January 2021

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. It’s been a bit busy on the family front lately, but I wanted to pop in and say hi, and share a quick Friday Faves.

Something exciting from this week:

Tucson got SNOW! All of my east coast friends are probably like meh but in Tucson, snow is a serious novelty. The girls were able to chase snowflakes in the backyard, shrieking with happiness. The snow didn’t stick on our side of town, but it did in many parts of Tucson. The contrast of saguaro cacti and fresh snow is always surprising and majestic.

Thank you so much to those of you who have joined Fit Team already! Don’t forget that enrollment closes on Monday and you get a free bonus meal plan and HIIT & Strength video if you sign up before tomorrow. Check out all the details here. 

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my faves from the week and around the web. I always love hearing about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Read, watch, listen:

If you haven’t listened yet, check out my skincare podcast with Danny Neifert here.

We finished Schitt’s Creek last weekend and I have so many emotions. I’m mourning the fact that it’s over! I feel like this series is everything I’d needed over the past year. It’s lighthearted, hilarious, witty, heartwarming, and I couldn’t decide which character I enjoyed the most. If you have any idea for something the Pilot and I can watch next, please send my way!

How do you preserve family recipes?

Just for kicks:

This gave me a good laugh. (Who can still remember how to play “Hot Cross Buns” on the recorder?)

We finished this beautiful puzzle! It was an xmas gift to the girls from my mom and it gave us a couple of nights of rainy weather entertainment. Turns out P is a huge Fleetwood Mac fan. We played music, sipped on wine (cocoa for the nuggets), and worked on this.

For the girls, I think destroying the puzzle before putting it back into the box is even more satisfying than finishing it.

Fitness + good eats:

Quick bodyweight HIIT workout you can do at home.

Making this avocado kale Caesar salad.

Cauliflower recipe roundup.

Home workout for runners.

Beauty, fashion, + wellness:

Valentine’s nails! I went to see my favorite guy (if you’re in Tucson and need a rec lmk) and asked for little hearts. This is what he did and I absolutely love it.

Equilibria sale! They’re doing a special offer just for my followers through the weekend. Use the code FITNESSISTA25 for 25% off sitewide. I highly recommend their new Body Box if you just want to try topical CBD options. It contains their mineral salts (they smell lovely and are great for sore muscles), the daily treatment oil (facial oil that can help with dry skin, breakouts, irritation and chapped lips) and the relief cream (it helps me a lot with topical pain).

The daily drops are my very favorite and they just released three new flavors in their indulgence collection: peach gelée, mint chocolate truffle, and strawberry shortcake. Mint is my top flavor and I can’t wait to try these new ones. Check it out here and use FITNESSISTA25 for 25% off the entire site!

Hope you have a happy Friday and a relaxing weekend.



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

How to keep one’s physical & mental well being in the pink

We all know that no one can remain young forever. The aging process begins the moment you are born. You, me everyone in fact all of us on this planet are aging every second. Aging is universal, but the rate at which we age is not. That is what is really in our control. We can slow down the biological clock by correcting our eating and living and thinking habits.

Aging occurs when our cells are damaged by continuous attacks from free radicals. Free radicals are bachelor oxygen molecules with a missing electron. If an atom or a molecule has an unpaired electron, it can become highly reactive and unstable. It seeks to become stable again by grabbing another electron (from the cell membrane) thus damaging neighboring cells.

Many things contribute to free radical production for e.g.
– When you have an infection, your body generates a burst of free radicals.
– When you smoke you generate free radicals.
– Emotional stress, too much exercise, pollution, exposure to sunlight, exposure to electromagnetic radiation makes your body produce more free radicals.

These free radicals make you age faster & lead to degenerative diseases like high blood pressure & cancer.

Here are a few tips to stay young forever.

