June 2018

Eating food that’s been cooked over an open flame calls to mind warm days spent relaxing in the sun. Even on an ordinary weekday, grilled food makes a meal feel more festive. Grilling is a quick way to cook all kinds of healthy foods and it keeps your kitchen clean, too. Best of all, grilling adds delicious flavor without loading up on the calories.

You probably already use your grill to cook steak, chicken, burgers and hot dogs, but many other foods taste awesome when grilled.

15 Hearty Nutrisystem Meals for Meat Lovers

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Looking for some good BBQ ideas?

Consider these awesome options when you have the urge to cook out this season.

Best Foods to grill this season:


fish best foods to grill bbq ideas

Tuna, salmon and other cold-water fish are PowerFuels, meaning they’re rich in protein and healthy fats. The omega-3 fatty acids that are abundant in these types of fish help protect you from heart disease. Look for thick, meaty “steaks,” because they hold up best on the grill.

Tip: Marinades add flavor to fresh fish and they help keep the food from sticking to the grates. Look for marinades that have little or no oil and are low in salt.


shellfish best foods to grill bbq ideas

Shrimp, clams, and mussels are tasty sources of lean protein that are full of essential minerals. Shellfish cook quickly on the grill and give you that beach clambake flavor—even at home. Brush shrimp lightly with olive oil before grilling. Grill clams and mussels with the deep side of the shell down on the grate.

Tip: Cook shellfish over direct heat and avoid opening the grill cover too often so that you keep the heat in. You don’t want to slow the cooking time or the shellfish will get too chewy.


bbq ideas best foods to grill mushroom

Instead of grilling another burger, try a meaty Portobello mushroom. This tasty vegetable source of protein is high in fiber and potassium. After cleaning the mushrooms and removing the stems (which you can use for another dish), marinate the tops in light vinaigrette for at least an hour. Grill them over medium heat for about seven minutes, then turn them over and cook for another five minutes.

Tip: Baste the mushrooms lightly with leftover marinade while they are on the grill to keep them moist.

How to Get Your Grill BBQ-Ready

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heart pizza bbq ideas best foods to grill

Wood-fired pies are so popular at restaurants and you can replicate that flavor in your own backyard. Then top your grilled pizza with your favorite vegetables, so it comes with healthy nutrients and fiber. Start with whole wheat pizza dough or flatbread brushed lightly with olive oil on one side. Place it side-down over indirect heat for one to two minutes, until the dough or bread starts to bubble. Remove it from the heat, adding low-sodium sauce, a sprinkling of fat-free cheese and grilled or roasted vegetables. Put the pie back on the grill for about five minutes, until cheese has melted.

Tip: Preheating is important whenever you grill, but it’s especially critical if you want pizza crust that’s crisp and not doughy.


bbq ideas best foods to grill tomato

Summer’s most popular vegetable becomes sweeter and richer in flavor when it’s cooked quickly over an open flame. Slice the tomatoes into halves, brush them with a bit of olive oil on the cut side and grill them over high heat for no more than two minutes. Use the grilled tomatoes with basil and a splash of herbed vinegar to make a side dish that’s high in nutrients and low in calories.

Tip: Use the meatiest tomatoes you can find for grilling. Paste varieties work especially well.


bbq ideas best foods to grill romaine

You can enjoy the savory, smoky flavor of flame-cooked food in a salad by lightly grilling heads of romaine lettuce, radicchio and other firm greens. Cut the heads in half, brush them with a little olive oil and place them right on the grates. Cook your greens on direct, medium heat for about two minutes, then turn and grill for another two minutes.

Tip: For a heartier dish, fill the grilled leaves with a whole grain or tuna salad.


bbq ideas best foods to grill lemons

Grilling citrus fruit brings out a bit of sweetness that contrasts its naturally tart flavor, while also adding a hint of smokiness. Squeeze charred lemon on fresh fish or vegetables, or use it as the acidic ingredient in homemade vinaigrette.

Tip: Cut lemons through the middle (not lengthwise) and place the cut side down on the grill, directly over the flame, for about three minutes.

