May 2020

Hello! The June Running and Strength Workout Calendar is ready to go – are you? Get the free printable calendar, running log and menu planner below. Follow along to stay motivated this month! Plus there are 2 days a week of strength exercises for runners – no weights or equipment required. These are moves that ... Read More about June Running Calendar free printable workout

The post June Running Calendar free printable workout appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Hi friends! Happy Friday! How’s the week been? It’s been a pretty good one over here, minus a little sleep regression. (We’ve been in an awesome groove for so long but unfortunately hit a regression.)

This feels pretty real to me right now:

It should be a pretty low-key weekend. We’re looking forward to swimming at my dad’s, watching the movie Scoob and I’ll be getting everything out for Monday’s Home Workout Warrior! It’s not too late to join in. The cost jumps tomorrow and I’d love to have you in the workout party. 🙂 Click here to sign up!

Fitnessista Home Workout Warrior 1

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Read, watch, listen:

We got back into watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel after taking a bit of a hiatus – we stopped halfway through season 2 and resumed it this week – and it’s been everything I needed. It’s witty, fun, and the costumes are insane. I’m excited to start Season 3 this week and see what happens!

Validation for my inability to be an early bird. 😉

One of the girls’ favorite places, Playformance, is hosting an online summer camp here with lots of class options if you want to check it out for the kiddos!

Fashion + beauty:

Did a little bit of stress shopping this week. (There are worse things, right?) Got more of these suits for the girls (gap is having awesome deals right now), a mom suit, and some casual dresses for the girls and myself. (LOVE this one.)

Overnight peel! The other day, even after not sleeping well at all, I woke up and was surprised that I didn’t quite look like a zombie… and then I remembered that I had used the peel before bed. It makes such a noticeable difference in my skin’s texture. If it’s your first time ordering Beautycounter, you get 20% off through the end of the month! (Just click here and sign up for their newsletter at the top and they’ll email you a code.) If you need personalized skincare suggestions, check out my skincare survey! I’d love to send some ideas along.

Good eats + fitness:

Coconut yogurt. I was having a hankering for coconut yogurt and hacked into a Thai coconut the other day. I posted a how-to on my IG stories, but here’s a great tutorial if you’ve never chopped one of these guys open. (My #1 tip is to place the non-hacking hand behind your back so you’re not tempted to grab the coconut as you’re chopping at it.)

For the yogurt, all you have to do is scrape the meat, add it to a blender with some coconut water, a pinch of salt and some vanilla, and blend. The texture is incredible; not gummy like many of the store-bought coconut versions can be. I just topped it with some hemp seeds and berries.

Siete chips. These are my new favorite chips!! Perfectly spicy, salty, tangy, everything you would wish for.

Replacing sitting with sleep or activity may improve your mood.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s barre workout. 

Happy Friday, friends!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

You’ve likely heard conventional advice to deal with abdominal bloating, such as eat smaller meals, avoid beans, or chew your food better.

But there is a smarter way to manage bloating: identify and address the causes. Not only does this yield relief, it can yield numerous other health benefits. It is a smarter, more effective way to deal with bloating, as well as other health issues.

The post Advanced topics for dealing with bloating appeared first on Dr. William Davis.

Yes, you are still practicing social isolation and sheltering-in-place during the COVID-19 pandemic. But you can still begin the process of reclaiming health, losing weight, and emerging from this national crisis in far better shape than when it started. And ask any successful Wheat Belly follower: Do you get sick like other people with viral illnesses every year? You will receive a resounding “NO”: people living this lifestyle enjoy a huge reduction in viral infections that plague others. We cannot claim that this makes you resistant to coronavirus, but it surely helps to achieve the higher levels of health that we achieve on this lifestyle. You may not have ready and safe access to supermarkets to make the full conversion of your kitchen to a grain-free lifestyle, but you can still take the necessary steps to transform your life.

In addition to losing weight and regaining overall health, the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox helps reverse insulin resistance, inflammation, and vitamin D deficiency, strategies that improve your immune response considerably. 

So put it off no longer: We are planning our next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge that starts on Wednesday, June 10th. This is your opportunity to seize control over health and weight, maybe even turn the clock back 10 or 20 years, look and feel better, be freed of numerous, if not all, prescription drugs.

By joining our Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge, you will have access to:

1) Our Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Private Facebook page that provides videos, success stories, and plenty of feedback and answers to your questions.