  • Detoxify the body: Inner cleansing or detoxification is a process of clearing toxins from the body thereby cleansing it of mucus and congestion. It is important as an overall lifestyle and needs specific dietary changes. It is an important tool in treating obesity as obesity is always associated with toxicity. Almost everyone needs to detoxify from time to time. People who lead a life of excesses & those who eat excessively at night need to detoxify twice a year. People with toxicity symptoms like headaches, congestion, backaches, digestive problems and allergies will benefit greatly by detoxification.
  • Begin drinking a glass of vegetable juice everyday. Raw vegetable juices like carrot juices, amla juices, and mixed vegetable juices are full of known and unknown anti-oxidants & enzymes that help to remove toxins and digest food better.
  • Consume anti-oxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin C, Vitamin E, and selenium by including fruits & vegetables, nuts and seeds in your daily diet.
  • Detoxify the mind: This can be achieved through practices like pranayam, yoga, meditation and speech control. Practicing this helps to detoxify the mind & helps you stay clear of negative emotion. This has an immune boosting effect and helps preserve the body.
  • Get in shape: It is an important aspect of looking good and staying healthy. Consuming fewer also slows down the aging process.
  • Make sure you exercise at least five times a week for 30 to 40 minutes. Sweating releases stored toxins and aerobic exercises help improve digestion & metabolism.
  • Control stress: It is said that your mind is the biggest contributor to disease. Stress suppresses the immune system and makes you age faster.
  • Try to develop a loving relationship with your family, friends, spouse, and pets. Love makes life meaningful. It has healing energy. It is a powerful stimulant to immune system.

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post How to keep one physical & mental well being in the pink appeared first on Health Total.

‘Heat’ Conditions in Summer

Summer is a season of joy, brightness, activity, travel, play, fun and lightness. It is a period of growth. Even your hair and nails grow faster this season. Summer creates ‘heat conditions’ inside of us if we do not pay attention to the demands of our internal rhythms. If you are into vigorous exercise, you may get muscle cramps as electrolytes get sweated out of the body. This may cause weakness if they are not replaced in your diet.

In Chinese medicine ‘heat’ and ‘cold’ are fundamental properties in people, in the environment, in food and everything else. One can develop excess ‘heat’ in the body not only by overexposure to high temperatures, as in the summers, but also by overwork and stress. Too much mental as well as physical activity makes the heat rise within the body and dries up body fluids. A person suffering from heat’ conditions may feel dry and itchy in certain areas of the body (eg. arms, chest, legs, scalp). Consuming too many ‘warming’ foods in the summer may also give rise to heat conditions.

Too much ‘Heat’:
According to Chinese medicine signs of heat include a yellow coating on the tongue, reddish face, red eyes, and bad breath. The person usually feels hot, dislikes warm weather, his body may feel warm, and he may even run a low-grade fever sometimes. He may have skin rash, small red skin eruptions on the body, mainly on the back. Those suffering from heat conditions are usually short- tempered, highly irritable, worry and think excessively. They usually remain constipated, have dry smelly stools, dark yellow urine and don’t sleep well at night
Whilst ‘heat’ conditions in a person can exist in any season, they do get aggravated in summer.

Suggestions for reducing heat conditions:

During acute heat conditions it is important to eat less food and drink more fluids. Wheat grass juice and other green juices made from mint, coriander, curry patta, palak have a cooling effect. Consume cucumber juice, coconut water, fruit juices, buttermilk, lime juice, watermelon juice to cool the summer heat. You can add black salt and lime juice to make the green juices palatable. One tends to feel sluggish and lethargic as the days get hotter; therefore it is wise to avoid red meats, fried foods, chicken, coffee, alcohol, whole milk and cigarettes. Most people experience a reduced appetite during summer and instinctively eat lightly. Raw foods tend to be stimulating and help you to overcome lethargy in summers. Brown rice, raw vegetables, mung sprouts salad, alfalfa sprouts tossed in salad, low fat curds, steamed or lightly stir fried vegetables, watery dal soups, fruits, herb teas promote easier digestion and better assimilation. However, there are those that have a large appetite irrespective of the season. Such people probably suffer from ‘heat’ conditions and may need to detoxify. Fasting once a week on fruits and vegetables would prevent ‘heat’ from building up in such people.