10 Fruits That Taste Awesome Grilled

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The post BBQ Ideas: 7 Foods That Taste Better Grilled appeared first on The Leaf.


Whether you’re on vacation, at a BBQ with friends, or juggling the kids now that they’re out of school, creating and sticking to your health goals can be pretty tricky.

To make things even harder, it seems as if summertime introduces a whole new line of tasty temptations that are basically calling your name! Did someone hear an ice cream truck?

To help battle these cravings, I’ve put together the Three C’s of summertime snacking to help you use snacks to reach your weight loss goals!


IdealChips in the car

Having all three of my boys home for the summer while still working full-time results in life being a little crazy for me.

It seems as if I’m always rushing to a meeting, picking someone up from a playdate, or just trying to come up with a fun agenda for the day!

If you’re ANYTHING like me, we can definitely agree that convenience is KEY when it comes to summertime snacking.

If I plan or pack something messy or complicated, I know I’ll just end up ditching it for an easier option. That’s why I need something I can pack and eat on-the-go with ease.

Some of my go-to’s are cut up apples, IdealBars, carrot sticks, IdealChips, and almonds!

They’re all super easy to pack the night before, and perfect for me to eat while I’m driving, sitting at my desk, or playing with my boys.


It’s crazy and honestly a little depressing to find out how many calories some of our favorite summertime snacks actually have! It’s so important not to indulge blindly in these summer sweets, but rather to be aware of what we’re putting into our bodies. When we eat better, we feel better.

So instead of snow cones or ice cream, try opting for a colorful fruit salad or a “nice cream” recipe (see here).

Avoiding those sneaky calories and being aware of the nutrition provided by your snacks will help you stay on track and reach your weight-loss goals!



Everything seems more vibrant in the summer, so shouldn’t your snacks be too? I love to browse my local farmers market with my boys to pick out all of the colorful fruits that are in season.

Not only does this help teach them about eating healthy, but it’s also loads of fun! To fuel us for the upcoming week we stock up on berries, watermelon, and more!

I like to wash and cut up the fruit when we get home, then put them all into little baggies or Tupperware to make it super easy for us to grab them as we head out for the day.

My sons even enjoy doing color-themed days where we only eat fruit that matches the color they’ve selected. It makes things a little more fun, and gets them more involved in their snacking options!


Snacking can definitely be a major roadblock when you’re trying to lose weight, but it can also be your secret weapon helping you reach your goals!

Just make sure to pick wholesome, healthy snacks, and stick with my three C’s, and you’ll be set up for snacking success this summer!

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The post Summer Snacking Made Easy appeared first on IdealShape.

The wrists and forearms are one of the most underdeveloped muscles on the body of the average person. You hear regular gym-goers talk all the time about how great of a chest day or leg day they had, but when was the last time you actually heard someone say that they were going to work on their forearms or wrists in their next workout? Probably not very often, and that is very peculiar seeing as both the forearms and wrists are commonly injured on most people when doing very regular everyday activities, such as picking up a heavy box or using your hands to help yourself up off the couch, as well as various exercises at the gym too. It’s insane that the forearms and wrists get ignored in the average workout program, especially once you really take the time to know its importance.


Being in the gym world, I hear from clients often about having soreness in their wrists & forearms and as a result, they usually struggle with bodyweight exercises such as pushups or dips. Most people who have that type of soreness or pain in those muscles usually want to strengthen them, but oftentimes don’t know what to do to build those muscles.


So with that in mind, we’ve provided you with a 2 day per week routine to help you to strengthen your wrists and forearms today!

These muscles are just like any other muscle, in that if you exercise them correctly, you can make excellent strides in decreasing any pain and reducing the risk of any future wrist or forearm injuries.