2) LIVE Facebook sessions with Dr. Davis and April Duval, our main Facebook page administrator. Dr. Davis will personally kick off the Detox Challenge on June 10th. And because April is herself an example of a fabulous Wheat Belly Detox success, she knows the ins and outs of this lifestyle like the back of her hand.

To join our Challenge, you must sign up to become a member of the Wheat Belly Blog community with an annual subscription fee of $15.99. Sign up here. Once you have signed up, you will be given access to our Private Facebook page. 

By becoming a Wheat Belly community member, you will have access to the huge number of resources available on the Wheat Belly Blog, also—additional recipes, tips, new concepts, avoiding pitfalls, etc. as well as supporting this cause and covering the costs of Wheat Belly staff.

Our goal: to help you succeed in turning around your life and health and achieve all your health goals including weight loss, getting off prescription medications, and turning back the clock 10 or 20 years.


Why the Detox Challenge?

Through my New York Times bestseller, Wheat Belly, millions of people learned how to reverse years of chronic health problems by removing wheat from their daily diets. But, after reading the original Wheat Belly or the Wheat Belly Total Health book, or even using the recipes from the Wheat Belly Cookbook and Wheat Belly 30-Minute Cookbook, people still said: “I’ve read the books, but I’m still not sure how to get started on this lifestyle.

That’s why I wrote the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox  and now help readers along in this Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox CHALLENGE. This is the quickest, most assured way to get started on regaining magnificent health and slenderness by adopting the Wheat Belly lifestyle.

We are kicking off the next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge on Facebook LIVE on Day 1: Wednesday, June 10th, 12 pm EDT/11 am CDT/10 am MDT/9 am PDT. Come join us on the private Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Facebook page:

The Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox supplies you with carefully designed meal plans and delicious recipes to fully eliminate wheat and related grains in the shortest time possible. Perfect for those who may have fallen off the wagon or for newcomers who need a jump-start for weight loss, this new addition to the Wheat Belly phenomenon guides you through the complete 10-Day Detox experience. And we will kick off this next Challenge with a live Facebook session with Dr. Davis on Day 1!

In addition to this quick-start program, I’ll show you:

  • How to recognize and reduce wheat-withdrawal symptoms,
  • How to avoid common landmines that can sabotage success
  • How to use nutritional supplements to further advance weight loss and health benefits
  • How to effectively navigate the grocery store and choose safe products

To join the Detox Challenge:

Step 1
Get the book. And read it (at least the first 5 chapters).

Detox Challenge participants should be informed and active in order to get the most out of the challenge and private Facebook group. READING THE WHEAT BELLY DETOX BOOK IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE. PLEASE DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE BOOK or else the conversations will not make sense and you will not enjoy full benefit. It is a very bad idea to try and piece the program together just from our conversations. (Note that the Wheat Belly Detox program is NOT laid out in the original Wheat Belly book.)


Barnes & Noble:


Step 2
Join the Wheat Belly Blog community to access the thousands of discussions that provide additional recipes, discussions about issues relevant to the Wheat Belly lifestyle, access the newest ideas in the Wheat Belly Blog. The cost is $15.99 for an annual subscription. Here is why we have converted to a subscription process.

Step 3
Come join the Private Facebook Group.

Step 4
Head back to the Private Facebook Group starting Tuesday, June 9th (the day before the official start of the Challenge) and onwards for tips, videos, and discussions to help you get through your detox and reprogram your body for rapid weight loss and health. Dr. Davis and site administrator, April Duval, will be posting video instructions and answers to your questions. Or just join the conversation now, as we discuss the ups and downs, share recipes, and just have fun every day!

The post The next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge begins Wed June 10th! appeared first on Dr. William Davis.

PCOS hair loss

A healthy woman without any clinical condition will have 80,000 to 120,000 terminal hairs on their scalp. But what if the woman has PCOS? Today we will brief on the PCOS hair loss and certain home remedies that can help you reduce hair fall.

Before we jump onto the causes of hair fall due to PCOS, what is PCOS exactly? PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder that is common among women of reproductive age. They generally have infrequent periods or prolonged menstrual cycles.

When a woman contains PCOS, there are a lot of health issues that occur in her; one such being hair fall. Although hair fall is not as severe as other symptoms of PCOS, hair is a most important aspect in a woman’s life, hence it is necessary to protect them.[1]

PCOS And Hair Fall

Hormonal imbalance is one of the common symptoms in a woman with PCOS. This results in a decline of metabolic rate that affects the health and physical appearance in a woman.

