July 2018

Let’s talk tofu? What exactly is it? Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food cultivated by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. Now is it healthy? Soy from tofu and soy milk may be protective against and used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Daily consumption of one or two servings of soyfoods like tofu is associated with improved survival and lower recurrence rates in breast cancer patients. Tofu consumed as part of a whole-foods, plant-based, low-carb diet may reduce LDL cholesterol levels.


Now what can you make with tofu? You would be pleasantly surprised with all the amazing recipes you can create with this plant-based foods. I wanted to share my favorite recipe with you that I love your going to love.



Crispy Tofu “Chicken” Fingers


  • 2packages firm tofu
  • 1/2cup nutritional yeast
  • no-salt seasoning, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside (or use a Silpat pad).
  2. Drain tofu and press slightly with napkins or paper towels. Cut each tofu block into 12 equal slices. Slice the block in half, then slice each half in half again–now you have fourths. Cut each fourth into 3 slices, about 1/4 inch thick.
  3. Pour 1/2 cup nutritional yeast into plate. Coat each slice of tofu in nutritional yeast. Start with the edges then do the larger sides, this will minimize buildup on your fingers. Lay each slice on your prepared baking sheet.
  4. After all slices are coated, sprinkle liberally with your favorite no-salt seasoning.
  5. Bake in the oven, at 375 degrees for 30 – 40 minutes (depending on your desired crunch). You do not need to flip the slices during baking. You’ll know they are ready when the edges are just starting to get brown and lift off the pan.
  6. Let the fingers rest for at least 5 minutes before using a spatula to remove.


The post Let’s Talk Tofu appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

Settling into a well designed, regular health routine can be a major triumph in our weight loss journey - until it's not. While we're certainly creatures of habit, we're all prone to restlessness. At some point, we're drawn to novelty as much as comfort. Sure, it can take a while to figure out what foods and workouts put us in the sweet spot for weight loss (not to mention life balance!). As hard won as this regimen may feel, eventually we can tire of the same exercise circuit or meal lineup. Simple tweaks in our weekly routines, however, have the power to stir up new enthusiasm and even push us to the next level in terms of physical change, metabolic function and mental game. Do you need to rekindle your engagement with your program? Check out these 10 ways you can use the "new" to your advantage. 


How I curl my hair with hot rollers! This video is a long time coming – it’s one of my most requested videos! And I’m finally posting a quick tutorial on exactly how I do my hair. The delay was mainly because I usually just throw hot rollers in my hair, put on make-up, change and then go on with my day – in a big rush (picture Stitch trying to get ready in the morning). So I knew it wouldn’t be perfect and I was waiting to have the time to set up the camera somewhere with great lighting, take my time, part my hair in perfect sections, have mood music in the background…

Beachy Waves Hair Tutorial (800x800)

Then, I remembered – you know I’m just me and not fancy and don’t really expect a big production video. And I’ve really wanted to get this to everyone who’s been asking for the longest time! So, I threw this together and should have probably left the hot rollers in longer. And I didn’t flip / shake out my hair as enthusiastically as I usually do – but I was a lil afraid I’d knock my head on the counter and pass out and I’d have a concussion…

Point is – I hope this is helpful and informative even if it’s not perfect. Thank you for letting me know what you want to see / learn / know from me! And keep it coming! You can ask a question or make a request in the comments or on @RunEatRepeat via Instagram.

beachy waves hair tutorial with hot rollers (450x800)

How to watch my videos on Instagram TV:

Go to @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and check out the IGTV button under my profile. They are ordered left to right with the newest videos added on the left. Slide to see previous videos. I have a lot of Q&A videos up too.

* @RunEatRepeat Instagram TV Channel *

How to watch my videos on YouTube:

Check out the Run Eat Repeat YouTube Channel –  and please subscribe so you don’t miss any new videos!

* Watch the Beachy Waves Hair Tutorial video here *

How to watch it live and in person:

Or you can watch me live and in person by standing outside my bathroom window. 