Wrist and Forearms Routine

Perform the following routine 2 – 3 days per week for the next 4 weeks to help you to strengthen your forearms and wrists today:


Seated Wrist Flex Downs

Grab the handles on your Total Gym FIT and flex your wrist down as far as you can while holding yourself up on the sliding board. Hold your wrist flexed for 30 – 60 seconds with your elbows straight. (3 sets of 30 second holds)


Seated Wrist Flex-Ups

Grab the handles on your Total Gym FIT and flex your wrist up as far as you can while holding yourself up on the sliding board. Hold your wrist flexed for 30 – 60 seconds with your elbows straight. (3 sets of 30 second holds)


Seated Wrist Straight Curls

Begin by grabbing the handles on your Total Gym FIT with the outside of your forearms rested on your thighs and palms facing upward. Now flex your wrist upward with the handles in your hand and slowly come back to the starting position to complete each rep. (2 sets of 25 reps)


Seated Reverse Wrist Curls

Begin by grabbing the handles on your Total Gym FIT with the inside of forearms on your thighs and palms facing downward. Now flex your wrist upward with the handles in your hand and slowly come back to the starting position to complete each rep. (2 sets of 25 reps)


In as little as 4 weeks, I guarantee that you will see and feel the difference in your forearms if you consistently follow the above training program. Don’t wait until you are already experiencing pain in those muscles to begin working them, be proactive and start today.


As if the fun exercises listed above was not incentive enough for you to want to immediately start your strength training, then hopefully the following reasons will resonate with you. Here’s a top 10 list of why you should train your forearms and wrist!


10 Reasons To Train Your Forearms and Wrists

1) To rehab and/or prevent injury in your wrists and forearms

2) To increase the strength and flexibility in your wrists and forearms

3) To help increase your overall strength by helping your other muscles

4) To prevent serious medical conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis

5) To help you climb better

6) To develop a strong grip

7) To develop a strong, solid handshake

8) To provide you with a foundation for your other lifts at the gym

9) To give your forearms a stronger appearance

10) To help you with exercises such as pushups or dips


So there you have it, 10 reasons why you should exercise your forearm and wrists.

No workout program on earth should exclude wrist and forearm strengthening exercises because simply put, it is just that important to the performance of your body and achieving optimal levels of health and fitness.

The post Total Gym Wrist and Forearm Exercises appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

My name is Angela Tuggle. I am a 47-year-old wife, mother of two beautiful daughters and Mimi to two precious grandsons.


My story really isn’t any different than a lot of women out there. I got married young and we started a family right away. Before you know it, everyday life takes hold and you find yourself so busy taking care of everyone else that you’ve neglected yourself. When I found out I was going to be a Mimi a couple of years ago, something clicked inside of me and I decided it was time to make some changes.


I started a diet program and walking. I had great success and lost 60 pounds, but then hit a plateau. I was watching television and a Total Gym infomercial came on. I listened to all the testimonials and decided why not give it a try. I have had my Total Gym for a little over a year now. Since I began using my Total Gym, I have lost an additional 40 pounds for a total weight loss of 100 pounds!



The Total Gym has made me feel fit, strong and alive. I have that youthful glow again. I have an abundance of old fashioned energy. I have confidence. I can truly say that I am in the best shape of my life. This is a look stunning, feel stunning, I’ve never felt so alive lifestyle. I’ve become who I’ve always been meant to be: Gorgeous, vibrant and unstoppable! I promise you are going to love it. Give Total Gym a try.


Favorite workouts/exercises:

  • Todd Durkins Intermediate and Advanced videos
  • Squats
  • Squat jumps
  • Lunges
  • Side lunges
  • Pull ups
  • Ab crunch
  • Lat pullover with tricep press down
  • Iron crosses
  • Oblique twists


Workout developed by a Total Gym user, not a fitness professional.

The post Total Gym Addicts, Angela’s Story appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

Get the most out of everyday, especially when you travel away for a little play!

There’s something so special about seeing a new place, exploring new surroundings, or capturing moments during a special vacation. This is all part of a travel adventure, but staying healthy along the way is important too!

I have created a quick and efficient workout plan for you to learn and take with you wherever you go. It is composed of a series of 6 different workouts that can be done in any setting while you’re away.  (This is the second blog and workout in the series.) These efficient workouts are a great solution to get the best of both worlds, training without sacrificing travel adventures and fun!


