July 2020

While vitamin D deficiency does not initiate the process of autoimmunity in which the body’s immune system wages an attack on an organ such as the thyroid, skin, pancreas, or joints, it plays a
“permissive” role, i..e, vitamin D deficiency allows some other factor to initiate the process.

For this reason, getting your vitamin D blood level into an ideal range provides great advantage in preventing autoimmunity or in helping you reverse it.

The post Autoimmune diseases and vitamin D appeared first on Dr. William Davis.


Over the year’s trainers have been producing workouts that are faster, more intense, and claim to provide you with better results. Although they are good workouts, most people’s bodies are not equipped to handle the high-intense workouts without risk of injury or reaching muscle failure so quickly.

Fast, high powered workouts may be challenging and produce a good sweat, but it is also important to have a balance of intensity along with recovery techniques. This allows the muscles to train for functionality and be strong in various ways.

Try slowing things down and see how these results work for you.


Often we tend to rush through things and not get the most out of the time we’re putting in. In fitness terms, regardless of how much time you spend ‘working it out’, it’s what you do efficiently in that time frame that makes all the difference.

Here are some top reasons why engaging in a slow-flow yoga practice integrated with recovery movements and will benefit you:

Prevents Potential Injury

Our muscles and joints require daily durability and sustainability for protection. When you slow it down, you are able to find the balance between gently pushing your limits while staying within a safe boundary.

Increased Flexibility

Flexibility results in increased mobility. It’s a win-win.

Improved Concentration

Sometimes you learn and focus more when you slow down. The process allows your mind to quiet down to fully concentrate or meditate.

Deepen your relationship with yourself

Your body is your temple, your mobile home. By slowing down, you may be able to think more clearly and be able to listen to your inner voice to guide you.

More open to receive

You are able to take notice of the little things which opens your mind, body, and soul to receive more.

Learn to appreciate yourself

We have one body to nurture and care for. Slower movements will help cultivate an appreciation for what your body can do.

Pain-free Movement

Slow motions allow you to move comfortably into pain-free ranges of motion at your own pace.

Appreciate Progress

Rather than being disappointed that you haven’t mastered a challenging pose, choose to celebrate your progress instead. When you slow it down, you are able to focus on mastering your skills and appreciate the journey of how far you’ve come.

Sustain movement for life

Increases the functionality of our bodies as we age.

Elevates your practice

Slower movements require control, precise motion, deep breathing, and a lot of mindful concentration. Therefore, it’s way more challenging to go slow!

Transcends skills into every day life

Slowing down in your practice allows you to slow down your breath, then your mind will follow. Eventually you will start to connect with your thoughts, ambitions and what you aspire. This process will allow you to shift and transcend into your daily life.


We all have a preference in how we like to sweat and move our bodies. The best combination is to incorporate a variety of different modalities so that you challenge your muscles and prevent them from adapting to the same movements.

Slower tempo workouts will challenge your muscles by igniting your slow-twitch muscles fibers as they work hard to control the movements and stabilize the joints. Your body will know it’s working hard when you start to ‘shake’ while performing the exercises. This is a sign that your neural system is adapting to the work your body is accomplishing.

A slower workout style may or may not be a part of your current workout routine. If it is, keep at it and alter it with other workout styles. If you’re new to this concept, then try these 3 different workouts I’ve created for you to do on your Total Gym.


This blog series explores different training styles by slowing down your workouts to maximize your results. The workouts focus on three different training styles:

Part 1: Pilates
Part 2: Slow Strength
Part 3: Yoga/ Stretching/ Recovery

These slower-style workouts are challenging and can be added into any routine. Be sure to check them all out!


Yoga / Stretch || Slow & Recovery


Perform the following yoga-based recovery poses slowly with control in a flowing sequence. The exercises listed have two different parts; (a.) a dynamic stretch followed by (b.) a static stretch.

•Perform each dynamic stretch (a.) for 5-10 reps slowly.
•Hold each static stretch (b.) for 3 consistent breaths before releasing from pose.
•Repeat the flow 1-3 sets depending on your timing.
•Use these movements as a guide to incorporate with other stretches.

Set Up: Medium level, cables
GB = Glide Board

1. Cat / Cow, Down Dog Peddling
(a.) Cat/ Cow
• Face the tower in a quadruped position
• Using your breath, round the back into cat, then into cow
• Do this motion 3xs, then move into (b.)

