January 2020

Want to run faster? Get the February 2020 Running Calendar with 10 Tips to help you get faster this month! Print out the calendar and plan out your runs and workouts. Incorporate the Run Faster Tips. Some are tasks to check in with your gear, body or mindset. Some are ideas for running workouts. And ... Read More about February Calendar for Runners with Faster Tips

The post February Calendar for Runners with Faster Tips appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We’re celebrating Kyle and Everly’s birthday with the fam, going to the opera (!), and having everyone over for Superbowl Sunday. I also have a huge book deadline Monday morning so in between the activities, I’ll have my computer out, and blue light-blocking glasses on, nerding it up. 🙂 I’d love to hear what you have going on!

Two exciting things happened this week:

– Regular fitness classes back on the schedule. I’m going to be teaching a bootcamp class and a spin class each week, and it feels so good to be back into teaching. I’ve been subbing since we moved back to Tucson, mostly because the Pilot has been gone 80-90% of the time and childcare can be tricky, but now that his schedule is more predictable, I could start teaching regularly again. I taught bootcamp this week – we did a mix of TRX, battle ropes, BOSU, and Tabata rounds- and it was so.much.fun. I felt a little piece of my soul come back to life!

– Speaking of my soul coming back to life, something else happened: I got a spot singing with a local choir. I chatted about it in this post, but the nutshell version is that I auditioned over the fall and was choir roadkill. Since then, I’ve been working with a vocal coach and practicing like crazy, and got the chance to audition again last night.

I figured I was going to celebrate either way. Even if I didn’t get a spot, I was going to celebrate the fact that I really gave it my best shot after months of lessons and consistent practice. I’d throw my aria in the trash can and have a glass of wine. BUT, I got a spot! I was really happy to be able to tell Liv and P that I didn’t quit and the hard work paid off.

I’m SO pumped and we have three big concerts each year. (I’ll share the word when get closer if any Tucson friends want to come out!) YAY.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Fashion + beauty:

– Scoping out spring and summery clothes. I’m sooooo over bundling and the revolving door of colds in our house. Bring on the sunshine! I ordered this cute leopard bikini top for our cruise and this coverup. Also loving this dress, this bodysuit, and these cute strappy sandals.

Amazing to see that Beautycounter is diving into the mica industry – mica is in EVERYTHING. It’s what makes makeup shimmer and is very safe – to make sure it’s sourced responsibly.

Read, watch, listen:

Watch Jerry give “mat talk” to these lucky folks arriving to work.

Dinner etiquette.

Why exercise is good for your brain.

This BLEW MY MIND. People don’t have an inner monologue? Can we talk about this? My entire day is constant thoughts in my own voice in my head. I can’t imagine it being peaceful in my brain lol. If this is you, please tell me what this is like!

Good eats + misc. finds:

Equilibria! I’ve mentioned it a few times before, but this has helped dramatically with my anxiety. Before my choir audition, I was sitting in my car, shaking from nervousness. I put 5 drops of Equilibria CBD under my tongue and within two minutes, I felt remarkably better. While I was absolutely still nervous, it took the shaking “what the heck am I doing?” feeling away. I could actually breathe and focus. It’s a game changer for me. (If you want to give it a whirl, my link gets you 15% off. They’re also going a special promo through tonight at midnight. Use the code fitnessistadaily20 to get 20% off the first three months of any new subscription.)

– The Art of Plating event. We got to watch Kyle do his thang and compete against local chefs in a plating competition. Kyle is truly an artist and always amazes me with his creations.

This is a wagyu beef sandwich with beef fat mayo.

The crazy thing is that his meals taste even better than they look. I’m totally biased, but his recipe was absolutely my favorite compared to the other dishes. There were a lot of beautiful creations and I had a great time wandering around with Meg and madre, tasting all of the different entries.

(Dress is here and shoes are here)

For now, P and I are off to the library and I’m going to catch a Peloton class this afternoon.

Have a happy Friday and I’ll see ya soon!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

all about Coronavirus

The new strain of Coronavirus outbreak that was first identified in Wuhan, China, has put the world in high alert.