Before we get into the second workout, I’d love to share my travel packing tips so that you are prepared for pretty much… anything!  What you pack in your bag can make or break an experience, especially if you’re planning an adventure or even a little sweat session!  You can always buy what you need, however, it’s best to prepare with gear you like so that it’s readily available for you to use.  Plus, you won’t waste any time or extra money in the process.

Here are some of my suggestions to make your travels an active one.

  • Athletic shoes- sneakers, especially running\ shoes, are a must when traveling and keeping active. So make sure you pack your sneakers!
  • Fitness attire- invest in lightweight clothing so that it wicks away sweat and dries quickly. There is excellent attire on the market that can be used for sport as well as casual wear. So you can workout, dry off, and be in casual wear all at the same time!  You may be a bit sweaty, but it will dry!  A little sweat won’t hurt to maximum your day!
  • Headphones- This is an item you probably don’t leave home without!  Sometimes it’s best to have a backup pair incase something happens to them or they get lost along your travels.
  • Music- good beats trigger positive energy and motivate your body to move!  So prepare a playlist that will inspire you to work hard for a solid sweat session!
  • Mat- I’ve learned from experience that investing in a light weight mat is a needed item if you plan to do any exercises on the ground. The lightest I’ve found is a Manduka EKO lite mat weighing in at 2.5 lbs!  It’s the best portable option Ive found that stays in place even when the wind is blowing.  It is thin, therefore, there is no cushion.  This mat folds up and fits into my bag making it perfect to travel with me!
  • Bands- bands are a portable and affordable piece of equipment that can be easily packed into any bag without taking up a lot of space.
  • Small ball- Packing a small, firm ball, such as a tennis ball could save you when you are sore or injured!  This is a form of foam rolling that helps to actively release any muscle soreness, tension, or tightness around the point of injury.  We all ‘pull a muscle’ every now and again… it’s not ideal, but injuries do happen. So be prepared and recover you muscles by foam rolling. 
  • Hand towel- this can be used for strength exercises, to lay on for floor work, and to wipe the sweat away!


This workout will focus on leg exercises that can be performed anywhere using your own body’s resistance.  The movements listed are similar to Total Gym exercises you may already know.


  • The exercises will be performed in circuit style, one exercise after the other with little to no rest in between.
  • Always begin your workout with a dynamic warm-up and conclude with a few stretches.
  • Aim for 20 reps for one set, or 10 reps if you do multiple sets.

You may chose to keep the workout short by performing one set of each exercise or repeat it as many times as you’d like! Therefore, your workout could be as short as 5 minutes or longer if you have more time. It’s really up to you but the goal is to be prepared and do something each day you’re away.

5 Leg Toning & Cardio Push Exercises you can do anywhere:

  1. Squats & Jumps
    • Perform a set of regular squats by pressing the hips back, keeping the chest lifted, and placing the weight into the heels.  Feel free to change your foot stance but be sure to track the knees with the toes.
    • Add a set of plyometric jumps following the squats.
  2. Reverse Lunge & Hops
    • Lunge: Step one leg behind and lower into a lunge keeping both knees in line with the toes and forming a 90 degree angle.  Repeat for the desired reps. 
    • Taps: Following the above exercise, add a dynamic reverse lunge hop by driving the knee up on the jump to increase the intensity.
    • Repeat on the other side.
  3. Step Ups & Hops
    • Place one foot a chair, bench, step, or lifted object.  Step up and drive the opposite knee upward.
    • Add a plyometric hop performing the same step up exercise.
  4. Plié Squats & Hops
    • Place the feet in a wider than hip distance stance with the knees and toes in the same direction.  Keep the torso lifted as you lower down into a plié squat.
    • Add a plyometric hop to intensify the challenge.
  5. Glute Press & Donkey Kicks
    • Assume a quadruped position with the arms extended and under the shoulders.  Lift one leg and press it upward leading with the heel.  Keep the motion small to feel the glute and hamstring contraction. 
    • To intensify the challenge, hover the supporting knee over the ground and perform the glute press.
    • Shift the body into a single leg down dog position. Keep the same leg that was pressing in the air.  The leg that was on the floor is the jumping leg.  Perform donkey kick repeaters aiming to kick the heel to the glute each time.

