April 2018

Happy National Oatmeal Cookie Day!  In honor of this special cookie holiday I made that infamous 2 ingredient cookie recipe that’s been around since the dawn of time (or Pinterest, I’m not sure exact dates). But I made this batch of cookies super amazing by adding chocolate chips. Yeah, you can add raisins but… um, why?

This cookie recipe is super easy, doesn’t have any processed sugar and can be made gluten free (make sure you get gluten free oats if you have an allergy). Since they’re pretty healthy, I think adding in chocolate chips is 100% necessary to be officially considered a cookie.

The next time you have super ripe bananas… add in some oats and chocolate chips and you’ll have a delicious batch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies in about 15 minutes!

2 ingredient cookie recipe
3 ingredient oatmeal cookies recipe…

1 cup oats (quick cook)
2 ripe bananas
1/2 cup chocolate chips or raisins (or your favorite cookie add in)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Smash banana, mix in oats. Add chocolate chips.

Spray baking sheet with nonstick. (*It’s important to use non-stick spray or a silicone baking mat since these cookies don’t have any added fat and may stick to the pan.)

Form cookies (roll into balls and gently press down) and place on baking sheet.
Bake for 9 to 15 minutes or until firm.

Store leftovers in refrigerator and carefully heat for a few seconds before eating for optimum deliciousness.

2 ingredient cookie recipe
Question: What is your favorite way to have chocolate chips? 

(Asking because I have half a bag left and am eating them straight up!)

The post 3 Ingredient Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Recipe appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Is your fitness goal to have a 6-pack abs? Find out the truth about having abs as a woman and why this may be a detrimental to your health.

The Truth About 6-Pack Abs for Women


That seems to be every woman’s goal these days when it comes to their fitness. It’s not wonder as every fitness magazine cover glorifies women who have the elusive 6-pack abs.

These magazines make these 6-pack abs seems easy. Just do what she does and you’ll get 6-pack abs too! Train hard, do ab exercises, and eat “clean.” Sound familiar?

For 10 years I followed that regiment. I exercised HARD. I ate CLEAN. I got the ABS!

I would get messages from women on a daily basis asking me how I got my abs! They wanted abs like that, what was my secret?

Unfortunately, I’m not here to tell you my secret to getting my 6-pack abs.

I’m going to tell you the complete opposite. I’m going to tell you how those 6-pack abs ruined my life. I’m going to tell you that those 6-pack abs are actually detrimental to your health. I’m going to tell you that those 6-pack abs are NOT what you want.

Why 6-Pack Abs Are Detrimental to Women’s Health

The true fact is, a woman can not have 6-pack abs and also have a healthy relationship with food, exercise, and her body. Period.


Because to get those 6-pack abs, women need to go below a healthy body fat percentage. Women generally need a body fat percentage of at least 20 percent in order to remain fertile and have regular menstrual cycles. This is in comparison to men, who can get to as low as 6 percent body fat and still remain in the “healthy” category.

Are there exceptions to this? Yes, of course. Some women are naturally more muscular which allows for their ab muscles to show. However, this is not the norm. I repeat…this is NOT THE NORM.

Unfortunately today, achieving 6-pack abs has become the “gold standard” of fitness. I once achieved this “gold standard” and constantly received comments every time I took a post-workout selfie and posted it on social media. Women were dying to know my secret.

I would tell these women, just eat cleaner and exercise harder. (If you are one of these women, I’m so sorry for telling you this.)

But if I had really told you my secret, it would have been more along the lines of, “Never go out to eat. Fear ALL unhealthy foods. Don’t eat cake at your children’s birthday celebration. Workout for an hour every single day. Never take a rest day. Eat plain, boring, tasteless food. Go to bed hungry. Hate your body so you work harder. Lose your menstrual cycle. F*** up your hormones.”

That’s the truth. That’s how I achieved my 6-pack abs. I did ALL of those things and more.

No one wanted to hear the truth. They wanted to hear exactly what I was eating, exactly how I was exercising, and how “amazing” it felt to be so healthy. Truthfully though, I was far from healthy.

