The next step in how the process of egg freezing works – this is all about the shots. I mentioned in my last video that I thought the shots I was going to have to give myself where going to be super easy – like an epi-pen. I thought they’d be automatic and I’d just click it into my stomach super quick and easy and be on my lil way.
Yeah… no.
It was a lot more complicated than that.
But it was do-able.
I think the fact that I assumed it would be so easy but then realizing it was a real injection made it more difficult. My expectations were incorrect and that led me into this process a little more overwhelmed than if I knew from the start it would be a real shot with real measurements and real needles.
Note: No one straight up told me it was going to be an epipen style injection. I saw that some of the shots are available in a pre-measured and ready to go injection like an epi-pen in my research. And I always assume medicine and technology are moving fast and updating faster so if I see something online – tech or in this case medicine is already a step ahead. I don’t know why I think that… maybe wishful thinking? Well, at least I have an optimistic mindset – right?!
The point is – I had to give myself REAL shots with REAL needles. And I had to mix some of the injections with liquid and/or mix them together to get the right dosage. So I was combining multiple liquids and vials of medication and carefully filling up the shots for the prescribed dose. Then, cleaning off my stomach with a little alcohol wipe and giving myself the injection.
I’ll go into more detail on the step by step process of the injections soon. But for now I wanted to share a short video of me actually doing one of the injections for anyone that’s curious or wants a peek at what it’s like. I wish I would have had a video like this to watch before I started the injections and then I might have had more realistic expectations. Maybe.
Egg Freezing – How the Injections Are Going…
Want more? Check out the other posts in this series…
Egg Freezing Series:
and now I’m covering how the injections are going!
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Note: I’m freezing my eggs and sharing the process through a series of blog, social media and video posts. I’m sharing MY journey through real time video updates and check-ins, but please remember I’m not a medical professional. These posts are not intended to be suggestions or advice for anyone – they’re just a documentation of my egg freezing experience. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, routine or doing any medical procedures.
The post Egg Freezing–How the Injections At Home Are Going appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
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