Among the many, hair fall is a major one. Usually hair fall can be due to:

 1. Following an unhealthy lifestyle: Unhealthy lifestyle such as partying frequently overnight, regular drinking of alcohol or sugary beverages, consumption of junk foods, sleeplessness can affect your health and in turn affects and harms your hair growth.

unhealthy eating habits

2. Unhealthy food habits: Consuming food made of unhealthy oils and sauces; fried foods; foods rich in bad fat etc can result in hair fall.

3. Environmental pollution: One of the major reasons, pollution, causes hair fall and also regulates hair growth sometimes. Not just pollution, exposing your hair to the harsh sunlight can also damage your hair.

4. Stress: Stress is common among adults today and causes many health issues. Hair fall is also one of the results of stress in you. Stress and anxiety have a far greater effect on your body than anything.

5. Deficiency of essential nutrients: It is important to consume or add healthy and nutrient dense foods in your diet. All of these essential nutrients serve each of the issues that occur in your body. Deficiency of essential nutrients can result in hair fall as well.

6. Usage of chemicals in the hair: Coloring or bleaching of hair can cause severe problems such as thinning of hair, breakage, dandruff, frizzy hair and also hair fall. Usage of curling or straightening iron can also result in hair fall.

7. Side effects of medications: Most medicines come with side effects and one such side effect is hair fall. Before you take up any medications or supplements be knowledgeable about its side effects and consult a doc.

8. Maintaining poor hair hygiene: Hair hygiene is commonly neglected by all. Irregular hair wash and hair brushing; rarely oiling of hair can result in severe damage to hair with hair loss, hair breakage and dandruff.

During PCOS, the body produces too many androgens resulting in a condition called hyperandrogenism. With this condition, the woman is likely to develop body and facial hair growth and also experiences less hair growth on the scalp.

Hair Cycle

Usually, healthy hair growth occurs at a rate of 0.35 mm/day, that is approximately 0.5 in a month or 6 inch in a year.  A new hair should start to grow soon after the old one has fallen out. At any given time, 85% of our hair is in a growth phase whilst 15% is in the resting phase 

The problem with PCOS hair loss is that the hair follicle enters the resting phase but does not re-enter a growth phase, leading to hair thinning and baldness.

Reasons For Why PCOS Causes Hair Fall

1. High Testosterone Levels

  • During PCOS, cysts in the ovaries produce too many androgens (known as hyperandrogenism), which is responsible for blocking the hair follicles thus causing Androgenic alopecia or AGA.
  • This results in hair thinning and also becomes shorter in length. Sometimes it can lead to lighter color of hair and finally stops producing.
  • Testosterone hormones split into many Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are present in the oil glands of the hair follicle. These DHT circles the receptor sites in the hair follicle resulting in shrinkage and finally killing the follicles.
  • Some women have more sensitive receptors or are more efficient in producing DHT and hence they are more susceptible to hair fall.

2. Stress

  • The “stress hormone” Cortisol hormone worsens hair loss. It can also increase your risks of more serious health complications like hypertension, increased weight, lowered bone density, weakened immune system and heart disease.


  • Stress also increases the risk of insulin resistance. So, some simple stress buster technique can relieve your stress temporarily.

3. Hormonal Imbalance And Hair Thinning

  • Thinning can often happen in the beginning stages of female and male pattern hair loss when sensitivity occurs to the normal androgen that circulates around hair follicles.
  • This sensitivity causes miniaturization and the change of diameter of the hair follicle. This type of hair loss is caused by the androgen DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone.

4. Lack Of Sleep

  • Sleep is controlled by two hormones; melatonin and serotonin. A lack of sleep will cause an imbalance in the levels of these two hormones. This will, in turn, imbalance other hormones, including insulin.
  • Regular eating will help in keeping your insulin levels normal and absorption of nutrients for healthy hair.

Truweight Superfoods To Be Added In Diet

  • Premium Foods – Tru Juice, Trugreen, Teatox-D, Trufiber-D
  • Drinks Aloe vera drink, Hibiscus tea, Wow drink, Amla drink, Shake a day
  • Snacks – Flax seed ladoo, Seeds cocktail, Almond Coconut Bar
  • Breakfast – Quinoa Dal dosa mix, foxtail millet mix, Multigrain premix Atta
  • Soups – Moringa Soup, Tomato Moong Soup

Tips To Manage PCOS Hair Loss

1. Food:

Foods that are rich in protein such as whole legumes, egg whites, fishes, lean meats, mushrooms, avocado, sweet potatoes, nuts etc can help you reduce hair fall and instead promote hair growth. One of the best-known vitamins for hair growth is Vitamin B.

