Winning awards, healthy habits and making time to get a bit of fresh air – it’s this week’s MAN v FAT Newsround!
The MAN v FAT Newsround September 28th
From the MAN v FAT Football leagues
- Congratulations to player Paul Jenker for winning the Oldham Sports Award for Changing Lifestyles. He won the award for the huge changes he has made since joining his local MAN v FAT Football league in Oldham – from doing the bare minimum to going to the gym three times a week as well as his weekly MVFF game. He’s also a chef and shares his healthy meal ideas on social media and over on the MVF forum. Bravo, Paul!
In other news…
- Apparently half of the UK doesn’t have time to venture outside. According to data gathered by Jordan’s Cereals, the average Brit is spending a massive 142 hours a week indoors, equating to 53 years spent inside over an adult lifespan. 8% of participants even revealed that they cannot remember the last time they saw wildlife or greenery. Let us know on the forum what you do when you venture outdoors or if you’re in need of inspiration check out this guide from the Forestry Commission.
- Speaking of getting outdoors, our hot summer this year has also been called one of the unhealthiest according to DW Fitness. Despite dieters questioned hoping to lose 13lb this summer, the average dieter only lost 4lb.
63% of participants felt it was absolutely ‘impossible’ to get in shape this summer, stating that it was too hot amongst other reasons. A further 54% of participants admitted to actively prioritising their TV schedules over their workouts. Well, I guess it was the World Cup, oh and Love Island…
What we’re talking about
- What does a perfect week look like for you? 7 days of making progress, what goals would you choose to achieve? (To achieve, not try to! You can do it)
- @Pepzzz is asking for some advice on how to avoid snacking (this one is certainly not best answered by me!) – what are your go-to strategies? Let him know here.
- Shout out to the excellent Emma, our resident editor who got outside and started making progress on her 5K! We love ya!
What we’re reading
- Body-shaming or celebrating? WW (formally known as… WeightWatchers) decided at the beginning of the year that they were going to phase out the use of before and after photos; affirming their ideals that weight loss is “a journey of health, with no beginning, middle or end”.
Mental health and HAES (health at any size) champions are welcoming the move saying it could protect those who are vulnerable to body dysmorphia or eating disorders but photography fans are arguing it stating that it’s a brilliant way to keep track of progress and as a reminder of past successes. Read the Huff’s take on it here and let us know what you think over on the forum.
- Healthy habits are the key to sustainable weight loss claims Bond University, which conducted a study which showed that the introduction of new habits can positively affect your weight loss progress (read more on the Metro). Dr Gina Cleo suggests that habits don’t require too much self-control because it simply becomes something that you just do. She recommends top nine habits for a healthy lifestyle:
- Keep to your meal routine; consistency is key, whether you’re eating three or five small meals a day
- Choose reduced fat products
- Walk off the weight – try to walk 10,000 steps a day. Go up the escalators, stand on the bus and train, or get off a stop earlier and walk
- Pack a healthy snack: nuts or low-fat yoghurts are good
- Learn the labels: Lower in calories, fat and sugar, and higher in fibre
- Take caution with your portions. The more colourful, the better – you should have a good dose of greens on your plate
- Think about your drinks. Limit alcohol, juice, fizzy drinks and energy drink consumption, as these can be high in sugar and calories
- Focus on your food: eating slowly makes you feel fuller, therefore you eat less
- Don’t forget your five a day. Try to spread them across your meals.
What we’re eating and drinking

Pic from @amyseeksnewtreats on Instagram
Calling all fans of a certain chocolate and hazelnut spread…
Okay, so this particular product doesn’t include the aforementioned spread but believe it or not, it does include something better and more wholesome. Nature Valley’s latest nut butter biscuit is their Cocoa Hazelnut which serves as a perfect breakfast if like me, your sweet tooth is up dawn til dusk. They’re currently £2 for a 4 pack at Sainsbury’s and eaten with a cup of tea, honestly they keep me going until pretty much lunchtime.
Quote of the week
From our list of the ultimate motivational weight loss quotes comes this very wise little nugget. Want to throw in the towel? Keep focusing on your reasons for doing it in the first place.
The post Get outside: The MAN v FAT Newsround 28th September appeared first on MAN v FAT.
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