* You must make an appointment ahead of time so I can inform the homeowners association or it’s considered ‘trespassing’ or sometimes ‘stalking’… I don’t know the official legal terms. On second thought – just watch it one of the other ways listed above. *


I’ve used a lot of different brands and styles of hot rollers in an effort to find the BEST one. Here are some options that I think work great.

First keep in mind my hair might be different from your hair. So, you might need a different type of roller or to leave it in longer or …. I don’t know. But you should. Know yourself (mind, body, hair, heart) and what you need.

NOTE  –  The hot rollers I have and most of my recommendations DO NOT turn off automatically. I’ve actually never used a set that does have an auto turn off – but I saw someone mention it in the reviews on Amazon and wanted to make sure to let you know. You must unplug the hot rollers base when you are done.

My hair description notes:

– Red : I’m a natural redhead aka my hair isn’t dyed =  I don’t have any potential damage from dyeing my hair. So I’m not super concerned that using hot rollers will damage my hair since it’s pretty healthy. I also think using hot rollers are less damaging than using a curling iron or straightener in terms of heat damage – but I haven’t researched the facts on this.

– Long : um, long as in not short.

– I have a lot of hair, but not course or thick strands of hair: in addition to being long – I also have a lot of hair. I need a set of hot rollers that can hold all of my hair. This means using a set with a lot of rollers or a set where the rollers are long and able to hold a lot of hair on each one. I think having a set with claw clips and not wire pin type clips are the way to go.

– Straight: My hair is naturally straight and doesn’t really hold a curl when it’s clean. And it doesn’t hold a curl all day. My curls look best the day after washing it.

best hot rollers for long beachy waves tutorial (534x800)

The Best Hot Rollers for Beachy Waves:

Calista Tools Ion Hot Rollers – These look most similar to the hot rollers I have. There are 12 long rollers and it comes with claw clips.

Revlon Travel Hot Rollers – I’ve used these for traveling and like them. But I would use claw clips with them to make sure they stay in place. There are 10 of these rollers (my usual set has 12) but I can make it work no problem.

Revlon Perfect Heat Hot Rollers – This is a set of 20 and comes with claw clips.

Conair Instant Heat Travel Hot Rollers – Rollers look similar to my hot rollers and it comes in a soft, small case that works for travel. But this one doesn’t come with claw clips (you should buy them separately).

Claw Clips to use with hot rollers – If your hot rollers don’t come with claw clips – order them and just use them with what you have.


Let me know what videos, podcasts and blog posts you’d like me to do next!

Email – RunEatRepeat@gmail.com

Call – 562  888 1644 to leave a voicemail message

The post Hair Tutorial–Beachy Waves with Hot Rollers appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

swimming for weight loss

Written by Marlee B

A swimming pool might not be the first place you think of going when you think of working out. Dry land is a more common choice.

But swimming has been found to help people of all ages and sizes build lean muscle and trim out their waists and hips.

No other workout burns calories, boosts metabolism, and firms every muscle in your body (without putting stress on your joints) better than a few laps in a pool. And you don’t have to be an Olympic gold medalist to do so!

Today I am going to cover the fat-burning benefits of swimming to help you understand the effects of an efficient swim workout!

Calories Burned While Swimming

There are several body-shaping benefits to swimming workouts. First, it is a great way to maintain a moderate heart rate that is within your fat-burning zone.

A slow-paced swim workout can burn up to 500 calories per hour, while a vigorous effort can torch almost 700. However, these calorie-burning ranges often vary and stack up differently to other endurance activities like cycling and running.

The number of calories you burn is based on several factors. But the following chart is a decent estimate for calories burned per hour for different body types:

-A 130-pound person will burn 590 calories per hour swimming vigorously, and 413 swimming easy

-A 155-pound person will burn 704 calories per hour swimming vigorously, and 493 swimming easy

-A 180-pound person will burn 817 calories per hour swimming vigorously, and 572 swimming easy

-A 205-pound person will burn 931 calories per hour swimming vigorously, and 651 swimming easy

Swimming calories burned

Body weight plays a big factor in the calories that are burned while swimming, but generally, the more you weigh, the more you burn.

Swimming for Strength

swimming for strength

Another benefit to swimming is that water, which is nearly 800 times denser than air, creates a mini-resistance workout for your entire body with every kick, push, and pull.