2. Sleep And Exercise:

Getting enough sleep is especially important. Depriving in sleep can cause stress and anxiety and in turn hair fall. A minimum of 7 to 8 hrs sleep is sufficient. Yoga or Meditation or Exercise in the early morning can keep you away from stress and also helps reduce PCOS hair loss.

2. Reduction in alcohol:

Consumption of alcohol dehydrates your body and hence affects your hair health. Body dehydration makes the hair follicles dry and brittle causing hair fall.

3. Regular Hair Wash:

Wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo. Due to environmental pollution, dust particles accumulate in your hair causing dandruff and other hair related problems.

4. Avoid Hair Color And Bleach:

Coloring or bleaching your hair can damage your hair follicles and thus causing hair loss. Avoid the application of bleaches and hair colors on your hair.

5. Oil Massage:

Regular scalp massage can open up the pores which helps better oil absorption. It can also help your hair recover from the damage caused by hair treatments. Oil massage promotes hair growth and strengthens roots.

6. Brush Your Hair Often:

Brush your hair at least twice a day and avoid brushing wet hair. Brushing wet hair causes dandruff and hair fall.

7. Exposure To Sun:

Do not expose your hair directly to the harsh sunlight. While going out cover your hair properly with a stole or scarf.

8. Supplements:

OCP / Metformin, Essential Oils like (Rosemary/ jojoba oil), Apple cider vinegar and supplements can help promote hair growth and recover the damaged hair.

12 Easy Home Remedies For Hair Fall Due To PCOS

  • Egg Mask: Separate the egg yolk from the egg whites and beat it. Apply this egg mask on to your scalp from the root till the tip of the hair, thoroughly. Wash after an hour with mild shampoo.
  • Licorice root: Licorice root opens pores and strengthens weakened hair follicles and hence prevents hair fall. To make a paste add a tablespoon of ground licorice root into a half cup milk. Apply this to your scalp and hair length and leave it on overnight.
  • Coconut Milk: The essential fats present in the coconut milk is believed to promote hair growth and also reduces hair loss. To make this hair mask, take a medium-sized coconut and grind or grate it.

Coconut milk for hair fall

Slightly simmer it in a pan for 5-10 minutes. Apply this coconut milk paste on your scalp and the entire hair. Leave it for  20 minutes and later rinse with a mild shampoo.

  • Green Tea: Drink green tea at least 4 times a day. This relaxes your mind and keeps you away from stress and hence prevents hair loss.
  • Beetroot Juice: Regular applying of beetroot juice to the hair prevents hair loss. It helps to tighten the pores and reduces hair fall. Squeeze out the juice from the grated beetroot and apply on hair. After an hour or over, shampoo your hair.
  • Greek Yoghurt and Honey: Mix 3-4 tablespoon of Greek yoghurt with a spoon of honey and apply it on the hair. After 20-30 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Aloe Vera: Apply freshly removed aloe vera on to the hair. Leave it for an hour and wash with mild shampoo.
  • Fenugreek Seeds: Grind the fenugreek seeds and add a tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply it on the hair from scalp to tip and wash it after an hour with shampoo.
  • Onion Juice: Grind 1-2 onions and squeeze out the juice. Apply it on the hair and leave for an hour.
  • Amla and Lime: Mix amla and lime juice and mask it over the hair. Leave for an hour or overnight and wash.
  • Leaves of Chinese Hibiscus: Take around 3-4 Hibiscus leaves and one Hibiscus flower and grind them to make a smooth paste. Add a cup of low fat yogurt to this paste. Apply it on your hair and rinse it after an hour.
  • Curry Leaves: Take a hand full of curry leaves as much as your hair length needs and thoroughly blend it. Take one tablespoon of this paste and add it to a cup of yogurt; mix well. Massage this paste over your scalp and hair, and rinse it after an hour or so.


PCOS can be treated with the right and healthy lifestyle and so is hair fall. Living healthy leads many things into a better version. Stress being one of the most important aspects for PCOS hair loss, can be avoided only with your effort and has no home remedies for that. Hence always stay calm and positive.

Things like PCOS hair loss have to be understood well with respect to its cause and what can you do about it. To know and understand more about these, contact us!

The post Everything You Want Know About PCOS And Hair Fall appeared first on Truweight Blog.

Things are scary, stressful and ever-changing. However, sometimes it helps to know that you’re not alone. Everyone is being impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Together we can provide support, advice and a shoulder to lean on during these turbulent times. Singer and Nutrisystem celebrity brand ambassador, Marie Osmond, is here to give you her advice for staying healthy at home.