(b.) Down Dog Peddling
• Press hips up and back into a downward dog
• Arms and legs are straight and toes are positioned at the bottom of GB
• Alternate peddling by dropping one heel to stretch the calf while bending the opposite leg.
• Have equal weight in arms and legs

Repeat whole sequence (a.) & (b.)

2. Bridge, Hug Knees, Happy Baby
(a.) Bridge, Hug Knees
• Supine position facing away from tower
• Articulate spine into a bridge position (straight line from shoulders to knees)
• Clasp hands underneath spine if flexibility permits
• Articulate spine in reverse to come down

(b.) Hug Knees
• Hug knees into chest to release the lower back and hips
• Aim to place each knee inside the elbow creases and reach for opposite arms

(c.) Happy Baby
• Take the soles of the feet into each hand and lift legs to ceiling
• Gently pull down on the feet or rock side to side to feel the stretch

Repeat whole sequence (a.) (b.) & (c.)

3. Runners Lunge, Quad Stretch
(a.) Runners Lunge
• Face the tower and assume a deep lunge
• The front leg is bent at 90 degrees and the back leg is placed straight onto the GB
• Both hands are placed inside the bent knee on the top of the GB or forearms down if you are more flexible
• Roll from side to side to feel the stretch

(b.) Quad Stretch
• Bend the back leg and grab the top of foot, ankle, or shin with the same arm
• Pull the heel towards glutes gently or rock side to side to feel the stretch

Repeat whole sequence (a.) & (b.) on other side

4. 1/2 Kneeling Side Stretch, Inner Thigh Side Bend
(a.) 1/2 Kneeling Side Stretch
• Facing one side, assume a half kneeling position with one leg straight and the opposite arm extended for balance
• Reach the ‘free’ arm in a circle motion overhead
• Feel free to add in other needed movements (ex: turn head, circle wrists, etc.)
• Then move to (b.)

(b.) Inner Thigh Side Bend
• Transition by slowly sweeping the body to reach towards the straight leg
• Press the hips back and feel the stretch where your body needs it

Repeat whole sequence (a.) & (b.) a few times, then change sides.

Check out this slow flow video to see how these Recovery exercises are performed with control on your Total Gym.

Slow down, breathe, and listen within.

Combine these slower style workouts along with other training modalities to add variety to your workout program and get incredible results.


The post Slow workouts: Part 3 – What are the benefits of slower recovery workouts? appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

We’re all different. From our head to our toes and everything in-between, humans are all individuals with unique qualities that make us who we are. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. How and where you carry your weight is an important factor to consider when trying to drop pounds and reach your goals. That’s why Nutrisystem has created personalized plans that consider your personal body type. “Pear shape” and “apple shape” are two of the most common body types. Keep reading to learn more about the pear body shape and what it means for the weight loss journey.

What Does Your Body Type Mean?

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What Does Pear-Shaped Mean?

body type

If you’re the classic pear shape, most of your weight is below your waist in your hips, buttocks and thighs. Your waist may be more defined and narrower than your hips and thighs. While body type depends on many factors, women are more likely to be pear-shaped then men, says ScienceDaily. Men tend to more apple-shaped, storing excess fat around the middle in the abdomen.

Your pear-shaped body may be beneficial for your overall health. One study found that postmenopausal women with a pear body shape may have a lower risk of heart disease than apple shapes, even with a normal Body Mass Index (BMI). “Women who stored fat around their middle were three times more likely to suffer from heart disease than women with the opposite body type,” says Patient.info.

Researchers theorize that a pear shape may be protective because of where body fat is being stored. Apple shapes tend to store fat around the belly where many organs reside. According to Patient.info, belly fat around the organs is associated with an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Genetics and Hormones


According to a study, published in Nature Genetics, body shape and how someone carries extra weight is determined by genetics. The study found 24 genetic variations which helped separate apple-shaped people from pear-shaped people, says Medical Xpress.

You may have inherited your pear shape; However, the other culprit for your hourglass figure may be estrogen. “The pear body type is more common in pre-menopausal women and some men and is associated with estrogen dominance,” says the American Council on Exercise (ACE). According to HuffPost Canada, pre-menopausal women with excess estrogen tend to have this shape. In both genders, extra estrogen is considered a risk factor for obesity.