As a matter of fact, I was the least healthy I’d ever been in my entire life. I felt weak, my hair was starting to fall out, and my relationships with my family and friends were suffering. But the constant positive reinforcement I received from outsiders made it nearly impossible for me to regain true health. It’s hard to admit, but all those positive comments kept me going.

I had found the ONE thing that I was amazing at. The ONE thing I could control in my life. Fitness and nutrition was one way I could be perfect. I could make up for my shyness, my lack of good looks (that’s what I thought of myself,) and all of my other imperfections by controlling my exercise and food intake.

Having a six-pack is not a sign of health. Having a six-pack is not a sign of willpower. Having a six-pack is not a sign of happiness or joy or anything else besides having a low body-fat percentage and/or the genetics for it.

My Health After Letting My 6-Pack Go

Once I realized that how my body looked didn’t bring me anymore happiness, health, or peace, I stopped striving for it. I lessened my workouts (bye bye cardio) and started eating a wider variety of foods, including foods I had deemed as “bad” when I was dieting (hello chocolate covered almonds and English muffins smothered in nut butter.)

My energy is better. My hair is growing back in. I’m no longer “hangry” all the time. I love myself more. I have a healthier relationship with food. I enjoy my workouts. I have more fun with my family and friends. I got my menstrual cycle back!

I also know that I am infinitely healthier, despite the fact that random people don’t comment on my abs or ask me for my fitness routine.

If you want ripped abs, I’m not saying don’t go for it. But I want you to know that having a 6-pack abs or ripped abs isn’t going to make you any happier, any healthier, any stronger, or any better as a person. This is why I had to unfollow a ton of fitness social media accounts. The message that a ripped body and ripped abs will bring you happiness is a LIE!

In most cases, those photos you see in the media are the result of overtraining and undereating for months. Those models probably missed social events, friendships, and relationships to pursue their aesthetic goals. They are also spray-tanned, flexed, and Photoshopped to perfection. They are not real life.

Behind every pair of six-pack abs may be an ugly, unglamorous truth about what happens when the pursuit of “health” is taken too far. I know this because I’ve been there.

I get it! As women, we want to look and feel strong, and there is nothing wrong with that. But let’s not forget about real life; our health, our happiness, our body image, and our relationship with food and others.

I don’t know about you, but a healthy relationship with myself and those I love is much more important than ripped abs.


The post The Truth About 6-Pack Abs For Women appeared first on The Fit Housewife.

Is your fitness goal to have a 6-pack abs? Find out the truth about having abs as a woman and why this may be a detrimental to your health.

The Truth About 6-Pack Abs for Women


That seems to be every woman’s goal these days when it comes to their fitness. It’s not wonder as every fitness magazine cover glorifies women who have the elusive 6-pack abs.

These magazines make these 6-pack abs seems easy. Just do what she does and you’ll get 6-pack abs too! Train hard, do ab exercises, and eat “clean.” Sound familiar?

For 10 years I followed that regiment. I exercised HARD. I ate CLEAN. I got the ABS!

I would get messages from women on a daily basis asking me how I got my abs! They wanted abs like that, what was my secret?

Unfortunately, I’m not here to tell you my secret to getting my 6-pack abs.

I’m going to tell you the complete opposite. I’m going to tell you how those 6-pack abs ruined my life. I’m going to tell you that those 6-pack abs are actually detrimental to your health. I’m going to tell you that those 6-pack abs are NOT what you want.

Why 6-Pack Abs Are Detrimental to Women’s Health

The true fact is, a woman can not have 6-pack abs and also have a healthy relationship with food, exercise, and her body. Period.


Because to get those 6-pack abs, women need to go below a healthy body fat percentage. Women generally need a body fat percentage of at least 20 percent in order to remain fertile and have regular menstrual cycles. This is in comparison to men, who can get to as low as 6 percent body fat and still remain in the “healthy” category.

Are there exceptions to this? Yes, of course. Some women are naturally more muscular which allows for their ab muscles to show. However, this is not the norm. I repeat…this is NOT THE NORM.

Unfortunately today, achieving 6-pack abs has become the “gold standard” of fitness. I once achieved this “gold standard” and constantly received comments every time I took a post-workout selfie and posted it on social media. Women were dying to know my secret.

