Chronic fatigue syndrome is a lifestyle disease that takes a toll on your health. There is no actual cure for this health issue. You need to follow strict lifestyle, diet, and activity guidelines to ensure that your chronic fatigue syndrome is under control.
Is it that you feel tired almost all the time? Does it exhaust you completely to even do the most basic minimum physical activity.? Are you often plagued by aches and pains that you find no explanation to? If the answer to all these question is a YES, then you are most likely suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Research has shown that people who have low immune system, and those who are leading a stressed out lifestyle often start showing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Men and women in the age group of 25 onward are prone to suffering from this, as their lifestyle stress increases. In fact, with the current trend of stressful student life that most teenagers have to deal with, they also start showing signs of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Most typical signs of this disease include excessive tiredness, headaches, sleep disorder, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes etc. Since this diseases almost prevents you from doing any physical exercises, you are in the danger of putting on weight if you are not mindful of what you are eating.
How should you manage
Chronic fatigue syndrome has a major impact on your quality of life. You need to get all your blood tests and other medical tests done to rule out other types of diseases like low or high BP, blood sugar, or thyroid disorder, since all show similar symptoms.
While, there is no real cure for this condition. But with little effort you can make a difference and improve your life. Here’s what you can do to manage this disease:
Boost your immune system with a healthy diet and added supplement recommended by your doctor.
Adjust your timetable according to periods that you feel most energetic. Do little physical exercises that can eventually prolong your high-energy periods.
Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine which can disrupt your sleep further.
Go to bed when you feel sleepy. Try to get up the same time every day. Start a calming wind-down activity before your bedtime to get a good sleep.
Do some activity and rest if your tiredness returns. Try to increase activity level slowly. Avoid too frequent naps.
Do not ignore your muscle or joint pains. Get massages and take low grade painkillers as recommended by your doctor.
Go for regular exercise therapy with a physiotherapist. Scientific research shows that it has a major impact in alleviating the symptoms.
What is chronic fatigue syndrome?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by any underlying medical condition.The condition worsens with mental and physical activity.
What causes chronic fatigue syndrome?
The possible causes could be hypotension (low blood pressure), viral or bacterial attacks, weak immune system, stress, and hormonal imbalances.
What are the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome?
The most common symptoms include excessive and unexplained exhaustion, aches all over the body, and sleep disorder.
The post 7 Ways To Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome appeared first on Truweight Blog.
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