Exercising for Your Shape


Regular cardio and toning exercises are key to managing a pear shape. Cardio will help you burn fat all over. You can also add regular resistance training—the kind where you’re moving your body against the resistance of your own body weight, gravity, bands or weights. That will help you firm up your muscles. You may always have a pear shape but you’ll look and feel better by incorporating regular exercise into your routine.

How to Get Toned Legs (No Running Required!)

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Dressing for Your Pear Shape


There are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for your pear shape. Nordstrom Trunk Club recommends tops and jackets that accentuate your top half and defined waist. Choose bright colors and prints that balance your silhouette. When it comes to pants, select darker colors and “slightly roomier” styles that aren’t too tight. A pointed shoe can elongate your legs.

Eating for Your Pear Shape


You can enjoy a diet slightly higher in carbohydrates than other body types. However, be sure to focus on those that are rich in dietary fiber. Protein will help you to feel full and satisfied but be mindful of the amount of dietary fat you consume. Check out the list below for some smart choices for each gender:

Smart choices for women:

  • Low fat, high-quality proteins, such as salmon, egg whites, chicken breast and cottage cheese will keep you feeling full and satisfied long after you finish a meal.
  • Choose high fiber carbohydrates like quinoa, barley and hummus.
  • Blueberries are an ideal fruit choice for your body type.
  • Eat vegetables such as cauliflower, kale and spinach for loads of nutrients and few calories.

Smart choices for men:

  • Salmon, chicken breast, eggs and cottage cheese will provide you with high-quality protein to fuel your day.
  • Fill your plate with high fiber carbs like brown rice and corn.
  • Fruit like blackberries and apples (with the skin on) fit well into your meal plan.
  • Make your salads and sides with broccoli, spinach, asparagus and cherry tomatoes.

Personalized plans from Nutrisystem take your personal body shape into account, creating a weight loss program designed for you. Our menu is filled with delicious, high fiber and low fat options that are lower on the glycemic index. This helps to simultaneously curb your appetite while helping your body lose weight, according to a June 2013 study, published in Obesity. Study participants who followed a low glycemic diet lost more body mass than volunteers eating a high glycemic diet, including the dangerous fat that’s tucked in and around the abdominal organs.

If your pear-shape is at least partly caused by estrogen, limiting foods that boost blood estrogen may help you lose weight, says ACE. They recommend avoiding high-fat dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, trans-fats, unfermented soy products and non-organic meats. Instead, opt for low-fat dairy, organic protein and healthy fats from whole foods like nuts, seeds, avocado and olives.

You should also stick to high-fiber options. “Fiber, which is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains, slows insulin release and aids in the removal of estrogen from the body,” says ACE. Always speak to your doctor before making any dietary changes or if you have any questions or concerns about your estrogen levels.

5 Reasons Nutrisystem is the Best Diet Plan to Become Your Best You

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The post Weight Loss & Body Type: All About the Pear Shape appeared first on The Leaf.

Water does much more for your health than just quench your thirst. It keeps your metabolism working steadily, so you’re burning calories all day—even when you’re “at rest.” It also helps fill you up, so that you’re less likely to mistake dehydration for hunger. Nutrisystem dietitians recommend you get about 64 ounces of water every day. But, that doesn’t mean you have to chug down glass after glass to keep yourself hydrated. The hydrating foods you eat also contribute to your daily intake.

Water makes up more than 90 percent of the weight of 10 very popular vegetables. All of them are non-starchy sources of your greens, meaning you can enjoy as much of them as you want and stay on track with your Nutrisystem weight loss plan. Eat them raw or lightly steamed to really maximize their moisture content.

Fill up on veggie nutrition with these 10 hydrating foods:

1. Cucumbers

hydrating foods

Water content: About 96 percent
Try this: Substitute juicy “cuke” slices for lettuce in your favorite sandwich and skip the mayo.

2. Romaine lettuce

hydrating foods

Water content: About 95 percent
Try this: Fill firm romaine leaves with a whole grain and bean salad for a quick, nourishing lunch you can eat on-the-go.

3. Celery

celery hydrating foods

Water content: About 95 percent
Try this: Dip stalks in a fourth of a cup of hummus (a SmartCarb on Nutrisystem), instead of peanut butter, which has more than five times as much fat.