I would tell these women, just eat cleaner and exercise harder. (If you are one of these women, I’m so sorry for telling you this.)

But if I had really told you my secret, it would have been more along the lines of, “Never go out to eat. Fear ALL unhealthy foods. Don’t eat cake at your children’s birthday celebration. Workout for an hour every single day. Never take a rest day. Eat plain, boring, tasteless food. Go to bed hungry. Hate your body so you work harder. Lose your menstrual cycle. F*** up your hormones.”

That’s the truth. That’s how I achieved my 6-pack abs. I did ALL of those things and more.

No one wanted to hear the truth. They wanted to hear exactly what I was eating, exactly how I was exercising, and how “amazing” it felt to be so healthy. Truthfully though, I was far from healthy.

As a matter of fact, I was the least healthy I’d ever been in my entire life. I felt weak, my hair was starting to fall out, and my relationships with my family and friends were suffering. But the constant positive reinforcement I received from outsiders made it nearly impossible for me to regain true health. It’s hard to admit, but all those positive comments kept me going.

I had found the ONE thing that I was amazing at. The ONE thing I could control in my life. Fitness and nutrition was one way I could be perfect. I could make up for my shyness, my lack of good looks (that’s what I thought of myself,) and all of my other imperfections by controlling my exercise and food intake.

Having a six-pack is not a sign of health. Having a six-pack is not a sign of willpower. Having a six-pack is not a sign of happiness or joy or anything else besides having a low body-fat percentage and/or the genetics for it.

My Health After Letting My 6-Pack Go

Once I realized that how my body looked didn’t bring me anymore happiness, health, or peace, I stopped striving for it. I lessened my workouts (bye bye cardio) and started eating a wider variety of foods, including foods I had deemed as “bad” when I was dieting (hello chocolate covered almonds and English muffins smothered in nut butter.)

My energy is better. My hair is growing back in. I’m no longer “hangry” all the time. I love myself more. I have a healthier relationship with food. I enjoy my workouts. I have more fun with my family and friends. I got my menstrual cycle back!

I also know that I am infinitely healthier, despite the fact that random people don’t comment on my abs or ask me for my fitness routine.

If you want ripped abs, I’m not saying don’t go for it. But I want you to know that having a 6-pack abs or ripped abs isn’t going to make you any happier, any healthier, any stronger, or any better as a person. This is why I had to unfollow a ton of fitness social media accounts. The message that a ripped body and ripped abs will bring you happiness is a LIE!

In most cases, those photos you see in the media are the result of overtraining and undereating for months. Those models probably missed social events, friendships, and relationships to pursue their aesthetic goals. They are also spray-tanned, flexed, and Photoshopped to perfection. They are not real life.

Behind every pair of six-pack abs may be an ugly, unglamorous truth about what happens when the pursuit of “health” is taken too far. I know this because I’ve been there.

I get it! As women, we want to look and feel strong, and there is nothing wrong with that. But let’s not forget about real life; our health, our happiness, our body image, and our relationship with food and others.

I don’t know about you, but a healthy relationship with myself and those I love is much more important than ripped abs.


The post The Truth About 6-Pack Abs For Women appeared first on The Fit Housewife.

You step on the scale in the morning and gasp from what looks like a sudden weight gain. Not only has your week’s weight loss vanished, there’s an extra pound there that you can’t account for. Unless you know you went overboard on calories, you can relax. You didn’t suddenly add on pounds of unhealthy fat. You’re just heavier.

What’s the difference? Overeating is what piles on the fat, but something as simple as weighing yourself right after a meal, overdoing it on salty foods the day before you weigh, or an extra hard workout can add weight that isn’t fat.  Even better—it goes away! Usually, it’s just a matter of time.

Knowing what can alter the scale without altering your body is important. A sudden weight gain can be discouraging when you’ve done everything right. It can lead you to abandon your efforts on the spot.

Here are eight reasons you might be experiencing sudden weight gain, and how your scale might not be giving you the whole picture:

1. You chowed down on too many salty foods.

salty foods

You probably know that sodium, the main chemical in salt, causes water retention. That can be the reason you wake up after a day of eating high-sodium foods and your scale seems to be going haywire. Until you shed that water, it’s going to look like you’re experiencing a sudden weight gain, but it’s likely not fat unless you also overate calories.