According to CNN’s latest reports, 170 people have died so far and over 7,000 cases were confirmed in mainland China. Adding to this, more than 60 million people are under partial/full lockdown in China in order to prevent further spreading of the infection.

Outside of China, the virus was identified in several countries including the US, France, Japan Australia, Canada, Thailand and now in India too.

Kerala has reported a case of the new Coronavirus in a student who had returned from Wuhan. The patient is now quarantined in Trissur General Hospital.[1]

Coronavirus infection

Coronaviruses (CoV) are common viruses that cause infection in sinuses, upper throat and nose. Human Coronavirus is also responsible for the common cold.

Though most viruses are not dangerous, some types are serious like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) which are rare.

While SARS (CoV) killed 774 people in the year 2003, MERS (CoV) killed around 858 people in the year 2012.

The WHO termed the Coronaviruses as ‘Zoonotic’, meaning, the Coronavirus infection was transmitted from animals to humans.[2]

Novel Coronavirus

On December 31st, 2019, Chinese authorities reported pneumonia-like disease among 44 people in Wuhan without any known cause to the World Health Organisation.  

A new virus was identified by the Chinese officials on January 7th, 2019. It was revealed that this new virus belongs to the Coronavirus family. Since this new strain was not previously identified among the humans, it was dubbed as the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).


This new strain of the virus is akin to the SARS and MERS – both are deadly and killed hundreds in the past. This Novel Coronavirus has also killed hundreds in just a month after the breakout. The virus is also challenging to contain. These factors make the Novel Coronavirus deadly and dangerous.

 It is worth mentioning that like SARS and MERS, the 2019-nCoV is Betacoronavirus. This means, the virus first appeared in bats. Some reports have also suggested that the virus may have originated from a wet market in Wuhan. However, this is only a speculation and no one knows how the virus passed to the humans. [3]

Causes of Coronavirus

The Coronavirus infection is contagious and airborne and can easily spread from one human to another human. The infection spreads through;

  • Air – sneezing and coughing.
  • Having personal contact with people who are having the infection like shaking their hands or touching them.
  • Touching your nose, mouth or eyes after touching an infected person or surfaces with the Coronavirus on it.
  • The infection rarely spreads through faeces.

The Coronavirus can infect anyone. However, children are more susceptible to it and therefore they should be taken better care to prevent them from catching the infection.[4]

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Mild to moderate Coronavirus infection exhibits symptoms like the common cold.

The general symptoms are,

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • A general feeling of illness  
  • Cough and sneeze
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Breathing difficulties

In severe cases, Coronavirus can cause SARS, MERS, bronchitis, kidney failure, pneumonia and even death. 

The symptoms of severe Coronavirus infection are;

  • Cough with mucus
  • Shortness of breath
  • In case of pneumonia, fever temperature can be high
  • Tightness in chest or chest pain when coughing or breathing

People who have lung and heart disease are more susceptible to developing severe infections.

Coronavirus Prevention

There is no particular treatment or cure for Coronavirus and treating the symptoms usually helps the infected person to recover. Well, as the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure” any day.

coronavirus infection

Taking simple measures will prevent you from catching or spreading the infection.

  •  Wash your hands regularly with soap or hand wash for 20 seconds at the least.
  • While sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth using a tissue. Discard the tissue immediately and wash your hands.
  • Clean the place that you frequently use. Wipe and disinfect the surfaces as often as possible.
  • Don’t touch your mouth, nose or face with unwashed hands.
  • Stay away from people who are sick and infected unless you’re a healthcare professional or close family member. In this case, cover your nose and hands.
  • If you are infected, quarantine yourself.

While the above prevention methods are recommended for common Coronavirus, the WHO has issued public advice to prevent catching/spreading the current Novel Coronavirus.

  • If you experience fever, cold or cough, contact your healthcare provider immediately and share your travel history.
  • Avoid visiting live markets or if you are visiting one, don’t touch live animals without covering your hands and nose.
  • Avoid the consumption of undercooked/raw meat.
  • Handle meat, milk and animal products with care to prevent cross-contamination with other uncooked or undercooked foods.[5]

Coronavirus Treatment

There are no standard treatments for Coronavirus infection as mentioned above and treating the symptoms will help recover. People who have developed common Coronavirus infection will recuperate by themselves usually.

