April 2019

Does following a gluten-free diet lead to nutrient deficiencies or other health problems, as some critics claim?

You can indeed follow a healthy gluten-free diet, but avoid these common misconceptions and pitfalls to stay safe. When followed properly, you can achieve magnificent improvements in health and weight with this lifestyle. Even better, go the Wheat Belly route and be GRAIN-free, as well.

The post What’s wrong with gluten-free diets? appeared first on Dr. William Davis.

Obesity Canada’s second report card assessing access to treatment concludes Canadians living with obesity continue to be ignored by healthcare systems and health policy makers, as well as employers, compared to those requiring support for other chronic conditions 

The disparity exposes the roughly six million Canadians who may be affected by this disease to negative health effects such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, sleep apnea, reflux, depression, anxiety and more. It also puts them at risk for the effects of weight bias and discrimination at home, in the workplace, media and at school.

Key findings of the Report Card on Access to Obesity Treatments for Adults in Canada 2019include:

  • Every province and territory receive a grade of ‘F’ for public coverage of obesity medications; the federal government receive a ‘C’. 
  • All provinces that offer bariatric surgery except Quebec receive an ‘F’ for overall access to surgery, as does Canada as a whole. Quebec receives a ‘D’. 
  •  No province or territory officially recognizes obesity as a chronic disease.
  • There is a profound lack of interdisciplinary teams for obesity management in Canada, despite their recognized benefits in obesity treatment guidelines.
  • Contrasting with other chronic diseases, Canadians who may benefit from medically supervised weight-management programs with meal replacements are expected to pay out-of-pocket for meal replacement products. 

Take a look at the complete Report here.

Obesity Canada makes five key recommendations based on the 2019 report card:

1.    Governments, employers and the health insurance industry should officially adopt the position of the Canadian Medical Association that obesity is a chronic disease and orient their approach/resources accordingly.

2.    Governments should recognize that weight bias and stigma are barriers to helping people with obesity and enshrine rights in provincial/territorial human rights codes, workplace regulations, healthcare systems and education.

3.    Governments should include anti-obesity medications, weight-management programs with meal replacement and other evidence-based products and programs in their provincial drug benefit plans.

4.    Employers should recognize and respond to obesity as a chronic disease and provide coverage for evidence-based obesity programs and Health Canada approved treatments for their employees through health benefit plans.

5.    Governments and health authorities should increase the availability of interdisciplinary teams and increase their capacity to provide evidence-based obesity management.

Let’s make obesity a priority in Canada!

Please take a minute to write your federal and provincial members of parliament to demand better access to obesity treatments. Obesity Canada has launched an easy-to-use email platform that will only take a few minutes of your time. Each letter sent counts and can make a difference. 


Ottawa, ON

During the last 25 years, we’ve certified over 110,000 professionals. To celebrate our 25th year in business, we’re selecting 25 grads to showcase this year. Meet our next featured grad, Andrew Schuth, an AFPA Personal Trainer, who's been certified with us for 10+ years and has used to his certification to build a successful group fitness and personal training business.

Often labeled as a superfood, blueberries are chock-full of antioxidants. But they offer so much more than that. Blueberries contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Manganese, which is necessary for the body to build and maintain bone and connective tissue. These yummy little berries are also a good source of dietary fiber when eaten with the skin intact. Nutritious and sweet, blueberry recipes are the perfect go-to for those summer months.

Besides being such nutrition powerhouses, blueberries are also quite delicious. Their sweet flavor makes them wildly popular when baked or blended into dishes—or even just used as a yummy topping. They can be served atop oatmeal, yogurt, tarts, baked goods—or even just eaten plain and whole.

There are so many healthy ways to incorporate blueberries into your day. While you probably have lots of your own ideas for how to eat more blueberries this summer, we’ve rounded up our favorite blueberry recipes that you’re going to want to add to your list. After all, now is the time that this delicious fruit is in season.

12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat

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Check out 10 blueberry recipes that are perfect for summer:

1. No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake for One >


Few recipes are simpler than those that are “no-bake.” This recipe involves layering delicious ingredients, including a crumbled Nutrisystem Blueberry Lemon Baked Bar used for the “crust,” into a small dish or ramekin. When complete, it counts as one Nutrisystem Breakfast, one SmartCarb and one Extra. While this dish tastes incredibly indulgent, the cheesecake topping is made from healthful ingredients like fat-free ricotta cheese, blueberries and just a touch of honey—making it quite nutritious.