‘Heat’ conditions stress the heart as well as the mind. The above suggestions would help you let the steam out and keep you ‘cool’ at all times.

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post Heat Conditions in Summer appeared first on Health Total.


When people hear that I have worked on the bodies of the most glamorous models and celebrities, they always have questions to ask. Surprisingly the questions are not, “Are they nice people or are they really as attractive as they seem” ? but the most frequently asked questions is “What do they eat to keep in such fabulous shape” !

The fact is that models and celebrities are just regular people like you and me. Yes, they are lovely looking people, but they have the same problems that everyone has ! They too, put on weight with chocolates and icecreams. They have skin and hair problems too ! The difference is, that they have pulled every trick in the book to stay slim because their livelihood depends on it.

They are made to realise that beauty, a glowing skin, lustrous hair, a firm body, agility, grace, attractiveness all begin with good health because good health is the foundation of beauty. No amount of make-up can camouflage the looks of poor health. Whatever you choose to put into your mouth will work in your body at the cellular level and reflect on your skin, nails, hair, moods, emotions, facial expression etc.



You must have heard that water is good for the skin. This is exactly what most beautiful people do. Drink at least 4 glasses of lukewarm water on waking up and 4-5 glasses in the rest of the day. It hydrates your skin and cleans out the toxins from the body.

2. Ensure regular bowel movements

Beauty is actually an inside job. You need to work at your body from `inside-out’ If you cleanse your bowels everday your skin will thank you for it. The colon stores the largest number of toxins in the body. If these are not thrown out they could erupt on the skin as acne or form a dull greyish layer on the skin making it look lack lustre. In addition to passing stools regularly, great beauties throughout history like Cleopatra, Helen of Troy used enemas regularly to cleanse their colons. These days you get Ayurvedic herbs to clean the colon. 75% of the toxins in the body can be cleansed out through the colon. 20% through the kidneys and 5% through the lungs. These Ayurvedic herbs can be used once every 2 months to cleanse out the colon.

3.Puffy face

If you wake up to a swollen face in the morning, you know that you are suffering from water retention. This can leave your facial features completely out of sink and make you look fat in front of the camera or otherwise. There could be a lot of reasons for this.

You could be deficient in iron leading to anaemia, which makes you puffy all over. Taking supplements of vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil will help reduce puffiness. Reduce salt and mono sodium glutamate intake and avoid white flour. This will prevent unnecessary water retention. Salt draws fluids into the tissues. Eating fried foods (which are usually salty) slows circulation causing swelling so avoid fried foods. Take a multivitamin supplement to cover up deficiencies.

4.Great food for good looks

Drink a glass of vegetable juice everyday. It contains high levels of antioxidants, which are important for a blemish free skin. You could have carrot juice or spinach juice or mint and coriander juice or tomato + beetroot + carrot juice. Most vegetable juices work like a laxative and clean out the colon. Mint and coriander juice is very cooling to the body, clears blemishes, improves eyesight. It also aids digestion and helps prevent intestinal worms, asthama, bronchitis.

5.Dance your fat away :

This is exactly what the beauties do ! Get your favorite tunes and break out into a sweat ! Dancing burns approximately 300 calories an hour. But if you’ve joined Shiamaks dance classes, you might burn up some more !!

Let us find our how some celebrities like the beautiful Pooja Batra, and the ravishing Neena Manuel manage to stay in such fabulous shape !

Pooja Batra:(Actress)
“I like to eat small regular meals. I just don’t eat too much ! I drink a lot of water, and try to eat as much uncooked stuff as possible. I do yoga 4-5 times a week. And yes ! My mother gives me iron and calcium tablets”

Neena Manuel (Model)
“Well, I don’t eat sweets at all ! I try not to have aerated drinks. I don’t smoke because I believe that’s really really bad for the skin. I drink occasionally, may be a glass of red wine or so.
I have a friend who used to drink heavily and he had dark circles around the eyes. When he gave up drinking, within two and a half weeks, his dark circles disappeared. It was like magic.
And…….I do exercise regularly and drink lots of water”.