To relieve the symptoms, you can follow the below suggestions:

  • Take fever or pain medications.
  • Hot showers or drink hot water/soups to relieve cough sore throat.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Rest well and quarantine yourself to prevent the spreading of infection.

The above recommendations are only if you have a common or mild Coronavirus infection.

boost immunity

If you think you have a severe infection, it is highly recommended that you visit your doctor immediately.

1. Boosting immunity

The body’s first line of defence against Coronavirus infection is strengthening your immunity and good lifestyle habits will help you bolster it. Below are some tips to build immunity in a healthy way.

2. Quit smoking

Smoking causes severe respiratory diseases and it can also invite other infections. If you are a heavy smoker, reduce the frequency and gradually try to quit. This way, you will not only strengthen your immunity, but you will also keep infections at bay.[6]

3. Eat healthy foods

One cannot have a healthy immune system by eating junk foods. To strengthen your immunity, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are loaded with micronutrients and antioxidants.

Certain vitamins and minerals are very essential for a healthy immune system. Eat foods that are loaded in zinc, vitamin A, C, E, folate, iron and selenium. Also, get adequate vitamin D to bolster your immunity.[7][8]

4. Indulge in exercising

Believe it or not, exercising can keep cold and flu and bay. Exercising may flush out bacteria from the lungs. Likewise, increased body temperature may fight infections better.[9]

5. Maintain a healthy body weight

It is a known fact that unhealthy body weight is bad to the immune system and can make to susceptible to infections. Maintaining a healthy body weight with a healthy diet and exercise and will boost your body metabolism and immune system. This will, in turn, help you fight infections and keep flu at bay.[10]

6. Limit alcohol consumption

Studies have revealed that heavy alcohol consumption can increase the risk of catching infections. Alcohol affects the immune system and can make the drinker susceptible to infections pneumonia. Therefore, to reduce the risk of catching Coronavirus, limit alcohol.[11]

7. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can again make you susceptible to cold or flu – which is also caused by Coronaviruses. Sleep is very crucial for the immune system. Sleeplessness can increase the stress levels which will suppress your immune system. To strengthen immunity, sleep for a minimum of 7 to 8 hours.[12][13][14]


Every year, novel viruses are cropping up and now, bacteria are becoming antibiotic-resistant. Scientists are scrambling to discover vaccines and antibiotics to tackle the new viruses including the Novel Coronavirus. And sadly, most of the viruses do not have any cure or vaccination at the moment.

The best way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe is by practising healthy and hygienic habits. Pay extra attention to your surroundings and take the extra step to keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Also, invest in healthy eating and living. This will definitely help you keep flu and infections at bay. 

The post Coronavirus – Don’t wait for a cure, prevent when you can appeared first on Truweight Blog.

Hi friends! Today, I’m chatting with my friend Amanda Brooks from Run to the Finish about all things running.

Download a full transcript here. 

Here’s what we talk about:

– How to start a running program

– What makes a “real runner?”

– How to prevent knee pain and injuries

– Race day mentality and race day fueling

– Proper running form

– Her new book (you can order it here!)

– Tips for getting faster

and so.much.more.

Here’s a little bit about Amanda:

Amanda Brooks is a running author who helps others get out of their own way to achieve major goals in running, while remembering to love the journey! She’s been recognized by Greatist, Women’s Health and others as a top fitness blogger in her over 12 years of writing.

Connect with Amanda on her blog or on Instagram.

She offers online group training here.

Her new book will be out in March, but you can pre-order it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 

Don’t forget to sign up for your free 21 days of Les Mills On Demand! This is one of my all-time favorite workout platforms. The instructors are knowledgeable and motivating, plus the music is incredible. There are so many different formats, you’ll definitely find something you love. Get your free workouts here.

I’m a huge fan of Daily Harvest for quick and healthy meals. Their smoothies are an almost-daily staple (such an easy way to get in a ton of nutrients) and I also love their overnight oats, soups, and bowls. Get $25 off your first order using the code FITNESSISTA. Check it out here. 