4. Radishes

radish hydrating foods

Water content: About 95 percent
Try this: Get crafty with the Fresh Radish Salad on The Leaf. Or, top a slice of whole wheat toast (one SmartCarb on Nutrisystem) with a tablespoon of creamy, mashed avocado (an Extra) and thin slices of zesty radish.

5. Zucchini

zucchini noodles hydrating foods

Water content: About 95 percent
Try this: Look for zucchini “noodles” in the produce section at the grocery store or make your own with a spiralizer. Your Shrimp Scampi couldn’t get healthier!

6. Tomato

tomatoes hydrating foods

Water content: About 94 percent
Try this: Carve out the tomato’s stem and a few inches around and below it, then fill the opening with tuna! A half of a cup of water-packed tuna counts as a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem.

7. Bell Peppers

bell peppers hydrating foods

Water content: About 93 percent
Try this: Toss diced peppers with splashes of vinegar, a teaspoon of oil (one Extra on Nutrisystem) and fresh herbs to make a simple relish for sandwiches.

8. Cauliflower

cauliflower hydrating foods

Water content: About 92 percent
Try this: Steam florets until tender, then whip them with non-fat milk to make a healthy alternative to mashed potatoes.

9. Spinach


Water content: About 91 percent
Try this: Add a handful of spinach to smoothies for an extra-hefty dose of vitamins and fiber.

10. Broccoli


Water content: About 90 percent
Try this: Shred the stalks (the stems that are often discarded) and use them as the base for a tasty variation on coleslaw.

How Much Water Do You Really Need? How to Know

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The post Trouble Drinking Enough Water? 10 Hydrating Foods You Need to Be Eating appeared first on The Leaf.

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far. This morning, I’m catching a Peloton class and then tackling Liv’s closet. I’d been avoiding it but really need to clear out the pants and winter stuff, especially since we’re in the heat of summer. That will be my project for the day before we head off for Friday night pool night. I hope you have a good one, too!

One of the highlights of this week: picking veggies at Apple Annie’s. We hadn’t been to Apple Annie’s since Liv was a baby —  it was SO much fun and the perfect outdoor adventure. We met up with some friends and picked green beans, okra, tomatoes, green chilies, bell peppers, and artichokes!

(Livi’s bracelet has tiny macarons on it)

Lunch was on the patio at La Unica, and was INCREDIBLE. I had an egg scramble with green chilies, rice, and beans. So, so good. This little day trip was such a nice way to break up the week and explore a bit. The girls had a great time… and they’ve been excited to eat more vegetables because they picked them. Always a bonus. 😉

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite eats, wears, reads, etc. and I love hearing about the things you’re lovin’ too. Please shout out a current fave in the comments section if you’d like to join in the fun!

Fashion + beauty:

These bike shorts. (<- -my referral code is GINAHAR if you decide to order and would like 15% off!) I was very late hopping on the bike short trend for a couple of reasons. 1) They remind me of 3rd grade, which is a time period I’d be perfectly happy deleting from my life and 2) I’m not vertically blessed and I didn’t think they’d be flattering on me. Even so, I decided to give these ones a try because I love the shine on them! Verdict: they’re super cute and more flattering than I thought they’d be. It’s a fun way to switch up the usual lulu shorts without having to wear long leggings.

Wrap hat. I found this gem on Amazon with awesome reviews and love it so far. It’s can be conveniently rolled into my pool bag and I can wear it with my hair up in a high bun. Wins all around.

Read, watch, listen:

This “Good Mom” Billie Eilish parody.

My second book is out! My manuscript was due about 4 weeks into this whole situation, so needless to say, finishing was a huge endeavor. This book is geared more towards beginners with lots of info on how HIIT works, breakdowns of exercises, fun 15-minute workouts, simple healthy meal ideas, and more. Since the beginning, I emphasized the importance of diversity and approachability throughout the pages. Callisto did a beautiful job featuring so many different types of women through the photos and illustrations. If you’re looking for a “back to basics” type book, or would like to gift it to someone that’s just getting started in the fitness world, the link to check it out is here. If you’d like a copy, leave a comment below! I’ll pick 5 lucky winners and ship out some signed books and goodies early next week. 😉

20 new ways to measure success.

Great comments on rituals.

Aladdin is coming to Disney+! Liv and I had the treat of seeing it on Broadway and the 10-min + version of “Friend Like Me” is everything.