That’s the secret friends ! Drink loads of water for a glowing skin and eat small quantities of food at regular intervals. Avoid sweets and fried stuff and eat at least one uncooked meal a day to stay in great shape !

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post HEALTH SECRETS OF MODELS AND CELEBRITIES appeared first on Health Total.

Hair today, Gone tomorrow

Everyone loses hair at some stage in life. There are about 1,00000 hair follicles on an average on the human scalp. We lose about 100 strands of hair a day. Usually they grow back. But when hair thinning sets in, the hair growth is reduced. Some men begin to lose their hair in their twenties. Women also lose hair but it is not very noticeable. Hair loss, thinning of hair or malnourished, unhealthy hair can indeed be frustrating. But you might be surprised to learn that you have control over most of the factors responsible for great looking hair.

There are various reasons for hair loss. Your hair is a mirror of your general health. If your body is not receiving proper nutrients, your hair will suffer along with the rest of your body. Improper food choices, eating on the go, work pressure, time pressure and intense stress affects overall health including your hair. I personally believe that a person’s ability to withstand stress without falling sick depends a lot on his nutritional state. Hair falls out due to stress caused by disease, emotional, turmoil, hormonal imbalance and fever. It depletes the body of important vitamins & minerals. If your body is adequately nourished you may be able to withstand many shocks to the system without falling sick. The idea is to strengthen the body to withstand stress and related problems.

Repeated attempts at following fad diets which cut calories with no thought for nutrition are the worst offenders for hair health. Over zealous dieting, apart from causing hair loss could also bring on anemia, low thyroid levels and make you deficient in protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Pregnancy, onset of menopause and the accompanying drop in hormone levels triggers hair loss in many women. Conversely, women who are years away from menopause complain about their healthy hair, turning dry and brittle. Clearly there’s an underlying link between hormones, nutrition and hair. In low protein diets, the “dispensable” proteins in hair and skin are among the first lost. Protein deficiency stunts hair growth and affects the process of replacing dead and fallen hair. Likewise, a deficiency of iron could prove fatal. Iron is the most important mineral for hair growth. The amount of iron in the blood controls the amount of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen. Too little oxygen affects hair follicles adversely. Hair that’s becoming finer and thinner at the hairline is an indication of iron deficiency. For healthy hair: start by eating a balanced, healthy diet. Cut back on sugar, junk food and eat more fresh products. If your hair is adequately nourished, it’s likely to withstand shocks to the system brought about by illnesses, better, without hair loss. Avoid drastic changes in your eating habits. Ensure that your body is getting an adequate supply of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Zinc, B vitamins, vitamin A, folic acid are all important for hair health and it’s common for women to be deficient in these.

One of the most important strategies for keeping your hair thick is to avoid sugar. Sugar accelerates hair loss in human and dogs. Eat adequate proteins as it will prevent sugar cravings as well as strengthens your hair and makes it shine. Eat egg regularly as it is rich in sulphur, which is beneficial for hair growth. Include bean sprouts and soya products in your diet to get more protein. Some herbs are known to be beneficial to prevent hormone related hair loss.

Saw Palmetto: Men concerned about male pattern baldness should try saw palmetto for preserving their hair. This herb is known for its ability to treat benign prostrate enlargement. It helps prevent conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and the same mechanism is involved in male pattern baldness. DHT kills hair follicles and saw palmetto prevents its formation.

B-Vitamin: If you have hair loss, try taking a B Complex supplement along with Biotin. Biotin also helps prevent the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, thus preventing or slowing down hair loss.

B-Vitamin: If you have hair loss, try taking a B Complex supplement along with Biotin. Biotin also helps prevent the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, thus preventing or slowing down hair loss.

