For years, I’ve been saying there is no magic pill.
But, maybe I was wrong.
The magic pill is recognizing the magic pills. And avoiding them.
When you see or hear any “expert” claiming to have identified a single problem that will solve all of your issues, that’s when you know the approach is wrong.
With so many people blaming everything from fat to carbs, hormones to toxins, inflammation and dairy, animal foods, and sugar — it becomes an easy threshold to separate the shortsighted from the beneficial. If you listened to them all, you wouldn’t be able to eat anything.
Weight loss, muscle gain, and general health are complicated. There are rules and habits that will get you there. But, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all.
Learn to see the magic pills (and avoid them) and you’ll have less stress and, hopefully, better health.
The post The Magic Pill Is The Way appeared first on Born Fitness.
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