2. Blueberry Burst Energy Balls >

blueberry energy balls

Energy balls are all the rage and for good reason. They are easy to make, portable and packed with healthy ingredients that give you a burst of energy when you need a nutritious snack. These energy balls feature cashews, rolled oats, dates and blueberries. Everything is blended in a food processor to form a dough, which is rolled into balls—two of which count as one serving at 197 calories. On the Nutrisystem program, a serving also counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

5 Foods that Boost Your Brainpower

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3. Baked Blueberry Oatmeal Tart >


This is one of our favorite blueberry recipes and couldn’t be easier to make. It involves heating up and then topping our Nutrisystem Baked Blueberry Oatmeal with nonfat Greek yogurt and blueberries. Though it only requires simple assembly, it will give you the taste and feel of a warm homemade breakfast. And it’s healthy, too. It’s very hearty and filling, yet this breakfast is only 168 calories. And it counts as two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

4. Blueberry Nut Sweet Potato Toast >


If you like having toast in the morning, then give this no-bread, more nutritious alternative a try. It uses a medium sweet potato, cut into slices, as the base. After being crisped in the oven to create a “toast” texture, it is topped with cottage cheese, cinnamon, blueberries, nuts and honey. It’s absolutely packed with flavor and boasts the nutritional benefits of the sweet potato, including fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and several other vitamins and minerals. And for all that taste, it’s only 176 calories, counting as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Extra.

Superfood Saturday: Berries

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5. Blueberry Lemon Chia Jam >

blueberry jam

If you’re looking for a tasty but nutritious topping for your whole grain toast or crackers, then you’re going want to make this delicious jam. It combines blueberries and chia seeds, which are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and even provide a boost of fiber. Combined with the juice of a lemon and just a touch of Stevia, this jam is sweet and flavorful without being high in calories (it only has 40 per serving!). It also counts as one Extra.

6. Instant Blueberry Crisp >

blueberry crisp

Though delicious, traditional blueberry crisp is made using quite a bit of sugar and butter—and usually served with whipped cream or ice cream. We developed a healthier version that is still full of flavor and has a lot less calories and fat—plus some great health benefits such as fiber and antioxidants. It combines a package of Nutrisystem’s oatmeal (either Maple Brown Sugar or Apple Cinnamon—your preference) with a cup of blueberries. It’s really that simple! On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one Breakfast and one SmartCarb.

It’s Fruit Season! 11 Tasty Dessert Recipes Featuring Fruit

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7. Blueberry Almond Nice Cream >

blueberry ice cream

It might sound too good to be true, but with this delicious dessert you can satisfy your craving for ice cream in a healthy way. At just 131 calories, the smooth and creamy texture of this “Nice Cream” is made from combining a frozen banana with frozen blueberries and almond milk. It’s sweet and delicious while also being totally guilt-free. In addition to all the antioxidants you’ll get from the blueberries, the banana packs in some added potassium, fiber and a variety of other nutrients. This dish counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

8. Blueberry Green Tea Smoothie >


If you love smoothies, then this is one of our blueberry recipes you’ve got to try. Combining a cup of iced green tea with frozen blueberries, nonfat Greek yogurt, Stevia and ice, it’s blended to smooth perfection. This is a smoothie you can feel good about sipping. Between the green tea and the blueberries, it’s absolutely brimming with antioxidants—and only has 108 calories. It counts as a half of a SmartCarb and a half of a PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem plan.

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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9. Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes >


This patriotic breakfast is packed with protein thanks to its use of a Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake and egg whites to make the “pancake” batter. It’s then topped with a sweet berry sauce made from blueberries and strawberries and finished off with some sliced bananas. The recipe makes three pancakes, all of which count as a serving. It clocks in at only 251 calories despite being a very filling breakfast. On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one SmartCarb and one-and-a-half PowerFuels.

10. Red, White and Blueberry Smoothie >

blueberry recipes

The last of our blueberry recipes is another yummy smoothie to add to your list. This patriotic drink combines the flavors of strawberries and blueberries with vanilla for a sweet treat that is both delicious and nutritious. It uses a package of the Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake for that indulgent vanilla flavor. Counting as one PowerFuel and one SmartCarb, this smoothie will also give you a big boost of vitamin C.

