This month has seen us prepare to take MAN v FAT Football down under as we gear up for the launch of MAN v FAT Soccer – our little Australian baby (or should that be joey?), which kicks off in September. I’ve also been enjoying a spot of indoor cycling as the weather has gone all British again. But I’m not complaining about the weather, instead I’m quietly excited about the return to soup, stew and stodge. Healthy stodge, of course. Here’s what we learned in August!
Masturbating probably won’t help you lose weight
We get a lot of traffic from people Googling whether masturbation helps you lose weight, and up until this month, they’ve been left bitterly disappointed. So this month we asked MVFer Liz (sorry Liz) to look into whether masturbation actually does help you lose weight, or if it’s just the pipedream of a randy fat man. Well, it gets your heart rate up, right? Sadly, you’re better off doing some actual exercise. Duh.
Another thing we learned this month is that there are a lot of suggestive stock photos out there. So er, thanks, to whoever takes the time to take photos like this brilliant hot dog one.
Eating fish could help protect you against Parkinson’s
A protein found in fish called parvalbumin is thought to prevent the formation of protein structures found in people with Parkinson’s disease. Up your intake by eating more fish high in parvalbumin, such as salmon, herring and cod.
Setting goals can help you lose weight
We’ve gone back to basics this month and looked at how setting goals can help you lose weight. But you’ve got to get detailed – it’s no good just making a vague vow to lose some weight. Set your SMART goals with our guide here.
It’s harder than ever to lose weight
Well, sort of. The science of losing weight hasn’t changed, but our lives have. As Dr. Meir Stampfer, a nutrition expert at Harvard puts it, “there is so much great-tasting food, and it’s abundant and in your face all the time. To me it’s kind of a miracle that people aren’t even heavier than they are”. You can read more about this, plus a few tips for boosting your chances of long-term weight loss, here. (It’s aimed at women, but still has some good and relevant advice).
Half of Brits have no idea how much water they should be drinking
While we all know that it’s important to keep hydrated, a study by British Summer Fruits found that a lot of us have no idea just how much water we should be drinking. If this is you, check out our guide to how much water you should drink here. The company also found that 9 out of 10 adults surveyed add squash to their water to make it more appetising, but that a worrying 23% simply opt for fizzy drinks instead.
The keto diet can help kids with epilepsy
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the keto diet was another modern weight loss fad, but actually, it has been used since at least the 1920s to help reduce seizures in children with epilepsy when drug treatments don’t work. Read more facts about keto here.
How was your August? Come and blow your own trumpet over on the forum!
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