This makes for an awesome workout! It’s especially good for your core, hips, arms, shoulders, and glutes, allowing you to blast calories all while you are building lean muscle!

Swimming also improves coordination, balance, posture, and flexibility which helps maintain a healthy weight.

For those who have painful joints or difficulty moving, swimming is a well-suited activity. However, if lap swimming is a little too intense, a good alternative is aqua jogging.

Aqua jogging is simply running in the water with the help of buoyancy. This way you are able to get all the benefits of running or walking but without the impact.

It’s a great start to an exercise routine that will improve your health and boost your mood if you are absolutely new to physical activity!

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Swimming vs. Running

The act of swimming is different from other exercises. While it makes you lean and mean, it is also kind to your body.

You become virtually weightless when immersed in a pool, so it relieves stress on your knees and ankles (this is what we call “low impact” exercise). There is no “landing” involved as it relates to running, which is the tendency to land with your heel out in front of you. This is like putting on the brakes with every step.

Gentler forms of cardio like swimming are perfect for beginners, athletes overcoming injury, and anyone who wants to get a great workout with less risk of injury because it is super easy on your joints and body in general.

Swimming isn’t a fatigue-free activity, however. Although it has the ability to isolate our cardiovascular system much like running, our muscles work differently in water than they do on land.

Our lungs are forced to adjust to a new way of breathing and swimming requires every muscle in our bodies to keep us moving forward and staying afloat.

Other Effective High-Impact Exercises

kami jumping high impact

Running isn’t the only exercise that’s high-impact, and potentially hard on your joints. High-impact exercises are performed in programs like CrossFit, P90X, and Insanity, and include moves like burpees, box jumps, high knees, and so forth.

While not quite as gentle on your body as swimming, high impact workouts can offer quality and great variety. From machines to home exercise, and outdoor activities to fitness classes, high impact workouts get your heart rate up quickly, improve stability, and strengthen your bones.

In the same way that strength training builds stronger muscle, when you subject your muscles or bones to a resistance they aren’t used to, they grow stronger in response!

However, high-impact exercise can produce forces on your body up to 2.5 times your body weight. This puts a major strain on your joints, ligaments, and tendons and has the potential to result in injury. Swimming helps avoid this because it’s an exercise that does not place weight on the joints.

Swimming won’t necessarily save your joints from certain problems you may have, but it can help! This is because moving the knee in an active swim workout promotes muscle strength and is good for the fluid that cushions the knee.

Swimming is considered one of the better ways to exercise your legs without causing damage.


a girl about to start swimming for weight loss

It’s totally possible to crank out a killer calorie-burning low-impact workout in the water!

That’s not to say that high-impact workouts don’t have their place, but it’s important to know which is best for you. Not everyone is comfortable in the water, but with practice, it does become easier.

Keep in mind that the type of exercise you choose is less important than the fact that you are actually doing exercise! Exercise alleviates stress and improves coordination, balance, and posture, all while allowing you to (hopefully) have fun!

So whatever your workout, whether on land or sea, don’t be afraid to try a new regimen to find what you enjoy – and stick to it!

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The post Swim It Off: Swimming for Weight Loss appeared first on IdealShape.

Hi friends! How are ya? Hope you’re having a lovely morning. I’m catching a barre workout today, editing the podcast for tomorrow (be sure to catch it here!) and heading out swimming with the girls. Just living that Tucson summer life until school starts again! 

Their back-to-school wardrobe got an awesome boost when their first Stitch Fix boxes arrived a couple of weeks ago. They’ve seen me get fixes for years now – since Liv was a tiny baby! – and would often ask where their boxes were. (Thankfully Mac and Mia was created so they could have a similar experience. We’ve done a few of their deliveries and love them.) When I told the girls that these Stitch Fix boxes were for them, they were soooo adorable and excited about it. They couldn’t wait to open them.

First kids fix

Stitch fix for kids

To be totally honest with you guys, my last few Stitch Fix deliveries have been a bit of a bummer. They sent me some weird pieces including a dress with intense palm tree print all over it, so I didn’t have super high hopes for the kids boxes. I thought maybe we’d keep a few things and just kind of get the feel for it, especially since it’s a newer service.