The post 10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes You Need to Bookmark Right Now appeared first on The Leaf.

Got a sweet tooth? You can thank mom and dad: Some research suggests that a preference for sugar maybe programmed in our DNA. Unfortunately, excess sugar is more than just a preference for the sweet stuff. It’s a health risk.

On average, Americans consume more than 24 teaspoons of sugar every day. That translates to more than 350 calories from sugar alone. In 2009, the American Heart Association entered the great added sugar debate, adding their own recommendations for intake: 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories per day for men.

The Show-Down of the Sugars: Added vs. Natural

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Why so strict? The scientific evidence against added sugar intake is growing fast. The risk of obesity is obvious. But added sugars, especially from sugar sweetened beverages, increase your risk for dyslipidemia (fat in your blood) and high blood pressure. All of these factors are direct contributors to cardiovascular disease, raising the red flag for the American Heart Association.

Added sugar hides in many places. (Find out the top 11 sneaky sources of added sugar here.) While the natural sugars found in dairy and fruit are not a concern, sugars added to processed foods and beverages are not so innocent (Learn about the differences between added and natural sugars here). Sugar adds to the pleasure of eating, creating a cycle of cravings and crashes.

11 Sneaky Sources of Added Sugar

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Luckily, if you’re on a Nutrisystem® weight loss plan, you don’t have to worry about added sugars. The Nutrisystem weight loss program and all of the diet food choices are based on the science of the Glycemic Index, which measures the quality of carbohydrates and how they impact your blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down slowly encourage stable blood sugar levels so they rate well or “low” on the Glycemic Index. The slow and steady breakdown also produces a greater feeling of fullness. We are not a low carb program, but you are getting good carbs that are low to moderate on the Glycemic Index. However, you do need to be careful that you’re making smart choices when selecting add-ins like PowerFuels, SmartCarbs and Extras, as added sugars are often hiding in seemingly healthy foods.

So how do you know if you’re consuming too much sugar? Take inventory.

If you’re experiencing any of the six symptoms below, you may need to take a closer look at the added sugar in your diet and re-examine those nutrition labels.

1. Excess weight
The scale may tell the whole tale. See the numbers going up? Losing the weight loss battle? Faye Berger Mitchell, RD, LDN, nutritionist, author and speaker says excess sugar often translates to excess calories which will contribute to weight gain.

A review in the American Journal of Public Health published in 2007 found that higher intakes of sugar sweetened beverages were associated with higher body weights and lower intakes of other nutrients. The good news is, a decrease in consumption of these beverages was also associated with greater weight loss. Adding fuel to the fire, a larger follow up study concluded that sweetened beverages were associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Swap out the sugar sweetened beverages for water, unsweetened seltzer or iced tea. It may be the easiest way to cut calories and sugar without making dramatic changes.

7 Simple Ways to Cut Back on Sugar

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2. Breakouts
Feeling like a teenager going through puberty all over again? A study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics revealed a relationship between a high-sugar diet and acne. The more sugar that was consumed, the more severe the acne.

Sugar may increase the hormones that indirectly cause acne. The insulin spike that happens after sugar consumption may also cause inflammation throughout the body, which can wreak havoc on your skin. Avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar sweetened treats. Fill your diet with healthy fats to reduce inflammation and complex carbohydrates to help control your blood sugar.

3. High blood pressure
The Framingham Heart Study concluded that one or more soft drinks per day significantly increased the odds of developing high blood pressure. The good news? Cutting out just one sugar-sweetened beverage daily may significantly reduce your blood pressure. And so it goes: Slow and steady wins the race.

Is Your Blood Pressure Too High? How to Know

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4. High triglycerides
According to the American Heart Association, it’s an excess of added sugar—not fat—that may be to blame for those rising triglyceride numbers. This is ironic considering a fear of fat has many people opting for low-fat everything. But, in order to preserve the flavor that is lost with the removal of fat, many companies add sugar. Lots and lots of sugar.