But there’s another good reason besides water weight gain to avoid salty fare. Salt makes you hungry!  An international study on “astronauts,” published in the the Journal of Clinical Investigation, in a mock space ship on a simulated mission to Mars found that not only do you retain more water when you overeat salt, you’re not as thirsty afterwards as you are hungry.  If it makes you eat, too much sodium in your diet could lead to real weight gain instead of something temporary.

6 Cooking Mistakes That Cause Weight Gain

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2. It’s that time of the month.


For a few days of your menstrual cycle, you may feel like you’re taking on more water than the Titanic. Most women experience “fat days” during their periods. In fact, fluid retention and bloating are two of the most common symptoms that occur around the first day of a woman’s period, according to a study of 62 women published in Obstetrics and Gynecology International.

So if the scale nudges up at the same time every cycle, don’t sweat it. Unless, of course, you’ve also experienced other menstrual pitfalls such as depression, increased hunger and carb craving. The fluctuations of hormones during your cycle can trigger all three, according to Psychology Today. If you’ve been treating your premenstrual blues with chocolate and other carbs, you could be bulking up with more than water.  Plan ahead by having healthy carbs, such as fruits and whole grains, on hand to help keep your blood sugar on an even keel and defeat both hunger and cravings till they pass.

3. You’re drinking lots of water.

Drinking water

Yes, this is a good thing because you’re filling up on something that will ultimately get flushed away. And when you’re on a diet, water is your friend. A 2010 study by researchers at Virginia Tech found that people who chugged down two cups of water before each meal lost an average of five pounds more than those who didn’t. But if you weigh yourself too closely to the time you gulped a few glasses down, it’s going to register as a sudden weight gain on the scale. Two cups of water weighs roughly one pound. Give yourself a little time to get rid of it before hopping on the scale.

How to Eat More without Gaining Weight: Volumetrics Explained

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4. You just ate.

just ate

Try to remind yourself the meal you just consumed, however large or small, hasn’t had enough time to turn into body fat. If your scale tells you that you put on a pound or more since morning, you’re probably seeing the weight of the food. Most experts recommend that when you do weigh yourself, it should be in the morning when you’ve essentially fasted for eight hours. Then, whatever the scale tells you, it’s likely to be more accurate.

5. You worked out like a fiend.


A tough workout can lead to sore muscles. According to American Journal of Physiology, much of that soreness is causes by microscopic tears in your muscle tissue—the prescription for a little bit of pain and a little bit of gain. Your body recognizes those tears as an injury, so it turns on your immune system’s inflammatory process, the one that sends healing cells and fluid to the site of a cut or wound. That’s why you might see swelling and experience stiffness at the site. That little extra fluid might show up the next day as weight on the scale, but according to the Journal of Applied Physiology, it will subside as the inflammation helps your muscles repair and regenerate. (And by the way, those micro-tears are how you build muscle,  so this pain is  definitely your gain.)

4 Ingredients You Should Never Eat Again

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6. You carb loaded.


Even healthy carbs can lead to water retention. According to the YMCA, some carbs, like veggies and fruit, contain lots of fluid and after you eat them, so do you. Also, your body stores energy in the form of glycogen which retains water. That’s what makes you feel bloated after a high-carb meal. Good news: You can exercise that stored energy off and the water with it.

7. You’re on meds that make you retain fluid.


Nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and hormone-based medications such as birth control pills are among the most commonly taken drugs that might make you gain water weight (Birth control pills may also lead to real weight gain for some people.) Water weight is commonly misconceived as a sudden weight gain. Read the potential side effects of all the drugs you take. Talk to your doctor about other treatments that don’t have water retention as a side effect.

5 Mental Obstacles That are Slowing Your Weight Loss Results

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8. You haven’t had a bowel movement.

sudden weight gain

Scientists once actually weighed the fecal material in the bowels of people from 12 different countries. The average weight, according the study published in the journal Gastroenterology, was somewhere between two-and-a-half ounces and one pound.  If you’re not exercising or eating enough fiber, that weight can show up on the scale. Even worse, it could put you at greater risk of colon cancer, which is what the researchers were studying.