Fitness + good eats:

Shrimp and rice in a pineapple bowl! We’ve been really trying to switch up our food rotation and this was such a delicious summer meal. I’ve made a version of this here, but for the recent variation, I also seasoned everything with the Trader Joe’s Everything But the Elote seasoning.

Food is exponentially more fun when it’s served in a pineapple bowl.

Cafe Gratitude cookbook. I’m still on a mission to try out new recipes and cooking techniques because I’m so bored with food and was thrilled to see this online. Cafe Gratitude is one of my favorite vegan restaurants ever and this book is filled with gorgeous photos and recipes. It reminds me of the raw food recipes of yore – “Ok, I want pizza 4 days from now so I need to start dehydrating the crust today and soaking the nuts for the sauce I’ll make tomorrow” – and they have many steps. While I don’t think it will be realistic to make these on the daily (especially since a waffle eaten over the sink is fine cuisine right now lol), but I’m going to make one recipe each week as something special to enjoy and have leftovers for lunches or breakfasts.

10 healthy oatmeal recipes.

A good reminder to keep our kiddos moving.

A healthy twist on tuna salad.

Try this week’s yoga and barre combo workout!

Happy Friday, friends!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

This barre and yoga combo workout combines yoga poses with barre strengthening exercises for an awesome at-home total body workout. All you need is a mat. 

Hi friends! I’ve got an all-new workout for ya today! This one combines two of my favorite workout loves: barre and yoga. I notice a huge difference in my strength when I implement both of these workouts into my regular routine. Yoga helps immensely with core strength and stability (especially from all of the balance work) and barre helps to strengthen the often neglected muscles in my outer thighs and glutes. Notes: pretty much ALL of us have lazy (weak) bums. Glute strength can help to protect our knees and prevent lower back pain, so it’s important to train your glutes for function and performance in the long haul.

 Wearing lululemon tank // Zella leggings

Here’s what the workout looks like:

Barre and Yoga Combo Workout

Yoga and barre combo workout. Details and form cues at fitnessista.com


Form cues and tips:

Downdog to plank to low push-up, to upward-facing down, back to downward facing down: Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body and in line with your torso for the chatarunga (low push-up). If upward-facing down is too much, try cobra or baby cobra instead. Think about creating length in your spine instead of crunching into your low back.

Crescent lunge to Warrior 3: Watch your front knee in your lunge and make sure it’s stacked over your front ankle.

Eagle to half moon: Come into eagle pose with your right arm under and right leg over your left.. Keeping your spine as straight as possible, bend down into an eagle squat and exhale to press up. On the way up, extend your right leg behind you and lower your left arm to the floor under your shoulder. Come up with control to repeat. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the opposite side.

Goddess squat to side leg lift: For this squat variation, you’ll take a SUPER wide stance and turn your toes out. As you sink down, keep your chest lifted and endeavor to get your thighs parallel to the floor. Make sure your knees extend towards your toes but not past your toes. As you rise from your squat, use your glutes and outer thighs to lift your leg out and to the side. Lower down with control.  Complete all reps on one side before switching to the opposite side.

Push-up to side plank and leg tap: Knees or toes, with hips in line with your spine and core tight. Keep your elbows close to your body as you lower down, and avoid letting them go above your torso. Exhale to rise. Rotate to a side plank (modify: keep your bottom knee on the ground). From here, either complete hip lifts or extend your top leg and exhale to bring it up and tap with your top hand. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the opposite side. 

Single-leg hip raise: Start on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift one leg off the floor, and press your heel towards the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips, keeping your upper back pressing into the floor and hips parallel to the floor. Lower down towards the floor (don’t touch it!) and exhale to rise back up. Continue for 10 reps, then switch legs.

Hip raise with leg lower and lift: Keep your hips high and lift one leg off the floor. Press it up towards the ceiling, and then using your core, lower it down towards the floor. Exhale to lift back up and repeat.

Savasana: Final resting pose! Stay here for at least 3-5 minutes and breathe. You deserve a stretchy reward after all the hard work!

So tell me, friends: what types of workouts are you gravitating towards right now?