Mitchell has found that the media often confuses people with inaccurate and sensationalized headlines. The consumer often hears one thing: Eat low-fat. Carbs good. Fats bad. But healthy fats (think mono- and poly-unsaturated fats) are not to be feared.

Mitchell recommends healthy fats in her patients’ diets. Aside from playing a key role in many internal processes, Mitchell explains that “fat is really important for satiety and fullness.” Thus, avoiding fat altogether can cause increased hunger and over-consumption. Just be sure to opt for healthy fats like those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil. And be sure to read the nutrition labels of your favorite low-fat foods. Don’t be fooled by foods that skimp on fat but pile on sugar.

Fats: The Good, the Bad & the Gray Area

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5. You crave it
Your brain sees sugar as a reward. Sugar cravings don’t necessarily mean your body needs food. Eating added sugars spikes your blood glucose, giving you that sugar high. Natural sugars in fruits and dairy may give you a boost without a high because they contain healthy fats and fiber, slowing digestion and managing blood sugar levels. Need a little help beating those sweet treat cravings? We’ve got you covered right here.

6. And then… you crash
You’ve flooded your body with sugar, and now you have to move all that glucose out of your blood. This may cause extreme peaks and valleys in sugar levels.

Mitchell explains, “Some people will experience a reactive low blood sugar after eating too much sugar at one time. Initially, the blood sugar will go up after eating sugar, and if your body is functioning properly, insulin will be released to lower your blood sugar to the normal range. In some people, though, the blood sugar can go too low and the person may become lightheaded, dizzy and shaky.”

Avoid the crash by avoiding the high. Eat when you’re hungry. Keeping your blood sugar stable throughout the day with frequent small meals containing healthy fats, protein and complex carbohydrates can keep the sugar cravings under control.

The post 6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar appeared first on The Leaf.

Hi friends! Hope you’re having an amazing morning so far. I feel like we need to talk about Game of Thrones but to be totally honest, I’ve only seen like 5 episodes. (Don’t throw anything at me. I just never really got into it.) Each time I’ve watched it with the Pilot, he’s given me thorough synopses on the plot lines and characters. It’s enough to the point where I have an idea of what’s going on. But the last episode!!! WOWWWW. So crazy!! Also, don’t watch this if you haven’t seen it yet (spoilers), but I loved this clip from a bar so, so much. Watch for the drinks thrown in the air! 

So for today, let’s talk about life hacks! Before I get into this post, I want to be very clear that I’m not writing this post from the vantage point of a life expert. I literally put my laundry in the oven sometimes and look for my sunglasses while I’m wearing them. Bu,t I’ve found a handful of rare gems that have made my life easier, so I thought it would be fun to share some life hacks with each other this fine morning.

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(The queen of life hacks, Marie Kondo. Image source is here)

Here are some of the things that first popped into my head when I came up with the idea for this post: 

Work + productivity:

– Leave the dishes in the sink. I love having a clean house, not only because it feels good and makes it way less stressful if you have impromptu guests or family over for dinner, but also because I feel more calm when my surroundings are in order. After I would drop off the girls at school, I’d easily spend 45 minutes cleaning up, and then I’d maybe catch a quick workout or get a few emails done and it was already time to pick up P. Those 3 hours go by QUICKLY. I finally realized that when the girls are in school, I need to focus on the things I can only do when they’re not home. This is work. I can do chores or cook and they’ll play happily together, but the second I take out my computer, everyone is suddenly injured or urgently needs me. So, I started leaving the dishes in the sink and doing basic cleanup stuff after I pick up P from school. 


– I take off my dip nails the night before my appointment. I’ve posted about this on Instagram, but this dramatically decreases time at the salon. I can’t sit still for that long and it feels like such a time suck! I use a rough file to file the heck out of the top coat (so it no longer looks shiny), then soak 1/2 a cotton round in pure acetone, place it on top of my nail, and wrap in foil. I let it sick there for 20-30 minutes (it just glides off after that!), and do one hand at a time so I have free use of my other hand. Even though one hand is soaking, I’m at home instead of at the salon and can still move around freely and do other things. Now my appointments take 45 minutes max, and my favorite nail tech always thanks me for taking them off in advance. She says it makes her job way easier, so wins all around.  