Haven’t started your weight loss journey yet? Get started with a Nutrisystem meal plan today! >

The post Sudden Weight Gain? 8 Sneaky Reasons Your Weight Jumped Today appeared first on The Leaf.

Cold winters mean lots of layers, warm sweaters, and big puffy coats.

Summer, on the other hand, is for sundresses, shorts, and sandals!

I don’t know about you, but I definitely need to pump up my workouts a few months before summer time hits to make sure I’m looking and feeling my best.

Even as a personal trainer, I tend to treat myself a little extra over the holidays. However, the holidays are over and it is time to get working on a summer body.

I’ve put together workouts designed to help you drop those pesky pounds before summer! Let’s get you ready for the pool, short shorts, and soaking in that Vitamin D.

This workout plan has 6 days of workouts and one rest day where you could take a walk, do yoga, stretch, or something else lightly active. Go through one week of the plan and then start again!

Choosing Your Weights

Choose a weight where you can keep good form throughout all the reps and are struggling to complete the last 2-3 reps. If you can get through all the reps relatively easily, then increase your weight for the next set. If you reach failure too early then decrease your weight for the next set.

The weight you’ll use for each exercise varies depending on the person and the muscle group and make take some trial and error to figure out. I recommend using a notebook and taking notes as to how much weight you lifted and how many reps you did so you know how to adjust next time you do the same workout.

Day 1: Strength Training – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Quads

day 1 workout

Day 2: Strength Training – Back/Biceps/Glutes/Hamstrings

Copy of day 1 workout

Day 3: Rev and Recover – Plyometrics/Calisthenics/Core

Copy of Copy of day 1 workout (1)

Day 4: Strength Training – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Quads

Copy of Copy of day 1 workout (2)

Day 5: Strength Training – Back/Biceps/Glutes/Hamstrings

Copy of Copy of day 1 workout (3)

Day 6: Rev and Recover – Plyometrics/Calisthenics/Core

Copy of Copy of Copy of day 1 workout

Day 7: REST!

Follow this workout plan to see your best summer body results! If you’d like to add in the meal plan, head over to this post and get munchin’!

Supplement Your Workouts with IdealShakes!

IdealShakes are made with high quality whey protein, which will help you recover after a tough workout. With the added bonus of the innovative hunger blocking blend, you will be on your way to your ideal shape in no time!

Check Out IdealShakes Today!

The post Pumped Up for Summer Workouts appeared first on IdealShape.

shop (2)

If you’re anything like me, you are a bargain hunter through-and-through. I love a good deal, and I pretty much only buy things when they are on SALE!

IdealShape is holding it’s Spring Clearance Sale right now, and I have been scoping out the deals. I want to help you get the best bang for your buck at the Spring Clearance Sale! Here are my FAVORITE bargain items from the sale–I hope you find something you LOVE!

IdealShake 20 Count Meal Variety Pack

eat this not that (1)

Sometimes, my version of meal prepping is throwing a few of these on-the-go packs of IdealShake in my bag and calling it good. The 20 Count Meal Variety Pack is literally perfect for the busy, on-the-go person who also wants to lose weight!

My favorite part about this smokin’ deal is that you get to try so many different flavors of IdealShake. Plus, you save $29.99, and we are all about those savings.

Weight Loss 30 Day Bundle

feeling drained_ (3)

This bundle is pretty much the equivalent of going grocery shopping–for an ENTIRE month. Yes, please! With the Weight Loss 30 Day Bundle, you get 2 tubs of IdealShake, 4 boxes of IdealBars, smoothie recipes, along with the IdealPlan and the 7 Day Guide to Weight Loss!

What I’m trying to say is that it will be hard to NOT lose weight with this killer deal. You get all of that while saving 83 bucks if you purchase it during the Spring Clearance Sale! I’d suggest grabbing one of these babies quick, because they are sure to go fast.