Wearing lululemon tank // Zella leggings

Photos: Kristi Harris


Total body barre workout and video

10 barre workouts you can do at home

Barre for everyone

Cardio Barre workout

Yoga barre fusion

Barre Bootcamp 4-week workout plan + videos

The post Barre and Yoga Combo Workout appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope your morning is going well so far. I’m looking forward to catching a Les Mills On Demand workout and taking the kiddos to the pool. The usual. 😉

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about school in the fall and our “learning from home” plan. This was an incredibly hard decision, but we unenrolled P from her preschool for the fall semester. We’ve been at this school for years (Liv went there for a little while too!) and love it dearly, but quite a few aspects about the upcoming school year made me uncomfortable for various reasons. In the end, we figured that the best place for her would be at home. We have an awesome babysitter who will be coming more often so I can get work done in the mornings, and she’s also a preschool teacher. She’s awesome at imaginative play and will also help P a bit with preschool skills, like numbers, letters, simple math, fine motor skills, etc.

For now, Liv will be doing online learning, and while it isn’t the ideal situation (distance learning was a struggle in the spring and it’s hard for kids to be engaged or immersed in a screen), I’m excited that we’ll have more flexibility to travel when we’re able, and enjoy more time in the afternoon together. I debated pulling Liv out of school to remove the pressure of the constant worksheets and projects, but we do want to go back eventually and we don’t want her to be behind. :/

We have a solid stash of kids’ art supplies (watercolors, acrylics, coloring books and different crayons and markers, sketch pads, clay, etc.) but I wanted to create a learning station that was just for P. I thought it would be cool to have a cart-type situation that she could easily access and roll around, filled with learning activities that are exciting to her.

Here’s what I put together!

Preschool Learning Cart

At-home preschool supplies

This is the rolling cart I ordered from Amazon, which was really easy to assemble.

The top tray has some writing tools, markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks, and a dry erase marker for the wipe on, wipe off books.

I also included a mix of puzzles and learning activities:

This letter puzzle

Magnetic letters

Muffin counting toy set

Scissor skills

Learn to read

Pattern blocks and boards

P was PUMPED when I put everything together. She’ll often roll out the cart and ask me to do a worksheet with her or play with the pattern blocks (her favorite). I figured that I can add or swap out different items throughout the fall, depending on what she’s into or any holidays that we can focus around. I’m a little overwhelmed with the whole school situation, and mourning the loss of these childhood experiences for the girls. Kids are resilient but it’s absolutely sad. Fingers crossed that we find a groove over the next few months.

Parent friends: what are your districts doing for the upcoming year? Anyone else doing preschool at home? Please let me know if you have any online resources or activities your kiddo loves!

I also wanted to send a hug to everyone making difficult decisions right now. For us, we haven’t felt like there’s a concrete “right answer.” Everyone says “do what’s best for your family,” but every possible option feels weird and off in some way or another. Thinking of all of my teacher friends, parent friends, administrators and school staff as we navigate these tricky times.



The post Preschool Learning Cart appeared first on The Fitnessista.

The August Running Workout Calendar is here! Let’s make the best of the time we have, okay? There are 2 versions of the running calendar this month. One calendar has running and strength training days. The other is an August Calendar with space to use as a running journal. You can track your workouts and ... Read More about August Running Workout Calendar free printable

The post August Running Workout Calendar free printable appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Yes, you may still be practicing social distancing  during the COVID-19 pandemic. But you can still begin the process of reclaiming health, losing weight, and emerging from this national crisis in far better shape than when it started. And ask any successful Wheat Belly follower: Do you get sick like other people with viral illnesses every year? You will receive a resounding “NO”: people living this lifestyle enjoy a huge reduction in viral infections that plague other people. We cannot claim that this makes you resistant to coronavirus, but it surely helps to achieve the higher levels of health that we achieve on this lifestyle, including reducing or reversing the insulin resistance that leaves you susceptible to viral infections. You may not have ready and safe access to supermarkets to make the full conversion of your kitchen to a grain-free lifestyle, but you can still take the necessary steps to transform your life.

In addition to losing weight and regaining overall health, the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox helps reverse insulin resistance, inflammation, and vitamin D deficiency, strategies that improve your immune response considerably. 

So put it off no longer: We are planning our next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge that starts on Wednesday, August 12th. This is your opportunity to seize control over health and weight, maybe even turn the clock back 10 or 20 years, look and feel better, be freed of numerous, if not all, prescription drugs.

By joining our Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge, you will have access to:

1) Our Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Private Facebook page that provides videos, success stories, and plenty of feedback and answers to your questions.

