
This is a two-pronged approach to improving glucose levels, insulin levels and insulin resistance. Eating real whole food and fasting work hand in hand to improve insulin sensitivity!
Keep in mind that when the body is not continuing to retain an excessive amount of water and salt, it’s important to stay hydrated! Try a search here on the website to find articles and videos on hydration.

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How Dr. Jason Fung Helped Me Take Health To A New Level

When to eat and when not to eat is the question.
So you want to try intermittent fasting. Here’s how to do it.

A fasting success
Woman loses 95 pounds in less than 1 year with keto diet, intermittent fasting
The post IDM Community – October 1, 2019 appeared first on Intensive Dietary Management (IDM).
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