IdealOatmeal in Maple & Brown Sugar or Cinnamon Apple


I’ll be honest–I wasn’t always a huge fan of oatmeal. That is, until I tried IdealOatmeal. Now, I can’t get enough!

IdealOatmeal is filling because it’s packed with protein and fiber to help you stay full and satisfied. It supports your weight loss goals and fits right into any meal plan! Plus, you can snag IdealOatmeal in either Male & Brown Sugar or Cinnamon Apple during the Spring Clearance Sale for three bucks off! Woohoo, pick up that deal today.

Let’s Go Shopping!

shop (1)

So you guys know what I’m grabbing during the IdealShape Spring Clearance Sale, but what are you going to get?

IdealShape is all about transforming and improving your life, which is why we want to help you choose the products that fit your weight loss goals. No matter what your goal is, IdealShape is there to help you on your journey!

Grab a Bargain–Shop the Clearance Sale!

The Spring Clearance Sale is LIVE and you are not going to want to miss it! Grab all your favorite IdealShape products at big discounts! Lose weight the budget-friendly way, and hit up the Spring Clearance Sale today.

Check Out the Sale Now!

The post Get the Most Bang for Your Buck at the Spring Clearance Sale appeared first on IdealShape.

tasty mocha recipes

YUM! Mocha IdealShake is so delicious, and you can use it in some seriously tasty treats that also support your weight loss! Give these recipes a try and let us know how you like them!

Mocha Caramel Mug Cake


1 scoop Mocha Idealshake
1 tbs stevia,
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp coconut extract
7 tbs almond or coconut milk
1 tbs coconut flour
1 tbs shredded coconut

1 tbs coconut cream
1 tbs shredded coconut
1 tbs sugar free caramel syrup

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Spray large mug with cooking spray, pour batter in mug. Microwave for 30 sec in increments for a total of 2 min. Make sure it doesn’t overflow!

Calories: 303 Protein: 13g Carbs: 32g

Iced Chai Mocha


1 Scoop Mocha IdealShake
1 cup of chai tea, chilled
Desired amount of ice

Blend together chai tea and Mocha IdealShake in shaker bottle or blender. Fill a tall glass with ice and pour chai mocha over top. Top with Reddi Wip and enjoy!

Calories: 100 Protein: 11g Carbs: 9g 

Mocha Brownie Bites


1 scoop Mocha IdealShake
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp vanilla
3 tbs cocoa powder
1 cup dates
1/3 cup walnuts
3 tbs. unsweetened coconut flakes

Mix all ingredients in food processor and form into balls, coat with coconut flakes. Store in fridge and enjoy!

Calories: 80 Protein: 2.7g Carbs: 8g

Mocha Protein Waffles


5 scoops Mocha IdealShake
2 cups gluten free flour (brown rice or coconut flour works),
2 tablespoons Baking Powder
A Sprinkle of brown sugar and cinnamon
1/4 tsp honey
1/2 cup egg whites
1 whole large egg
2 cups water
1 cup unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup all natural semi sweet chocolate chips (optional).

Whisk dry ingredients together to blend. Stir in wet ingredients. Spread batter into a hot, lightly greased, waffle iron. Cook until golden brown.

Note: This recipe makes a ton of batter! Depending on your waffle maker you might be able to make more or less than we did. We were able to make five waffles which is what our calorie and macro breakdown is based on. 1 waffle is a serving.

Calories: 371 Protein: 24g Carbs: 43g

Vanilla Mocha Latte


1/2 scoop Mocha IdealShake
1/2 scoop Vanilla IdealShake
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbs sugar free Torani caramel flavoring

Heat milk, stir in IdealShake mix and caramel flavoring and blend!

Calories: 135 Protein: 12g Carbs: 11g

Mocha Fudge Pops


1 scoop Mocha IdealShake
1 cup almond milk
1/4 cup greek yogurt
2 tbsp sugar free chocolate pudding mix

Blend all ingredients together, fill molds, freeze and enjoy!

Calories: 259 Protein: 21g Carbs: 33g


The post 6 Decadent Treats Using Mocha IdealShake appeared first on IdealShape.