I was BLOWN AWAY by all of the amazing stuff they sent for the girls!

Stitch fix kids

Our first Stitch Fix Kids delivery:

I had filled out their style profiles online and it was fun to note their personal preferences and the types of styles they usually enjoy. For example, Liv is a little more sporty than P, and also a little bit more adventurous on the fashion front. P only wants to wear dresses right now – she basically acts like she’s on fire if I try to suggest shorts and a top for her to wear – so they sent her quite a few new dresses in her fix.

Right away, Liv was stoked about the new rose gold sandals. The fit her perfectly and she’s been wearing them to church and out to dinner ever since.  

Livi bear

She loved all of the clothes she received so much, we ended up keeping everything in her box. It was a fun mix of dresses for school, tops, shorts, and the beloved sandals.

P immediately started trying on all of the dresses in her box. She wore a beautiful red Kate Spade dress the rest of the day and was as happy as a little clam.

Stitch fix kids review

We ended up keeping almost everything in her fix, except for a pair of shorts and a top she’d never wear. 


Some of the things I loved about the kids’ fixes:

– They really paid attention to the notes in their style profiles. I had answered that a giraffe was Liv’s favorite animal, and she received a shirt with a giraffe on it. I feel like the fixes were extremely personalized for each girl.

– The price points!! I was expecting it to be expensive, especially since Mac & Mia is pretty pricey. I was surprised by the prices, because most of the shirts were $14 to $20 and the most expensive piece was P’s Kate Spade dress at $34. 

– High quality. The clothes all felt like they were well-made and like they’d last playtime, school, and running around. 

– CONVENIENCE. This is my #1 favorite thing about Stitch Fix: they pick items just for you that you can try on at home and send back what you don’t like. Shopping with the girls is a little crazy right now – they just toss things into the cart with wild abandon and I almost always forget the most important items on our list – but they still need new clothes. Trying on at home is a thousand times easier than lugging them to the mall, especially when they’d rather be playing or doing something fun. 

If you’d like to try out Stitch Fix for kids, my referral link is here! 

Friends with kiddos: where do you shop for school clothes? Do you shop with your kiddos or prefer to do it solo? 

Where did you do most of your back-to-school shopping when you were a kid? I still remember Mervyn’s vividly haha.

Hope you have a great day and I’ll see ya in the morning with this week’s podcast episode all about acupuncture. 



The post Stitch Fix for Kids Review appeared first on The Fitnessista.

If yours is anything like ours, the office is like one big fat trap that can negatively affect your weight loss.

Scary stuff considering that most Americans spend more of their waking hours at work than anywhere else. All that office time isn’t just giving you money, it could also be giving you fat.

According to a study, the average American worker spends 47 hours per week at work—a little more than nine hours per day. If you’re sleeping seven hours each night, that’s still an hour more than you’re spending not at work. That office time could be making your weight loss journey harder.

Healthy hint: A Nutrisystem plan goes perfectly with your busy schedule because all of the meals and snacks are healthy and perfectly portioned, so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck in a fat trap. Click here to get started and see for yourself! >

Avoid these nine fat traps and stay on track to your weight loss goal:

Fat trap #1: You clock in and stay glued to your chair.

You may have heard that “sitting is the new smoking,” and that’s because the average American under the age of 60 spends six to eight hours per day sitting, according to the American Heart Association. That amount of sedentary time increases risk for chronic disease and even death, and if it’s interrupted, it can keep your body from burning fat. Scientists at the University of Missouri found that enzymes in the blood vessels of your muscles that are responsible for burning fat actually “shut off” within a few uninterrupted hours of sitting.

So get up! Walk to talk to a coworker instead of messaging them on email, walk to get a glass of water. In one study at Stanford, researchers found that people who walked on a treadmill or path outside gave more creative responses on a test designed to measure creative thinking than those who took the test while seated.

Six Simple Desk Exercises

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Fat trap #2: You eat lunch at your desk.