Bouncing, shinning, long or short dandruff free hair is the dream of every men and women. Your hair is the most visible sign of beauty. With a little care, you too can have healthy, lustrous hair.

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post Hair today Gone tomorrow appeared first on Health Total.

Eat fish – Be happy

You can add life – to the years ahead of you by taking up fish eating, especially if you suffer from heart disease. Fish eaters round the world (the Japanese, the Eskimoes) enjoy better health and longer lives. The secret lies in the peculiar type of fat called omega-3 fatty acids (LNA-alpha linotenic acid) in fish. This marine oil has untold health benefits. It protects the arteries by thinning the blood. It keeps unwanted clots from forming in two ways. (a) It makes your blood platelets less sticky & (b) it decreases the production of fibrinogen (a protein in your blood responsible for clot formation) The net result is a greatly reduced risk of a heart attack.

Arthritic: Further more Omega-3 fats are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that when Omega-3 fats and GLA (found in evening primrose oil) are taken together, it helps reduce arthritic pain. Omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties similar to aspirin. This is probably one reason that fish is considered a heart-friendly food.

Allergies: More and more people sum to be suffering from allergies. This could be due to a breakdown of their immune system due to wrong food habits, consumption of wrong fats, and toxins in our air, food and water. Increasing intake of Omega-3 fats along with gamma linolenic acid may possibly normalize allergy conditions.

Diabetes: Type II diabetes can be prevented by correcting eating pattern, exercising regularly and eating fish at least thrice a week. It helps prevent glucose intolerance and reduces insulin resistance.

Breast Cancer: A Belgian study of breast cancer showed that fish eating populations had lower rates of breast cancer than non-fish eaters. The reason could be that Omega-3 fats found in fish discourages formation of protaglandins that encourage cancer cells to proliferate. Excess amount of Omega-6 (found in sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, corn oils) are implcated in cancer and other degenerative diseases. Omega-3 fats replace Omega-6 and prevent cell destruction and proliferation of cancer cells. Fish oils are known to decrease the size and number of tumors in animals.

Lowers Triglycerides: Omega-3 fats help lower triglycerides and increase HDL-the good cholesterol thus reducing heart risk. They also help in lowering the blood-pressure, improve psoraisis, bronchitis regulate heart beats and improves health in general.

Sources of Omega-3 fats:- So how does your body get Omega-3 fat if you are a vegetarian. Take heart! There are plenty of vegetarian sources that provide the beneficial Omega-3 fats or LNA (alpha linolenic acid). Flaxseed oil is the richest source of LNA or Omega-3 fats. Just one tablespoon contains seven grams of LNA. Flaxseed oil is unsaturated & therefore very unstable and get oxidised easily. Therefore it should not be overheated. Preferably it should be refrigerated & used as a salad dressing. You can buy flaxseeds (also called ‘Alsi’ in Hindi) and grind then into a fine meal called flaxmeal. One tablespoon of flaxseeds provides 3 gms of LNA and 3 gms of fiber additionally. You can consume one or two tablespoons daily to get your quota of Omega-3 fats. You can store flaxmeal in the refrigerator to preserve its freshness. Walnuts, green leafy vegetables, soyabeans, whole pulses are other vegetarian sources of Omega-3 fats. Fish oil supplements are also available in the market like cod liver oil. And if you are a fishetarian you should be eating fatty fish like Bangada, Rahu, Surmai, Bhetki, Tuna at least three times a week. Seafood is also rich in antioxidants like Selenium & Coenzyme Q-10, that help fight disease and promote health and longevity.

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post Eat fish – Be happy appeared first on Health Total.


Women often wonder whether it is alright to consume alcohol during pregnancy or whether coffee should be consumed, or how much of vitamins intake is appropriate, how many cigarettes are ‘safe’ during pregnancy etc etc. Adequate nutrition support and knowledge of the do’s and don’ts influence the health of the mother and growth of the foetus during pregnancy.