Check out the video to see how these exercises are performed.

Learn and try this leg and cardio push workout on your next traveling adventure. It’s a sure way to keep fit while enjoying the wonderful world we live in.

Stay turned for Travel & Train, Series 3 where you will learn a new set of exercises focused on blasting extra calories and getting a good sweat. 

Happy travels,



Social Media: @groovysweat

The post Travel & Train Hard Series 2 – LEGS appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

The wrists and forearms are one of the most underdeveloped muscles on the body of the average person. You hear regular gym-goers talk all the time about how great of a chest day or leg day they had, but when was the last time you actually heard someone say that they were going to work on their forearms or wrists in their next workout? Probably not very often, and that is very peculiar seeing as both the forearms and wrists are commonly injured on most people when doing very regular everyday activities, such as picking up a heavy box or using your hands to help yourself up off the couch, as well as various exercises at the gym too. It’s insane that the forearms and wrists get ignored in the average workout program, especially once you really take the time to know its importance.


Being in the gym world, I hear from clients often about having soreness in their wrists & forearms and as a result, they usually struggle with bodyweight exercises such as pushups or dips. Most people who have that type of soreness or pain in those muscles usually want to strengthen them, but oftentimes don’t know what to do to build those muscles.


So with that in mind, we’ve provided you with a 2 day per week routine to help you to strengthen your wrists and forearms today!

These muscles are just like any other muscle, in that if you exercise them correctly, you can make excellent strides in decreasing any pain and reducing the risk of any future wrist or forearm injuries.


Wrist and Forearms Routine

Perform the following routine 2 – 3 days per week for the next 4 weeks to help you to strengthen your forearms and wrists today:


Seated Wrist Flex Downs

Grab the handles on your Total Gym FIT and flex your wrist down as far as you can while holding yourself up on the sliding board. Hold your wrist flexed for 30 – 60 seconds with your elbows straight. (3 sets of 30 second holds)


Seated Wrist Flex-Ups

Grab the handles on your Total Gym FIT and flex your wrist up as far as you can while holding yourself up on the sliding board. Hold your wrist flexed for 30 – 60 seconds with your elbows straight. (3 sets of 30 second holds)


Seated Wrist Straight Curls

Begin by grabbing the handles on your Total Gym FIT with the outside of your forearms rested on your thighs and palms facing upward. Now flex your wrist upward with the handles in your hand and slowly come back to the starting position to complete each rep. (2 sets of 25 reps)


Seated Reverse Wrist Curls

Begin by grabbing the handles on your Total Gym FIT with the inside of forearms on your thighs and palms facing downward. Now flex your wrist upward with the handles in your hand and slowly come back to the starting position to complete each rep. (2 sets of 25 reps)


In as little as 4 weeks, I guarantee that you will see and feel the difference in your forearms if you consistently follow the above training program. Don’t wait until you are already experiencing pain in those muscles to begin working them, be proactive and start today.


As if the fun exercises listed above was not incentive enough for you to want to immediately start your strength training, then hopefully the following reasons will resonate with you. Here’s a top 10 list of why you should train your forearms and wrist!


10 Reasons To Train Your Forearms and Wrists

1) To rehab and/or prevent injury in your wrists and forearms

2) To increase the strength and flexibility in your wrists and forearms

3) To help increase your overall strength by helping your other muscles

4) To prevent serious medical conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis

5) To help you climb better

6) To develop a strong grip

7) To develop a strong, solid handshake

8) To provide you with a foundation for your other lifts at the gym

9) To give your forearms a stronger appearance

10) To help you with exercises such as pushups or dips


So there you have it, 10 reasons why you should exercise your forearm and wrists.

No workout program on earth should exclude wrist and forearm strengthening exercises because simply put, it is just that important to the performance of your body and achieving optimal levels of health and fitness.

The post Total Gym Wrist and Forearm Exercises appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

Hi friends! Happy FriYAY. What’s going on this weekend? I’m looking forward to enjoying more of IDEA World, learning from the top instructors in the industry, taking classes, and catching up with blog friends.