Same idea, but working through lunch actually compounds all-day sitting by making your lunch less satisfying. Multiple studies have shown that “mindful eating,” where dieters focus on being aware of the food they’re eating and the act of eating it, has helped people lose weight without focusing on calories. Eating while distracted means you’ll need more saltiness, more sweetness and more crunch to feel satisfied with their food.

To try this practice, put your work away while you eat: Switch off your monitor, put your phone down and focus on the colors, flavors and textures of your midday meal. You could be less hungry in the afternoon and could also help your blood sugar. In a three-month study from Ohio State, patients with Type 2 diabetes significantly lowered their blood sugar through this technique.

How to Bounce Back After Overeating

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Fat trap #3: Group lunches at a local restaurant.

Heading out with coworkers can be a great way to network, blow off steam or just take a pleasant break from the office. However, be mindful that restaurant portions can be much bigger than your weight loss plan allows—and you might not recognize it. According to a study in Nature, Americans correctly guess the amount of food in a portion only about half the time. (Nutrisystem is known for offering perfectly portioned meals so you don’t have to guess. Click here to see how it works >)

If you can, be prepared: Look up the menu (and calorie count) online before heading out, so you know what fits your plan before you arrive. If the calorie count isn’t available online, know that most restaurant portions are too big by about half: Cut your order in half right when it arrives and plan to take the rest home.

Going Out to Eat? How to Master the Menu

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Fat trap #4: You skip lunch.

It may seem like a great way to cut a bunch of calories and get back on track, but skipping a meal can cause your metabolism to slow, according to Nutrisystem dietitians. Translation: Your body is burning fewer calories at rest, so while you may have eaten less, you’re shedding less in the long run.

Nutrisystem dietitians suggest eating every three to four hours to maintain energy, keep blood sugar steady, and keep your metabolism churning at full steam.

7 Things Nutrisystem Counselors Want You to Know

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Fat trap #5: You start the day with a big, creamy latte.

Even with two percent milk, a large latte from a popular coffee chain can have 250 calories—more than half of what most weight loss plans recommend you get from your whole breakfast.

If you need a boost, stick with black coffee. It could actually help you burn more calories. Some foods are thought to increase thermogenesis—the production of heat in the body—and this results in increased calorie burn. Caffeine was found to boost thermogenesis in one study from 2012, meaning that if you drink it, you’ll be burning more calories than if you didn’t. The study also notes that caffeine could give you more energy, so the added calories burned may be offset by this energy.

From Frapps to Capps: 8 Coffee Types & How They Fit with Your Diet

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Fat trap #6: You don’t keep a water bottle at your desk.

When you’re dehydrated, researchers at the University of Utah say your body can burn up to two percent fewer calories at rest. Also, your mind often signals “hungry” when you’re really just thirsty, so not drinking water during the day can make you feel like you want a diet-busting snack, when in reality all you need is a cold sip.

Keeping water at your desk can also help enhance your weight loss efforts: In one 2003 study, scientists found drinking two liters of water daily can increase your calorie burn by 400 per day. That 400-calorie difference means you could lose a pound in less than two weeks—even if you changed nothing else. If you have the water before lunch, even better: In a study from Virginia Tech, subjects who drank two eight-ounce glasses of water before meals lost 36 percent more weight over a 12-week period than those who didn’t drink. That could also be because the subject seems were fuller from the water and couldn’t eat as much.

10 Simple Hacks to Help You Drink More Water

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Fat trap #7: You keep a dish of candy on your desk.

It’s nice for people that come in for a meeting, but bad for your waist line. When temptations are close by, you’re more likely to indulge: In a study involving a candy dish, scientists found that people ate 1.8 more pieces of candy per day when the bowl was placed on their desk as opposed to two meters away. So do away with the dish or share the candy in a common area instead.

Fat trap #8: It’s your coworker’s birthday … and there’s cake.

Remember how Americans are bad at eyeballing portions? The same study found that they’re even worse when judging portion sizes of snacks and sweets. So if you’re going to join the celebration, be aware—grab a really small piece that fits your plan and savor it, eating mindfully to maximize satisfaction. Or better yet, enjoy one of your sweet Nutrisystem treats while everyone else indulges.