2) LIVE Facebook sessions with Dr. Davis and April Duval, our main Facebook page administrator. Dr. Davis will personally kick off the Detox Challenge on August 12th. And because April is herself an example of a fabulous Wheat Belly Detox success, she knows the ins and outs of this lifestyle like the back of her hand.

To join our Challenge, you must sign up to become a member of the Wheat Belly Blog community with an annual subscription fee of $15.99. Sign up here. Once you have signed up, you will be given access to our Private Facebook page. 

By becoming a Wheat Belly community member, you will have access to the huge number of resources available on the Wheat Belly Blog, also—nearly 2000 posts with additional recipes, tips, new concepts, avoiding pitfalls, etc. as well as supporting this cause and covering the costs of Wheat Belly staff.

Our goal: to help you succeed in turning around your life and health and achieve all your health goals including weight loss, getting off prescription medications, and turning back the clock 10 or 20 years.


Why the Detox Challenge?

Through my New York Times bestseller, Wheat Belly, millions of people learned how to reverse years of chronic health problems by removing wheat from their daily diets. But, after reading the original Wheat Belly or the Wheat Belly Total Health book, or even using the recipes from the Wheat Belly Cookbook and Wheat Belly 30-Minute Cookbook, people still said: “I’ve read the books, but I’m still not sure how to get started on this lifestyle.

That’s why I wrote the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox  and now help readers along in this Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox CHALLENGE. This is the quickest, most assured way to get started on regaining magnificent health and slenderness by adopting the Wheat Belly lifestyle.

We are kicking off the next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge on Facebook LIVE on Day 1: Wednesday, August 12th, 12 pm EDT/11 am CDT/10 am MDT/9 am PDT. Come join us on the private Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Facebook page: https://ift.tt/2yBsz0z

The Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox supplies you with carefully designed meal plans and delicious recipes to fully eliminate wheat and related grains in the shortest time possible. Perfect for those who may have fallen off the wagon or for newcomers who need a jump-start for weight loss, this new addition to the Wheat Belly phenomenon guides you through the complete 10-Day Detox experience. And we will kick off this next Challenge with a live Facebook session with Dr. Davis on Day 1!

In addition to this quick-start program, I’ll show you:

  • How to recognize and reduce wheat-withdrawal symptoms,
  • How to avoid common landmines that can sabotage success
  • How to use nutritional supplements to further advance weight loss and health benefits
  • How to effectively navigate the grocery store and choose safe products
  • How weight loss and magnificent health are achievable without cutting calories, without hunger

To join the Detox Challenge:

Step 1
Get the book. And read it (at least the first 5 chapters).

Detox Challenge participants should be informed and active in order to get the most out of the challenge and private Facebook group. READING THE WHEAT BELLY DETOX BOOK IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE. PLEASE DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE BOOK or else the conversations will not make sense and you will not enjoy full benefit. It is a very bad idea to try and piece the program together just from our conversations. (Note that the Wheat Belly Detox program is NOT laid out in the original Wheat Belly book.)

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1JqzMea

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/wheatbelly10daygraindetox-bn

Indiebound: http://bit.ly/1KwcFTQ

Step 2
Join the Wheat Belly Blog community to access the thousands of discussions that provide additional recipes, discussions about issues relevant to the Wheat Belly lifestyle, access the newest ideas in the Wheat Belly Blog. The cost is $15.99 for an annual subscription. Here is why we have converted to a subscription process.

Step 3
Come join the Private Facebook Group.


Step 4
Head back to the Private Facebook Group starting Tuesday, August 11th (the day before the official start of the Challenge) and onwards for tips, videos, and discussions to help you get through your Detox and reprogram your body for rapid weight loss and health. Dr. Davis and site administrator, April Duval, will be posting video instructions and answers to your questions. Or just join the conversation now, as we discuss the ups and downs, share recipes, and just have fun every day on the next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge!

The post The next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge begins Wed Aug 12th! appeared first on Dr. William Davis.

Sharing a delicious and healthy vegan lunch idea: jackfruit carnitas burrito bowl! You can make the jackfruit in advance to enjoy in bowls, burritos, or on sandwiches throughout the week. 

Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? I hope you’re having a lovely morning. I’m going to get in an upper body workout and I think we may hit up the outdoor shops this afternoon just to get out of the house. The kiddos haven’t been in a store since the beginning of March, so this is a pretty big deal.

Can we just talk about Down to Earth for a second? If you haven’t watched this gem on Netflix yet, I highly recommend it. The show is a docuseries that follows Zac Efron and his friend Darin Olien around the world as they learn about different sustainability practices, cuisine, tips for longevity, and health. It’s absolutely fascinating and I feel like each episode is better than the last! (I’m only on episode 5 right now.) Also, Zac and Darin are very nice to look at. 😉 I ordered Darin’s book and can’t wait to dive in when I finally finish City of Girls.

The show has given me a lot of things to ponder and scheme, especially with the current climate and everything going on in the world. It’s inspired me to make positive changes, focus more on sustainability (and save our sad little garden), and also eat more plants! In a recent episode, they were in Costa Rica and hacked into an enormous jackfruit. I’d been thinking about jackfruit ever since and couldn’t wait to make some jackfruit carnitas this weekend.

What is jackfruit?

If you’ve never cooked with jackfruit before, it’s an awesome vegan meat substitute. You can shred it like pulled chicken or pork and flavor it however you’d like. Unlike many other meat substitutes that were created in a lab with a bunch of sketchy ingredients, this one is plain and simple young green jackfruit. It has spiky skin and a sweet flesh, and conveniently, you can find the canned version at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s (or international grocery stores). It’s high in Vitamin C and has a decent amount of fiber. It’s nutrient dense and tastes delicious.

How do you cook jackfruit?

I recommend draining the can – make sure you get the ones in brine and not in the sweet syrup – and shredding with a couple of forks or your hands. From here, you can either sauté it on the stovetop or pop it in the oven on a lined cookie sheet to bake or broil. I prefer savory and aromatic seasonings on jackfruit, like garlic, oregano, salt, pepper, citrus, salsa, or BBQ sauce.

How to make jackfruit carnitas:

I recently used jackfruit carnitas as the star of an incredible lunch bowl. The bowl had romaine, salsa, guacamole, cilantro-lime cauliflower rice, black beans, fajitas veggies, and lime wedges. It was EVERYTHING! To make the jackfruit carnitas, I followed the exact steps in this recipe.

Then, I transferred the jackfruit to a lined cookie sheet (lined with foil and sprayed with avocado oil) and broiled it for 10 minutes to get the crispy BBQ edges on the jackfruit.

Here’s the recipe for this awesome jackfruit carnitas burrito bowl!

Jackfruit Carnitas Burrito Bowl



Jackfruit Carnitas Burrito Bowl

A delicious and savory vegan lunch or dinner option! Make the jackfruit carnitas and enjoy in a burrito bowl, salad, or breakfast scramble. Here’s the recipe for my favorite burrito bowl!

  • Author: Gina Harney // The Fitnessista
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings


For the jackfruit:

20 oz jackfruit (brined in water), drained and shredded

1/4 red onion, small diced

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 teaspoon oregano

1 tablespoon orange zest

Juice of 1/2 orange

To serve:

Cooked fajita veggies ( I sauté an onion with bell peppers and garlic, and season with salt, pepper, and oregano)

Cooked grain of choice (I used cauliflower rice with lime zest, lime juice, cilantro, and salt)

Guacamole (homemade or store-bought)

Salsa (homemade or store-bought)

Cooked beans of choice (I used black beans seasoned with garlic powder, cumin, and oregano)

Salad greens (romaine or spinach work well here)

Lime wedges and cilantro


Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. In a large pan, sauté the jackfruit ingredients on medium heat for about 7 minutes, until warm and fragrant.

Transfer the jackfruit to the cookie sheet and broil on high for about 10 minutes, until the edges are crispy.

While the jackfruit is broiling, prepare the rest of the burrito bowl. Place the rice, beans, fajita veggies, guacamole, salsa, and salad greens into a bowl and arrange according to your preference.

When the jackfruit carnitas are done, add some to the bowl and top with lime wedges and cilantro.


Store any leftover jackfruit carnitas covered in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Keywords: jackfruit carnitas, how to cook jackfruit, easy jackfruit recipes, healthy jackfruit lunch ideas

Have you tried jackfruit before? Any recipes that you love??

Team Zac or Team Darin?



The post Jackfruit Carnitas Burrito Bowl appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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