In episode 16 of our Q&A series, Megan Ramos will address the following questions/topics: Why do I lose inches and not pounds? Intermittent fasting vs extended fasts, which is better? […]

To access this post, you must purchase IDM Membership (1 Month FREE Trial) or IDM Membership (Annual).

The post Episode 16: Questions & Answers with Megan Ramos appeared first on Intensive Dietary Management (IDM).

Hey hey! Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to a great start. How was the weekend? I’d love to hear what you were up to. We went to an outdoor festival, had a little brunch playdate party with friends, and hit the road to Orlando! I’ll be back soon with a recap, but thought I’d pop in with a post about workouts you can do when your legs are sore. This is timely because I just did a Lean Machine leg workout a couple of days ago and I’m feelin’ the burn. 

Workout tips when your legs are sore

You can definitely file this one under “fit people problems”: you want to work out, but you have that sore swagger from your workout 1 (or even worse, 2) days before. After a killer leg day, it can be daunting to think about getting in a solid workout when you struggle to get in and out of your chair or up stairs following your workout. (We always joke that there should be a slide or a fireman pole to get us out of the yoga studio after barre class. The stairs are the worst ever.)

Workouts When Your Legs are Sore

Here are some ideas for workouts you an do when your legs are sore.

– Pilates. Pilates emphasizes core stabilization and working each joint through a full range of motion. This is a great way to relieve and stretch sore muscles, while still getting in a solid workout.


– Yoga. In a yoga practice (power or restorative), you’ll hold poses and work in deeper stretches to bring some relief to those muscles. This study found that yoga can reduce intensity of delayed onset muscle soreness following workouts. 

Yoga with tommy

(Even better if your hottie husband joins you for class)

– An easy walk… or even better: HIIT. Soreness is one of those counterintuitive things. You don’t feel like moving, but you’ll feel a heck of a lot better if you do. Just shake your legs out with a neighborhood walk, or for more relief, do some sprint blitzes on the treadmill. Warm up for 5-7 minutes, then alternate sprint intervals (30 seconds) with walking (1 minute) for 15-20 minutes total. (As always honor your body and talk to your doctor about making fitness changes.) I know that when I muster the energy to go for it, I feel so much less achy after moving. 

– Stretch. The studies are mixed on whether it can prevent or relieve muscle soreness. My verdict: if it feels good to you and you enjoy it, do it! A simple rule of thumb: dynamic stretching and foam rolling BEFORE your workout, static stretching AFTER. 

How to Prevent Extreme Muscle Soreness in the First Place:

– Warm up with moderate cardio before your intense workout. A good warmup will help wake up your muscles for the work at hand. You’ll increase blood flow to the muscles, move safely through proper form, lubricate your joints, gradually prepare your heart for exercise, increase oxygen to the muscles, and mentally get in the zone. I like to do moderate cardio for 5-7 minutes before any workout, and some functional bodyweight moves (squats, push-ups, pull-ups, planks) before strength. 

– Use proper form. Proper form will not only help to prevent muscle compensations and imbalances but will also help to keep you from injuring or straining yourself, which can be mistaken for “soreness.” 

-Ice then heat. Ice your legs during the day, then enjoy a warm bath later that night. 

– Hydrate appropriately. By drinking enough water, you’re replenishing the water lost during the workout and preventing dehydration, which can make muscle soreness even worse!

– Follow a balanced fitness plan + progress appropriately. Overtraining can definitely make your muscles feel more sore and set you up for overuse injuries and burnout. Make sure to alternate cardio intensities and give your muscles a break in between workouts (for example, don’t work your legs out 2 days in a row. They need about 2 days to repair and recover.).

Sleep mask

(My beloved sleep mask)

– Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Sleep is just the best ever, for so many reasons, but lack of sleep can increase pain risk as we age. Just another reason to call it a night a little earlier. 

– Try some tart cherry juice. I’ve always been fascinated by these studies regarding tart cherry juice. It can help reduce muscle soreness, inflammation, improve sleep, and increase performance. It also has a nice, slightly tart taste. Check out one of my favorite tart cherry recipes here!

So, tell me friends: what workouts do you do when you’re sore? Anything you’ve found to help?

Stretching: yay or nay?


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The post Workouts When Your Legs are Sore appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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