If you have trouble with willpower, check in with your goals before going. Keep photos or quotes on your phone or desk you can easily reference to strengthen your will power and remind yourself what you’re after. Just be sure that any photos you choose are realistic. In one study from the Netherlands, dieters who consistently looked at pictures of models who were TOO thin engaged in more “goal-inconsistent” behavior than those who looked at normal-sized models.

27 Motivational Quotes for Weight Loss Inspiration

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Fat trap #9: You deal with stress by snacking.

When the afternoon blahs hit—or a deadline looms—the vending machine starts calling your name. However, the snacks behind the glass won’t help you feel satisfied: They’re carb-heavy, nutrient-lacking snacks that will only make you crash soon after.

Nutrisystem dietitians recommend eating a snack that combines fiber with some healthy fats. Both of these nutrients will help you feel full fast and stay feeling full longer. Both can help you lose weight faster, too. Try pairing an apple with a low-fat string cheese or cut veggies with a measured portion of hummus. Eat mindfully, so you’ll feel more full and then, if you can, step outside for a moment: A dose of sunlight can increase your levels of serotonin, a “happy” hormone. You’ll return to your desk full, refreshed and ready to tackle anything. Click here to find convenient, healthy snack options that have all of these recommended nutrients to get you through the day >

13 Healthy Snacks to Beat the Afternoon Slump (Flex-Style!)

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The post 9 Fat Traps at the Office You Need to Avoid appeared first on The Leaf.

Most people are surprised to learn that strawberries aren’t actually berries at all—botanically speaking, that is. This member of the rose family is the enlarged receptacle of a flower. Regardless, of its origins, the strawberry is a delicious and healthy fruit that is packed with vitamins and minerals. In fact, strawberries are actually higher in vitamin C—and lower in calories—than oranges. They also contain folate, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, and magnesium—making strawberry recipes the ultimate (and healthy) treat.

In addition to being nutritious, strawberries are also an incredibly versatile fruit. They can be sliced, baked, pureed or even just eaten whole. Their sweet flavor makes them ideal for healthy snacks and desserts that will satisfy a sweet tooth without derailing one’s healthy lifestyle.

5 Foods that Boost Your Brainpower

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Here, we’ve rounded up 12 delectable strawberry recipes that are as healthy as they are delicious:

1. Strawberry Icebox Cake with Lemon >

strawberry ice cake

To kick off our strawberry recipes, you can have your cake and eat it, too! If you’re looking for a delicious strawberry dessert that’s also simple to make, then this just may become your go-to recipe. This icebox cake is made using only six simple ingredients. It has the flavors of vanilla, lemon, and of course, strawberry, all wrapped into one delicious cake. For all that flavor, it’s surprising that a serving is only 152 calories. It counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra on your Nutrisystem meal plan.

2. Sweet Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding >

strawberry cheesecake pudding

If you love strawberry cheesecake but don’t want to be bogged down by lots of calories and sugar, then you’re in luck. We’ve found a way to pack in the same flavors into a much healthier alternative—pudding! Besides eating it with a spoon instead of a fork, you’ll hardly notice a difference—except that it’ll only set you back 98 calories. The pudding features fat-free cottage cheese, low-fat cream cheese, sliced fresh strawberries, vanilla extract and stevia. Puree them together, and you’re done! It’s that simple. This sweet pudding counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra on your Nutrisystem plan.

3. Strawberry Mint Smoothie >


If you’re a fan of smoothies, this is one you’ve got to try. The combination of strawberry with some cool mint flavor is out of this world. And all it takes to make is combining strawberries with a handful of mint leaves, nonfat plain Greek yogurt, skim milk and some stevia. Blend it all together and sip away. At only 172 calories and packed with so many healthy ingredients, this is a smoothie you can feel good about. It counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel on your Nutrisystem plan.