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you. 

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

The post 049: Running Tips from Amanda at Run to the Finish appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Game Day food is best eaten by hand, am I right? And it doesn’t get better (or easier) than these Chimichurri Street Tacos. They’re easy to prepare and will please meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans alike. 

Picture this: beef strips (or tofu!) smothered in a zesty chimichurri sauce, with bright sauteed peppers and onions, all wrapped in a fresh tortilla. Pair these with our high-protein nachos, and you’ve got a big game spread that’s sure to be a touchdown (yes, pun intended). 

The best part? Just set the fillings out and let your guests build their own taco. Party planning is done. 

Chimichurri Street Tacos

The Taco Part: 

Makes 8-12 tacos

You can prepare your beef on the grill then slice it or start with slices and bake it in the oven (shown in this recipe). 

  • 1 lb top sirloin (or cut of your choice), cut into thin slices
  • 4 oz extra firm Tofu, well-drained and diced
  • 4 oz shiitake or portabella mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 green bell pepper, cut into slices
  • 1 medium red onion, cut into slices
  • 2 cups raw red cabbage, shredded 
  • 12 small corn or flour “street taco” shells
  • Plain non-fat Greek yogurt for topping (optional)

The Chimichurri Sauce:

Makes 2-3 cups 

Traditional chimichurri sauces use more oil, however, I scaled back on the oil and replaced it with water. This recipe uses avocado oil in place of traditional olive oil, but olive oil is a fine option. The amount of sauce you get will depend on how much water you add. 

  • 1 packed cup flat parsley
  • 1 shallot, cut into large chunks
  • ¼ cup red wine vinegar
  • 1-2 cloves garlic 
  • ½ tsp dried oregano
  • ¼ tsp ground cumin
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup avocado oil
  • Water 

How To Make Chimichurri Sauce:

In a food processor or blender, combine parsley, shallot, vinegar, garlic, oregano, cumin, and salt. Pulse until the ingredients are combined. Add avocado oil and pulse until coarsely pureed. While the food processor is running, slowly add a small amount of water.

Stop the blade and check the consistency. If you want it thinner, add more water and run the food processor for another 5-10 seconds. 

Note: Don’t over processes the sauce or it will be too liquidy. Add a little water at a time and run the blade in 5-10 second increments. The texture should be slightly coarse, not silky smooth. 

How To Make The Tacos:

Place beef strips in a bowl. Top with ¼ cup of chimichurri sauce and toss to coat the beef. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.

In a separate bowl, add tofu and ¼ cup of chimichurri sauce. Gently toss and coat the tofu. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to 24 hours. Reserve the remaining chimichurri for a topping. 

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Remove the sirloin and tofu from the marinade. Discard used chimichurri. Place the tofu on one side of the baking sheet and the beef on the other side (or use two separate baking sheets). 

Bake until the beef is cooked through. Approximately 10-15 minutes. (Longer if you like your beef well done).

While the tofu and beef are baking, saute the mushrooms, bell pepper, and onion in a pan on medium heat until slightly tender. Note: To reduce calories use water instead of oil to saute your vegetables. 

Once your beef, tofu, and vegetables are cooked it is time to assemble your tacos. On a taco shell, layer up your vegetables, protein of choice, fresh red cabbage, additional chimichurri sauce, and yogurt. 


The post Chimichurri Street Tacos: The Perfect Party Food appeared first on Born Fitness.

Organic foods for weight loss

Medically reviewed by Dr. Shunmukha Priya, Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition

Different trends were introduced at different times. For instance, nearly two decades ago, people fancied bottled water. Shortly after this, fast food chains became a hotspot. 

Similarly, over the last few years, organic foods have captured the attention of the current generation. Organic stores have cropped up in almost every locality in every city. They are also slightly pricier when compared to regular food products available in the market. 