Idea world 

I’ll be back with a full recap next week, and I’d love to hear what you’re up to this weekend!

While being back in San Diego is definitely a fave (especially after the moving insanity), here are some more faves and finds from the week. 

Fashion + beauty:

I ordered some of the new Lazy Day scrunchies, thinking they’d be cute to wear with gym clothes, and when I took them out of the bag, P said, “Oh I like those! I want those!” So of course, most of them became hers. She wore the yellow one for 3 days straight. 

Lazy day

Food + recipes:

New Paleo English muffins. I picked these up at Whole Foods and was pleasantly surprised! I feel like Barely Bread has a weird dry and doughy texture, but these taste a little more like a real English muffin.


Bahama Bucks! We were on a mission to find shaved ice in Tucson – the girls are obsessed – and came across Bahama Bucks. It’s HUGE, they have a drive-thru (WHAT), and they have so many flavors. The best part is that you can add ice cream, condensed milk, sprinkles, Tajin (#tucsonlife) to any of the flavors. I loved the birthday cake, but next time I’m getting mango with Tajin on top. 

Pic by Livi:

W my love2

The only type of pic I can get of the girls lately haha. Little goofers.

Silly gooses

Breakfast at Le Buzz. Their avocado toast is life, and of course, we had to share the chocolate croissant. 



BollyX. I’ll definitely be recapping all of the fitness fun from IDEA, but I got to take a short BollyX class yesterday and LOVED it. I had the biggest goobery smile on my face he entire time. It’s so high-energy and fun, and it was really cool that they used fused Bollywood with more hip hop style moves. It was a blast and I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow.


(They have a lot of videos on their YouTube channel)

Theracane. I picked this up at the Expo and am so stoked about using it regularly. I have a stress ball on my left shoulder that I’ve had pretty much my entire life. You press the Theracane into any tight areas and hold it until the tension releases. It feels heavenly. Before bed last night, I was sitting in the hotel bed, pushing the Theracane into my back and watching Shameless. Livin’ the dream haha. 

Tips to run a faster mile.

Read, watch, listen:

Check out the latest episode of the podcast here! The Pilot and I talk about our family mentality, some of the our strategies to make our relationship stronger, and stress management tips.

You can’t change or fix people, so listen instead.

A $1 birthday gift for kiddos

Happy weekend, friends!



Congratulations to the winners of the Four Sigmatic giveaway: Amber P. and Katie S. 

I have another one going on on Instagram here if you’d like another chance to enter! xo

The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Declare your independence from diet-destroying desserts, and give these healthy dessert recipes featuring a red, white and blue twist a try. Each one features fresh, seasonal fruit and a few other easy ingredients. And while they make a perfectly themed treat to bring to patriotic parties and barbecues, these healthy dessert recipes are way too good to be confined to just one day of the year!

Try these healthy dessert recipes any day you’re craving a little All-American treat:

1. All-American Festive Flag Crackers >

Festive Flag Crackers are the perfect healthy snack to serve at your patriotic parties. Featuring graham crackers topped with fat-free cream cheese and fresh, seasonal berries, they’re packed with nutrition… and flavor! Click here for the recipe >

2. Red, White & Blue Pudding Cup >


This Red White and Blue Pudding Cup is delicious and patriotic all at the same time. It’s got flavored gelatin, whipped topping and sweet, seasonal blueberries… the perfect flavor and color combo! Click here to get the recipe >

3. 3-Ingredient Patriotic Popsicles >

Patriotic Red White Blue Popsicles

Not every popsicle has to be bad for your diet! These Patriotic Popsicles are festive, tasty and guilt-free! Featuring just two types of berries and some non-fat Greek yogurt, these tasty treats are as easy to make as they are to eat! Get the recipe here >

4. Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes >


Although technically not dessert, these Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes are the perfect treat for Independence Day! Featuring your Vanilla TurboShake and a few other simple ingredients, these tasty pancakes count as one SmartCarb and one-and-a-half PowerFuels, so you can choose whether they fit in your day as a breakfast or a dessert! Click here to get the recipe >