“Now, it’s more important than ever to take care of each other, and that starts with taking care of ourselves,” says Marie. Find out what Marie is doing to take care of herself while practicing social distancing. “We will get through this. I have faith,” she says.

How to Get Your Body Summer-Ready While Stuck at Home

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Here are four ways Marie is staying healthy at home:

1. Spending Time with Family

marie osmond

When we asked Marie who she is quarantined with, she let us know about the extra time at home that she’s been spending with her husband, Steve. “We raised kids for 36 years. This is really like the first time since we got married 37 years ago that it’s been just the two of us,” explains Marie.

Our normal lives are so busy and now we are being forced to slow things down. During this stressful and scary time, be sure take advantage of the extra time with your loved ones like Marie is doing with her spouse. Find solace in the presence of family and focus on the positive instead of the negative. “It’s nice to be with someone you love. It’s a blessing,” says Marie.

2. Meal Delivery

meal delivery service

With so much extra time in our houses, we all have unlimited access to our pantries and refrigerators. Many people are concerned about overeating and putting on the “Quarantine 15” while practicing social distancing and self isolation. Marie explains what she’s doing to stay healthy and maintain her weight when it comes to eating at home.

“It’s a great time for Nutrisystem. I’ve actually been eating some of the foods so that I don’t put too much weight on,” explains Marie. “They can deliver healthy meals and snacks that you love to eat right to your door.”

The Nutrisystem meal delivery service is a balanced and convenient weight loss program. We’re committed to helping you stay healthy and happy at home. We remain open so that we can continue to provide you with nutritious meals, snacks and desserts, as well as protein shakes to support your immune system. Our meal plans are delivered directly to your house so that you can stay safe.

“Nutrisystem is here for you,” says Marie. “We’re all in this together and we will get through this together.”

How to Stop Eating So Much During the Quarantine

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3. Staying Connected

marie osmond

Keeping in touch with your friends, family and loved ones can help you keep peace of mind during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can also help you have a little fun while you’re social distancing at home. Marie tells us about some of the ways she likes to stay connected. She also provides some ideas that she has seen help others during this time.

One of her favorite ways to stay connected is actually quite simple. “Just send a smile emoji to someone and say, ‘Know that you’re loved today.’ My brothers do that, my children do that,” explains Marie. This quick and easy text can turn your whole day around.

Marie also explains the importance of checking on the elderly. “I think that’s so important. They get lonely and they can’t do the things that we can do. It’s a great act of service in your community,” she says.

Missing game night with all of your friends? “You can play games with each other on Zoom,” suggests Marie. “Get together at a certain time and play games with each other and catch up.”

If you have little children, there are some fun ideas to keep them connected with their friends in the neighborhood. After all, this stressful and scary time can take a toll on them, too. Marie tells us about an idea that she spoke about on The Talk; “I love this thing that I read where the neighborhood put together teddy bears in the windows. As they would rotate times to take their children for walks, the kids could count the teddy bears in the windows.” She also recommends another version of this fun activity that includes hanging homemade art and drawings in the windows, since kids are unable to play with each other.

“There is just so many great ideas. Share them with each other. Keep social media positive,” says Marie. “Social media used to be about ‘look at me,’ but now it’s ‘share time with me’ and I love that. Lift each other, build each other. We’re all friends, we’re all family and we love you.”

4. Protein Shakes

marie osmond

Marie is putting her health first while she’s staying home social distancing. “It’s not about being skinny, it’s about being healthy,” explains Marie. “Especially right now.”

Nutrisystem can help you stay healthy while you stay home by delivering food and protein shakes that are nutritious and delicious. “If you want to lose a little weight and improve your health, you’ve got to try Nutrisystem,” says Marie. “They deliver your favorite foods made healthier right to your door, and you even get these delicious shakes.”

Our NutriCrush Protein and Probiotic Shakes contain a whopping 15 grams of protein and six grams of fiber. Plus, you can enjoy a delicious serving for just 120 calories and two grams of fat. “They’re full of protein and probiotics and they help support your immunity. They rock,” says Marie. “Make today the day that you decide to take control of your health with Nutrisystem. Trust me, it works.”

Looking for a meal delivery service to stay healthy at home? We’re here for you! Get started with Nutrisystem today >

5 Reasons This Is the Best Time to Start Nutrisystem

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The post 4 Ways Marie Osmond is Staying Healthy at Home appeared first on The Leaf.


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