How to Make Dried Fruit without a Dehydrator

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4. Strawberry Chia Jam >

strawberry chia jam

Jam is a great way to add some flavor—and nutrition—to your morning whole wheat toast or afternoon snack. And since this strawberry chia jam only has 29 calories per serving, it’s not adding a ton of unnecessary calories. Because this recipe uses chia seeds, you can also feel good about the fact that you’re packing a good source of omega-3s into your day. You might be surprised to know that, gram for gram, chia seeds contain more omega-3s than salmon. On the Nutrisystem plan, a serving of this jam counts as one Extra.

5. Strawberry Fields Overnight Oatmeal >


Making your own oatmeal is a lot easier than you may have thought. In this version, skim milk, Greek yogurt, strawberry jam and freshly chopped strawberries are combined with warm, fiber-filled oats. While oatmeal is definitely known for its fiber factor, oats also pack in a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as more protein and healthy, unsaturated fats than most other grains. A bowl of this hearty oatmeal will leave you feeling full on only 206 calories. It counts as one-and-a-half SmartCarbs, one PowerFuel and one Extra.

6. Kiwi Strawberry Slushie >

strawberry slushie

A delicious and healthy slushie might just sound too good to be true. But this recipe will prove it’s not. Ice, strawberries, kiwifruit, lemon juice, and water are blended together for a perfectly scrumptious frozen treat. You’ll not only get all the vitamins out of the strawberries, but the kiwi, too. Kiwi’s green flesh is full of nutrients like vitamin C, K, E, and folate and potassium. One of these slushies is just 73 calories and one SmartCarb—making this one of our ultimate strawberry recipes!

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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7. Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles >

strawberry pineapple

Treat yourself to one of these healthy popsicles for a fun way to fit more fruit into your day. Easy-to-make, these popsicles combine fresh or frozen strawberries and pineapple with some water. Freeze in a popsicle tray and—voila! You’ve got some gourmet-looking homemade popsicles that are packed with vitamins and minerals. Pineapple is known for having high amounts of vitamin C and manganese. One popsicle is just 32 calories and counts as half of a SmartCarb.

8. Strawberry Feta Spinach Salad >


Strawberry recipes don’t always have to be a dessert. Combining strawberries with iron-rich spinach punches up the nutrition factor of this yummy salad. It’s light-but-filling and makes a great flex lunch. On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, two Vegetables and one Extra. If you’d rather have it for dinner, just add a PowerFuel, such as some chopped nuts or chicken, and you’ve got a balanced meal.

9. Healthy Non-Alcoholic Strawberry Daiquiri >


If you’d like to enjoy a tasty strawberry daiquiri without the empty calories from the alcohol, then we’ve got you covered. This non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri recipe is absolutely packed with strawberries—both fresh and frozen—as well as some zesty lime juice. You’ll feel as though you’re indulging but will only be sipping a mere 55 calories per drink. A serving also counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan.

Superfood Saturday: Berries

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10. Strawberry Chocolate Protein Popcorn >


The unlikely flavor combination of strawberries, chocolate, and popcorn just works in this tasty popcorn treat. Whether you’re enjoying a nighttime movie or you just need an afternoon snack, this sweet popcorn will satisfy your cravings and only has 151 calories per serving. After popping your kernels, the popcorn is misted with coconut oil cooking spray, sprinkled with chocolate protein powder and mixed with freeze dried strawberries. It counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

11. Strawberry Delight Fro-Yo >

strawberry froyo

If you are looking for a delicious treat that won’t do any diet damage, this healthy Fro-Yo is a great choice. It features four cups of frozen strawberries blended together with honey, plain non-fat yogurt and fresh lemon juice. It’s smooth and creamy to satisfy your craving for something indulgent—even though it’s low in calories. On the Nutrisystem plan, it’s one SmartCarb and one Limited Extra.

12. Strawberry Kiwi Fruit Leather >

strawberry recipes

This homemade fruit leather is one of our favorite strawberry recipes. It’s such a sweet treat that it’s almost shocking to realize it uses not only fresh kiwi and strawberries, but also a cup of spinach! You’ll need a food dehydrator for this recipe—which is a great tool for making other sweet-but-healthy snacks such as dried fruit. Packed with vitamins, this healthy fruit leather treat is only 65 calories per serving. It counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra on the Nutrisystem plan.

The post 12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat appeared first on The Leaf.


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