5. American Flag Fruit Kebabs >

healthy dessert recipes

Liven up your Fourth of July menu with some refreshing, delicious (and Nutrisystem-approved!) American Flag Fruit Kebabs. It doesn’t get more patriotic and healthy as this. Not a grape fan? Sub in blueberries! Prefer raspberries over strawberries? Swap them out! The possibilities to create this patriotic treat are endless—so, cool down this Fourth of July with some fresh and festive fruit! Get the recipe here >

The post 5 Healthy Dessert Recipes Perfect for Your July Fourth Parties appeared first on The Leaf.

Looking for something to whip up for your July 4th celebration, but don’t want to derail your plan? Try our favorite Mini Keto Burgers. They’re perfect if you’re following a keto or paleo diet, and because you only need 4 ingredients and 20 minutes to make these bite-sized burgers, they’re ideal if you’re strapped for time and want to get in a quick workout. (Try our 4thof July workout here). And if you’re in need of a few more 4thof July–inspired menu items for your picnic or cookout, check out these 4 patriotic 5-ingredient or less recipes.

It takes effort and dedication to make time for a workout, especially on a holiday. That's why it's nice to have a few go-to workouts that you can do anywhere (with or without weights). 

Check out my July  4th–inspired fat-burning workout below. There are 13 movements (for the 13 colonies) with sets of 50 (for the 50 states). It’s also a perfect workout when you’re traveling, and ideal for those days when you need to get movement in, but just can’t make it to the club. 


Continuing with citations from my article in Obesity Reviews on an aeteological framework for assessing obesity, we now turn to the some of the factors that can affect ingestive behaviour:

Psychological or Hedonic Factors

In contrast to hyperphagia resulting from physical hunger, over‐eating for emotional reward or as a coping strategy is regulated by the hedonic system and has little to do with the body’s real or perceived need for calories. The range of psychological or emotional factors that can initiate and influence eating encompass virtually the entire range of emotional responses including stress, frustration, loneliness, anxiety, anger, disgust, fear, grief, joy, relief, all of which can significantly alter dietary restraint or promote disinhibition. Typically, hedonic hyperphagia is associated with the selection and consumption of highly palatable energy‐dense ‘comfort’ foods, although homeostatic hyperphagia also tends to be associated with the preferential consumption of palatable foods.

In addition to simple ‘emotional’ over‐eating, specific psychiatric conditions that affect food intake or can pose important barriers to maintaining a healthy diet must be considered. Increased appetite is a feature of atypical depression and can be interpreted as ‘self‐medicating’ with food – particularly in cases where these foods affect the serotonergic and reward systems to improve mood. Binge eating, night eating and other abnormal eating behaviours must also be seen in the context of underlying emotional or psychological processes that are distinct from homeostatic ingestive behaviour. Other mental health conditions that can significantly affect eating include attention deficit disorders, post‐traumatic stress syndrome, sleep disorders, chronic pain, anxiety disorders, addictions, seasonal affective disorder and cognitive disorders. Particularly sleep deprivation has been associated with increased appetite and ingestion of highly palatable snacks as well as increased risk for diabetes. Patients with obesity resulting from emotional eating or hedonic hyperphagia are most likely to benefit more from psychological and/or psychiatric interventions rather than simply from dietary counselling.

Commentary: Although for didactic and practical purposes I find it helpful to distinguish between what I have referred to as “homeostatic” vs. “hedonic” hyperphagia, it is important to note that at a physiological level, the distinction between the “homeostatic” and “hedonic” pathways is not as clear cut as is often assumed. In fact, there is close and complex cross talk between these pathways. For example, hunger, a feature of the “homeostatic” pathway, is also a powerful activator of the “hedonic” pathway, thus leading to seeking out and consumption of caloric-dense foods. On the other hand, “hedonic” drivers to eat can override satiety and lead to eating even when not hungry. This, physiology, however, does not take away from the fact that in clinical evaluation, trying to distinguish between homeostatic and hedonistic is often helpful in determining the appropriate treatment path.