– You know those super bright clothes that look dingy after you wash them a few times? The color just isn’t as bright and they don’t look nearly as fresh as they did when you bought them. For these types of clothes, I do a vinegar soak before washing and they look bright and new!! You just full a bucket with cold water, add about 1/2 – 1 cup plain vinegar and soak for 15-20 minutes. Next, throw into the washer on a cold cycle, and air dry. 

Pizza night:

– When we come home with to-go boxes from pizza night, instead of letting the pizza die a slow death in the fridge, I immediately put it in the freezer. It comes in handy a few weeks later when we might be low on groceries and the girls are looking for a snack. 

I put the call out on Instagram to hear some of your life hacks, and here are some of the amazing responses I received:

Meal prep + cooking:

– Bulk meal prep for the entire week

– Buy pre-chopped onions and pre-chopped produce as much as possible

– Using my kitchen mixer to shred chicken

– Labeling all of the food that goes into the fridge! I’ve converted so many people

– I pack lunches while I clean up dinner and lay out clothes while putting the kids to bed (<— I do this one, too)

– Use Alexa for my grocery list. Have the app on your phone so you can’t lose your list!

– Freezing leftover rice/beans and other grains in muffin tins! Pop them out and store in a Ziploc in the freezer

– Setting the coffee pot the night before. Always appreciated in the morning


– Use beard dye to tint my eyebrows.. seriously life-changing and so cheap!

– Brushing my teeth in the shower


– I set alarms on my phone for things like medications, changing the litter, and drinking H2O

– Set a timer and do a quick power clean


– Breakfast in the van on the way to school. No nagging for them to hurry up or we’ll be late. (* I used to do this until a child spilled an entire cup filled of waffles and syrup down the center console of my car. Never again lol.)

– Totally put my kids in their “tomorrow clothes” when they come out of the bath at night

– Keep a paint brush in your beach bag. Use it to brush the sand off your chairs, toys, and feet. 


– Throw away all of your socks and buy all the same socks in the same color. (THIS IS GENIUS)

– Folding little kids’ laundry… wrap up piles in clean bath towel. Way easier to transport!


So friends, please share something that makes your life easier in the comments section below! I can’t wait to read about your favorite life hacks.

Have a wonderful day.



The post random list of life hacks appeared first on The Fitnessista.

In the blog:

This week from Dr. Fung: “Thin Women make more Money”

A landmark moment!

American Diabetes Association turns to low-carb

‪The American Diabetes Association has reached a consensus recommendation that, for those with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes ‬(that’s one in three Americans), low carb is the best option for improving glucose control.

Check this post from Dr. Aseem Malhotra:

Supplementing with Potassium

Coach Rachel Primo outlines what you need to know!

Rachel PrimoWe get a lot of questions about what vitamins people should take while fasting, especially when it comes to potassium.

Some people like to over-supplement, thinking that more of a good thing must be even better for you. However, in certain situations, this “more is good” theory can actually be dangerous to your health. You should always get lab tests done and speak to your primary care physician if you’re unsure of the potassium levels in your blood, and whether potassium supplementation is safe for you.

One thing I saw quite often while working in a nephrology clinic over 12 years was that there are some conditions (such as kidney failure), which can cause hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the blood), because the kidneys are not working properly and cannot remove it from the body.

Certain medications can also cause hyperkalemia, such as blood pressure medications, anti-inflammatories, some chemotherapy drugs and blood thinners, to name just a few.

Symptoms of hyperkalemia include abnormal heart rhythm, slow heart rate, tingling, chest pain and weakness. If left untreated, it can cause heart failure and even death.

Due to these dangers, the IDM team does not instruct anyone to take any potassium supplements unless we’ve seen your lab results and know your prior history. Even then, you always need to make sure you check with your own physician and get regular lab work done.

So, get educated and speak with your physician to make sure that taking potassium supplementation is safe for you!

What’s the optimal fasting schedule?

Coach Nadia Pateguana recently tackled that in a members-only Q&A.
IDM Members

Megan was in the Food Med blog

“Fasting: Quick ways to get rid of unwanted side effects.”

From the Medical News Bulletin:

“Benefits of fasting include anti-aging effects, study finds”

From Psychology Today:

“What Is Intermittent Fasting, and Will It Help Your Sleep?”

The post IDM Community – April 30, 2019 appeared first on Intensive Dietary Management (IDM).


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