Alcohol : There is no doubt about the fact that consuming alcohol during pregnancy endangers the foetus. It affects the fetal brain in two ways. It enters the placenta and robs the fetal brain of oxygen and nutrients. The result may be facial malformations like cleft palate, heart defects, abnormalities of the skull, growth retardation, hyperactivity, poor co-ordination of motor activities etc. It not only deprives the mother of essential nutrients, but also damages the tissues of the developing embryo. The fetus has an immature detoxification system & the fetal blood levels of alcohol remain high long after it has disappeared from the mothers blood, thus damaging its cells. Researchers, have not been able to specify a ‘safe’ level of alcohol intake because every woman responds differently to varying levels of intake and she needs to drink only in excess of her livers capacity to detoxify alcohol which could be one drink a day or 1-2 drinks a week. It is for this reason that pregnant women should drink absolutely no alcohol. Even women who are planning to conceive should avoid alcohol completely.

Medications : Pregnant mothers should not take any medication without consulting their physicians. This is especially important in the case of asprin, unless specified by a doctor as it may cause bleeding problems. Most medicines pass easily through the placenta and may affect fetal development. Therefore pregnant mothers should be careful and consult their doctors before taking medicine.

Coffee : and other beverages containing caffeine should be taken in moderation. Although research studies have not proved any harmful effects to the fetus due to caffeine consumption a few studies do suggest that it affects birthweight.

Smoking : Habit in the pregnant mother, affects the growing fetus in many ways. It restricts blood supply and limits oxygen & nutrients to the growing fetus. It may lead to growth retardation, vaginal bleeding, abortion, and low birthweight. Sometimes the effects of smoking may harm the intellectual development of the child, which can be seen much later in the life. And above all smokers tend to eat less than non-smokers, which in turn affects fetal nutrition.

Vitamins : Most women tend to overdose on vitamins, mistakenly assuming that if little is good, more is much better. Most fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body and high levels of these may prove toxic e.g. Vitamin A, Vitamin D, & Vitamin E. You must consult your physician before taking vitamin mineral supplements during pregnancy.

Incorrect eating habits : In India women use pregnancy as a license to ‘indulge’ and ‘binge’ on junk foods. It is common practice to eat large quantities of sour and spicy junk foods like bhel, panipuri, sevpuri, pavbhaji, pastries and chocolates, high fat milk and ghee in almost everything. They splurge on chat-patta foods without guilt, and put on unnecessary weight. Such foods do not nourish the mother or the fetus and they end up being over-fed and undernourished. Malnutrition interferes with the development of the fetus. The nutrition habits and lifestyle choices people make can influence the course of a pregnancy. Its consequences could affect fetal growth, birth weight; it could result in premature birth, abortion, and congenital malnutrition’s. Adequate weight gain and correct nutrition supports the health of the mother and the growing fetus.

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post DONT’S DURING PREGNANCY appeared first on Health Total.


You can eat out and eat healthy too. With a little planning and preparation, you can easily develop a strategy for eating out without blowing your diet.

Suggestions for Eating in Specific Types of Restaurants

There is a myriad of healthy snacks and meal options available and they are just as affordable and delicious as the higher fat and less nutritious versions. With a little bit of effort and willpower, you can navigate your way around the available food choices and maintain your health. Try these simple tips and you will relish your favorite cuisine without any guilt pangs.

1. European cuisine-

When ordering main entrees, look for items that are steamed, braised, roasted, simmered, or stir fried (ask for foods to be stir fried with little or no oil). Replace the bacon with smoked salmon on sandwiches. Try to avoid sauces or ask for all sauces (including creamy salad dressing, mayonnaise and butter) on the side so you can control the amount you use. Go for the smaller portion size if you have a choice or share your food with others. It’s the easiest way to reduce the temptation to overeat. Ask for rice, whole wheat pasta (thin crust) instead of French fries, or vegetables without butter. Order grilled fish or vegetables prepared with little or no butter or oil.