Edmonton, AB

Hot heads, hot weather, running, sleeping and the new mini McFlurry. Hmm, I know which ones I prefer. Take a read and tell us what you think.

Mini McFlurry excitement and more…

mini mcflurry excitement

From the MAN v FAT Football leagues

mini mcflurry excitement

  • A very big well done to coach Roger and MVFFer Joe who took time out of this beautifully hot week to run a half marathon and 10k respectively – it was Roger’s first half marathon in 31 years, and Joe shaved a massive 10 minutes off of his PB. Not bad when the rest of us were busy complaining about the heat and trying not to melt.
mini mcflurry excitement

A shot from the Bridgwater v Weston match

  • Neighbourhood leagues Bridgwater and Weston-super-Mare played a good old game of 11-a-side this week. Commiserations to Bridgwater as Weston left triumphant with a nail-biting final score of 4-3.
  • We won an award! We went to a fancy award do in Manchester for the ukactive awards, where MAN v FAT Football took home the Healthy Communities award. You can read all about it here, but in short: thank you to everyone, coaches and players, for being a part of MVFF – you rock.

In other news…

  • Can you imagine visiting every country in the world? Now imagine running a marathon while you’re there. That’s exactly what Bristol’s Nick Butter is in the middle of doing. Nick is taking on the challenge on behalf of Prostate Cancer UK after meeting an inspirational man who unfortunately had the condition. The pair had met whilst sharing a tent during a desert marathon event, sparking the idea for Nick. If you’d like to read more or donate to Nick, check out his JustGiving page here. My feet hurt just thinking about it – good on him.
  • According to research conducted by HelloFresh, a quarter of British people only have three recipes in their repertoire. The biggest barrier to cooking and our culinary adventures is a reluctance to food waste (not a bad thing to worry about, but it shouldn’t stop you) and another reason was that ‘no-one taught them how to cook’. Only three-quarters of participants felt comfortable even chopping an onion. C’mon MVF, what are your go-to recipes? Show us your skills on the forum – check out our Post Your Grub Wednesdays.

What we’re talking about

  • It’s on everyone’s minds this World Cup – VAR. Love it or hate it? Let’s us know what you think
  • A reminder to rely on how you feel, not what your tech tells you. Do you rely on your fitness devices/apps to tell you how you’ve done when you work out? Do you trust what they say, and how do you find they work for you?
  • We have a friend from across the pond! Canadian @Gord777 from Ontario has arrived (metaphorically..). Let’s give him a huge MVF welcome and some encouragement.

What we’re reading

mini mcflurry excitement

  • We all know how important it is to get a little shut-eye but did you know that your diet can help your journey to the Land of Nod go a lot smoother? Men’s Health has published a guide on what foods may help you fall asleep faster and yes, warm milk is one of them.
  • If you’re enjoying the heat, have some more – chilli may help you burn more calories by using calories and reducing appetite. Chillis also seem to be an unsung superfood, aiding digestion and arthritic pain as well as contributing to lower blood pressure. Hello Magazine gives us the details here and if you need a recipe, check out our latest recipe for fire chicken here.

What we’re eating

mini mcflurry excitement

  • McDonald’s are doing us calorie-counters an absolute solid by releasing a massively sought after (well, by me anyway) Mini McFlurry. The mini versions are half the calories of regular McFlurries, with the Flake Raspberry version coming in at 164 cals. They’re launching with limited-edition Flake and Flake Raspberry editions and the rest of the core line-up will be available in mini form until 7th August.

Quote of the week

Remember Roger from the start of the Newsround? This week’s quote of the week comes from him. On reflection of his marathon, he had some thank-yous.

“I’d also like to give a massive shout out to all the guys that have taken part in the leagues I’ve been part of as you all constantly inspire me to keep doing what I do, some of the stories that you’ve shared have been incredible and I thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives.”

That is what it’s all about. A brotherhood, a support group, a team. If you give, you’ll get. Well done Rog.


The post Mini McFlurry excitement | MAN v FAT Newsround 29/6/2018 appeared first on MAN v FAT.


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