Table of Content

Organic foods have also drawn the attention of the weight loss industry – after all, these foods are marketed as one of the healthiest foods. People have flocked these stores to buy organic foods for weight loss. [1]

When it is crucial to get rid of the excess fat, one also has to make sure that they eat wholesome and nutrient-dense foods

In this article, we bring you why choosing organic foods can be a good thing for weight loss. [2]

What is organic food?

Organic foods are those foods that are produced organically using organic methods and procedures of farming.

These foods are grown without the aid of any fertilisers or pesticides. This farming involves different features which in turn help in promoting the conservation of biodiversity and maintains the ecological balances.

Organic food is grown using natural fertilisers devoid of any chemical, synthetic, antibiotics and hormones; whereas the conventionally grown food has added fertilisers and pesticides.

organic foods

The most common organic produces are fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains and meat. Organic farming also promotes the soil quality, soil fertility and conservation of underground water.[3]

The benefits of organic food

As mentioned earlier, organic foods are chemical-free and being so, has its own merits.

1. They are naturally fresh

Organic foods usually are not laced with preservatives to ‘keep it fresh for a longer period of time’ like regular foods. Organic foods, especially fruits and vegetables, usually come from local farmers.

This means the food involves little to no transportation. To ensure fresh foods, choose native and seasonal products over non-native/non-seasonal products.

2. Organic meat is antibiotic-free

Meats of organically raised livestock are healthier when compared to conventional meat sold in the commercial market. Organic livestock is not given any growth hormones, antibiotics or fed any other animal byproducts.

Increased consumption of organic meats can prevent antibiotic resistance. Likewise, organic livestock is left to roam freely. This enables the breeder to raise them healthily.

3. Certain nutrients are richer in organic food

Studies have revealed that certain nutrients are richer in organic milk (organically raised cow’s milk) and meat than in regular milk and meat. This includes omega-3 fatty acids as well.[4]

Organic foods for weight loss

We have told before and we will tell you again – weight loss happens in the kitchen. The food we eat determines our weight, energy, health and overall wellness. When you eat organic foods for weight loss, your body adapts to the healthy diet and starts healing.

Below we tell you why organic foods are best for weight loss.

1. Less pesticide, more nutrition

Organic foods are dense in nutrition and they have higher nutrient content than regular foods. Organic eggs and pure cow’s milk are a classic example of this.

It provides maximum nutrition to the body. These foods keep the body energetic and rejuvenated throughout the day. This will keep the body active and an active body will have good metabolism which will boost weight loss.

2. Fibre-rich

Organic foods are richer in fibre than conventional foods. Fibre helps to keep the stomach full for a longer period of time. This prevents unhealthy bingeing. When we stop eating unhealthy foods and implement portion control, the body begins to use the stored fat for energy which propels weight loss.

It is important to note that fibre is also important for a healthy bowel movement. Fibre consumption, as well as regular bowel movements, keep gut healthy. A healthy gut is essential for effective weight loss.[5]

3. Eating healthy carbohydrates

Eating polished rice and refined flour is the main reason behind obesity and other metabolic diseases among the current generation. These types of foods are loaded with simple carbohydrates and offer very little nutrition to the body. Simple carbohydrates digest quickly, make you feel hungry soon and spike the sugar levels.

On the other hand, organically grown grains like wild rice, brown rice, millets etc have complex carbohydrates, fibre and antioxidants. The body processes these grains slowly which bars overeating. Likewise, micronutrients present in these grains also benefit the body.[6]

4. Rich in antioxidants

Organically grown fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants than conventional fruits.

Generally, conventional fruits are laced with pesticides and other chemicals which greatly damages the antioxidant properties. On the other hand, organic fruits and berries offer maximum antioxidants which can effectively fight free radicals in the body.[7]

5. Labels

While buying organic foods for weight loss, it is important to look for the label signifying Organic Food. Jaivik Bharat Logo is the government-approved logo in India.

Organic foods approved by the government will bear this logo and is deemed as authentic. Carrying this logo means the manufacturers have adhered to the National Organic Standards.

Therefore, ensure that the food you are buying has the Jaivik Bharat Logo instead of buying products that simply claim ‘organic’.[8]


Organic foods are great for weight loss and they have numerous health benefits. However, one should also know if the food is really organic before buying.