2. Oriental or Chinese cuisine-

Most soups on a Chinese menu are very low in fat, and a great way to start a meal. I suggest clear chicken or vegetable soup such as Tom yum or talumien soup or even coriander soup. They are low in calorie content, devoid of corn starch and also provide satiety. Choose steamed dumplings (veg and non-veg, as per choice) with plain rice and noodles, such as lemon chicken in ginger sauce with steamed rice or Oriental chicken salad (garden vegetables and mixed greens tossed with light garlic vinaigrette, served without wonton strips) along with plain rice noodles. You can even go one step further in the direction of health and ask for brown rice (rich in complex carbohydrates) recipes.

Order more of vegetable-based dishes or dishes with high proportion of vegetables. Spinach stir fried with garlic, shanghai cucumbers, shrimp/prawns with black beans, mushrooms and broccoli, etc are a few recommended dishes. Most Chinese cuisine is very high in sodium, from the use of Monosodium glutamate and soy sauce so opt for dishes prepared without them and with hot mustard, sesame seed paste and plum sauce.

3. Mexican cuisine

Since Mexican foods are usually high in sodium, potassium and phosphorus, it would be helpful to order from the a la carte menu. Study the menu carefully and understand the specific ingredients of a particular menu item, before placing an order. A good food choice would be a taco with chicken and lettuce with plain rice or a whole wheat tortilla filled with beans in tomato sauce.

4. Italian cuisine

Italian sauces should be used sparingly as they are high in sodium and fat content and are usually already mixed with the pasta or rice dish. A good choice would be salad, whole wheat bread and a wheat or rice based pasta without much sauce and with herbs such as garlic, oregano and mint. If you eat pizza, eat one slice and supplement with a green salad. A pizza with chicken, green pepper and/or onions would be preferable to a pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and/or extra cheese.

5. Indian cuisine-

Indian cuisine includes perhaps the most dazzling array of fresh vegetables and fruit cooked in a multitude of ways that help retain their freshness and nutrients. That said, like any other cuisine, Indian food also has its decadent and “sinful” dishes. . Tandoor dishes like Chicken tikka, grilled mushrooms, Tandoori fish are preferable items to be included in your Order List. Vegetable dishes such as shashlik , tandoori subzi, tawa bhaaji and steamed dishes like Idlis, dhoklas ,and khandvis are preferred. Roomali roti, naans or paranthas are best avoided as they are laden with saturated fats and are made up of maida or refined flour, which are deficient in fiber, high on glycemic index and a complete no-no for weight watchers. Also try to avoid the rich gravies and creamy preparations like Dal makhanis and butter chicken.

6. Fast Food-

Generally, fast food meals are higher in calories, sodium and fat, and are often without much nutritional value. When choosing, be extra careful about the portion sizes and accompaniments like colas, French fries and creamy dips. Healthy fast food choices would be grilled chicken or fish sandwich (whole wheat), low fat vegetable deli sandwiches, wraps on wheat tortillas without dressings, fruit yoghurts, salads with fat free dressings, wheat rolls with beans, etc.

A few more guidelines for eating out and staying healthy-

Following a few simple rules when you are eating out will make it possible to maintain your nutritious diet even when you are away from home or on the road.

1. Avoid buffets– All-you-can-eat buffets promote overeating, so they are best avoided.

2. Make careful menu selections- Main courses which have been baked, broiled, roasted, poached or steamed would be preferred. Salads with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and lighter dressings will be better than salads with croutons, cheeses, meats and heavy dressings.

3. As an appetizer, order soups made with broth rather than cream and prefer salsas and simply stir fried veggies instead of the gravies and rich sauces.

4. Salads can be an excellent way to add vitamins and fiber whilst also adding color and variety to your meal. Tossed salad greens with olive oil or vinegar as dressing are generally a good choice. Be careful to ask for other dressings on the side and use it only sparingly.

5.Watch the portion size- Eat the same portions out that you do at home and incase of large servings offered, keep a doggy bag besides and take away the excess.

6.Try herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee or fresh fruits for dessert.

Pick a restaurant with a variety of choices to increase your chances of finding the foods you want. Eating out can be one of life’s great pleasures and need not be a cause for panic for dieters. Make the right choices, ask for what you need, and balance your meals out with healthy meals at home. You can enjoy yourself and take good care of your waist and overall health at the same time.

So go ahead and make the most of your dining out experience!

ANJALI MUKERJEE, Nutritionist, Founder Director-Health Total, having health centers
in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune -manages obesity & other health related disorders.
Contact numbers: 1800 8918131/+91 86575 61727
For further information, Visit www.health-total.com

The post DINE OUT WITH CONFIDENCE appeared first on Health Total.

This post is sponsored by my friends at HydroJug. These bottles are SO cute and convenient, and hold half a gallon of water! Get yours here for 10% off with the code fitnessista10.

I mentioned this on the blog earlier this month that for 2021 I’m taking it easier on myself on the goal setting front. I think we all felt disappointed when things were shifted around last year, and I really wanted to decrease internal pressure and set myself up for success.

It’s funny because while I’m pretty good at telling others how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) goals, I sometimes drop the ball on completing all of these categories. It’s SO important to set goals that you can measure, because telling yourself you’re going to do “more” or “less” of something isn’t super motivating.

For example, I told myself I would read “more” this year, and drink “more” water… without giving myself a specific amount. When I realized this, I narrowed it down and became more specific: at least 96 oz of water per day and three books (a fiction, a personal development, and one related to health in some capacity) per month.

I’ve been working through Atomic Habits – I’ll share more about what I’ve learned along with the other books I’ve read this month!- and the author shares clearcut methods to encourage good habits and discourage the habits that cause us harm.

Here are three of these steps, along with how HydroJug has made it so easy for me to check the boxes and hit my water intake goal.

#1: Make it obvious

An example of this would be to set out your workout clothes so that they’re staring you in the face when you wake up. You want to make cues for your good habits to be obvious and visible.

The HydroJug is a giant water bottle so when I see it out of the corner of my eye, it reminds me to take a drink. When I have it nearby, it’s a constant visual reminder to hydrate myself.

#2: Make it attractive

A huge component of making a desired habit attractive is to bundle it with something you like to do. For example, if you want to do more push-ups, you tell yourself you can watch your favorite TV show after you do the push-ups. It makes you look forward to the push-ups because of the reward to come. For myself, I bundle chugging a bunch of water with my morning (decaf) coffee habit, which brings me joy. I know that I can have a hot cup of coffee as soon as I have some water.

Aesthetically, the bottle is SO dang pretty. They sent me two colors (the light pink and new Beryl color, which is a soft turquoise blue). When I opened the package, I was surprised to see a leopard sleeve -leopard is my favorite color right now haha – which made me even more excited to give it a try.

#3: Make it easy

I’ve always known that I tend to slack on water intake, but the thought of constantly refilling my bottle would stop me from drinking enough. The fact that I only have to fill this bottle twice to hit my goal makes 96oz so much more attainable. Anything that you can do to reduce steps on the way to achieving your goals instantly increases your odds for success.

Some more things I love about the HydroJug:

– The bottles are BPA-free, have a wide mouth (easy to add supplements, ice, or fruit to the bottle), and can be washed in the dishwasher (!)

– The bottles are shatterproof (thank goodness) and have a leak-proof seal

– There’s a built-in measurement scale so you can easily see how many ounces you’re consuming

– Reusable, which is better for the earth. Every day, roughly 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away. 38 billion water bottles end up in US landfills per year. By switching to a reusable bottle, you’re making a difference.

– The sleeves and accessories! The sleeve makes it so easy to carry – I just swing it over my shoulder like a purse and can take it on long walks or hikes – and they also have straws.

Are you ready to try it out?? Here’s the link and you can use the code fitnessista10 for 10% off.

How much water do you drink each day?



Thank you so much to Hydrojug for sponsoring this post and to Kristi Harris for the photos.

The post 3 steps for goal setting success appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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