While Jaivik Bharat Logo can help you find authentic organic foods among packaged goods, talking to your local vendor about the fruits and vegetables will help you pick the cleaner and healthier ones.

Making informed choices not only will help you lose weight but will also help you maintain it.

The post Buying Organic Foods for Weight Loss? Know all about it here! appeared first on Truweight Blog.

5 Total Gym Exercises to Tone your Legs

If you are looking to tone up your legs, then these 5 exercise moves on the Total Gym is perfect for you. You get to decide if you want to do 1, 2, or 3 rounds of this but I can promise you will feel it! Adding in plyometric movement will get your heart pumping, you sweating, and calories burning!

Note*** To make this more suitable for beginners, take out the jumps and rest the arms to your sides. To make this more intermediate, add in free weights.

Let’s get busy!!!

Make sure to warm up before you get started and have your water bottle ready.

5 Moves for Toned Legs

15 Reps - 3 Sets

1. Single Leg Jump Squat – repeat on other leg
2. Jumping Jack
3. Windshield Wiper
4. Side Squat Jump with Leg Lift – repeat on other leg
5. Reverse Lunge

This is a fun and effective workout that you can move through quickly to get fast results. Let me know what you liked most!

Follow me on Cassandra’s Total Fitness on Facebook, YouTube, & Instagram. Join my community on Cassandra’s Total Challenge and also Total Gym Addicts for more support!

Cassandra Kurpiel
Certified Health & Life Coach
Total Gym Brand Ambassador

The post 5 Total Gym Exercises to Tone your Legs with Cassandra appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

This post is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club. Click here and you’ll get their Ultimate Shave Starter set with Prep Scrub, Shave Butter, Post Shave Dew, Executive Razor Handle, and 2-pack cartridge all for just $5. 

Over time, I’ve learned a lot about my personal skincare and hygiene routine and what truly works for me. For example, I used to wash my hair every single day and couldn’t figure out why it was so dried out and dull. Now, I wash it maybe twice a week and it’s so much healthier. I finally have a skincare routine that I love and everything is pretty much on autopilot. I have it pretty much to a science and rotate appointments: I get my nails done every 2-3 weeks, make wax appointments and eyebrow threading appointments (all these things we have to think about, right?) but when it comes to my legs, I have a hard time remembering to replace my razor and often end up borrowing (aka stealing) the Pilot’s.

Thankfully, Dollar Shave Club has me covered but by providing their amazing quality shaving supplies at a great price point.

They recently sent me their Ultimate Shave Starter set, and here’s what’s included:

Prep Scrub: this helps to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells – so good during winter because my skin has been super dry

Shave Butter: transparent for a precise shave and helps to prevent razor bumps

Post-Shave Dew: for instant hydration

Executive Razor Handle: the handle is weighted and it very high quality. It feels much sturdier than other brands I’ve tried

2-pack cartridge: each cartridge has 6 blades

My very favorite part of the set is the razor and blades. I love that they send two so you have a backup on hand! It’s nice to always have an extra on hand to replace the blades or if I’m traveling. I can detach it and take the extra blades separately.

Dollar Shave Club also sent me their 3oz. Post Shave Cream to keep my skin moisturized and protected from dryness all season long. My skin has been super dry this winter so I was excited to try it out. 

I’ve been using and loving the Ultimate Shave Starter set and so has the Pilot! For his job, he has to shave regularly (no scruff allowed) so I was interested to hear his thoughts on the set. He ended up taking an extra set with him to his crash pad so he has a backup waiting for him.

If you’re like me and want to have all of the essentials on an auto rotation, check out the Ultimate Shave Starter Set. You can get the Prep Scrub, Shave Butter, Post Shave Dew, Executive Razor Handle, and 2-pack cartridge all for just $5. Check it out at DollarShaveClub.com/Fitnessista.

Thank you so much for supporting me and the brands who help to support our family.

What grooming appointments do you have to shuffle around? Any awesome tips for streamlining your routine?

I hope you have a great day and I’ll see ya soon!



The post Dollar Shave Club Review appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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