August 2019

Do you wonder sometimes why you are craving for certain foods when you’ve just had your lunch or dinner? Food cravings can be intense, and sometimes it is difficult to get your mind of what you are craving to eat. During these cravings, mostly you end up eating foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, which do more harm to your body than good. In this article, we share some healthy snacks that you can munch on when you crave for some junk.

Healthy Snacks to Include in your Diet

Listed below are a few healthy snacks that you can eat to curb your cravings –

Salted nuts

salted nutsA handful of mildly salted nuts like pistachio, almonds, walnuts or soy nuts are great healthy snacks to curb your cravings and at the same time satiate your taste buds. These healthy snacks are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and loaded with good amounts of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. They also supply healthy amounts of vitamins B and E and are rich in antioxidants.

Roasted seeds

Watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds or flaxseeds are nutrient-dense foods that provide your body with essential proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. They contain a significant amount of micronutrients such as minerals, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, Vitamins B and E, and fibre that help manage blood sugar levels and improve digestion.

Dark Chocolate

If you are craving for something sweet, you can swap your regular chocolate with dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is made with 70% cocoa and is rich in antioxidants. Having just 2-3 pieces of dark chocolate regularly can reduce your risk of heart diseases. However, limit your intake, as an excess of it can add a lot of sugar to your diet. You can try Health Total’s Dark Chocolate, which is less than 15 calories per piece.

yogurt with carrotLow-fat yogurt with carrots

This is a tasty and comforting snack, which works great as an in-between meal. Yogurt is high in probiotics helps to improve digestion. Carrots are high in beta-carotene and good for your eyes and hair. You can roast the carrots, or grill them with a little salt and olive oil. Add a bit of cumin powder, salt and a little bit of lemon juice to the yogurt and mix it well.


Roasted or boiled peanuts with their shell are a very tasty snack. They are rich in protein and healthy fats. They are also a good source of carbohydrates that gives you a healthy dose of energy. Peanuts offer a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals like biotin, copper, folate, manganese, Vitamin E and phosphorus.

Boiled Chickpeas

boiled channaJust like other legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils, chickpeas or channa is high in fibre and protein. It comes in different varieties; the most common variety is round and beige and other varieties come in black, red and green. These are sometimes also known as garbanzo beans. Chickpeas are a good source of iron, phosphate, calcium; manganese, zinc, vitamin K and vitamin C. It is best consumed after soaking in water for 8 to 10 hours and then boiling them. You can add salt, lemon juice, raw onions, tomatoes, red chili powder, and chaat masala to boiled channa, garnish with coriander leaves and enjoy this yummy tangy, spicy healthy and filling snack. You can also try out our Peri Peri Chickpeas, which is a great snacking option!

Cucumber with red chili powder and salt

Cucumber is a low-calorie snack that is tasty, easy to carry and contains enormous amounts of water. Thanks to the high water content, it helps you flush out toxins from your body. Just 1 whole cucumber a day is a great snack for your kidneys, liver, bladder, and pancreas. Cucumber also helps prevent blood clotting, is rich in vitamin K and helps in building healthy tissues for your muscles. You can add a little salt, chili powder, and chaat masala to peeled cucumber sticks and enjoy them during your food cravings.

Sliced guava with red chili powder & salt

guavaFruits are best to consume when you get a food craving. They are naturally sweet, low in calories and rich in fibre. So, you stay full for a long time and satiate your cravings as well. Guava has several health benefits – it helps lower blood sugar levels, improves digestion and heart health.

It is a great food to include in your diet if you are on a weight loss plan. It is great food for your skin and beneficial in fighting painful symptoms of menstruation. Cut guava in slices, sprinkle a little salt and red chili powder for a spicy and sweet snack.

The post Healthy Snacks To Curb Your Cravings appeared first on Health Total.

Ever wondered why some women can get away with scrubbing floor and sawing on nails with a metal file while others need to strengthen their nails by putting base coats and numerous visits to the nail bar? It would be hard to find a nutritionist today who denies that nutrition affects nails. So, the right nutrition for healthy nails is what you must focus on.

Your nails speak volumes about your state of health and what you eat affects nail health. However, if your nails are in a bad shape, it can take anywhere between 3 and 6 months or maybe even a year to improve. The reason: nails, like hair, are lifeless tissue.

We all like to have strong and healthy nails. But if you are plagued with brittle and discoloured nails that refuse to grow, do not fret. Nails grow approximately 0.6 to 1.3 millimetres in a week – faster during warm seasons and slower when it’s cold. Poor eating patterns, stress, low protein levels, thyroid disorders or conditions such as anaemia all affect nail health. However, you can easily rectify all of these.

Nutrition for Healthy Nails – Do’s & Don’ts

Modify your diet, eat and drink correctly and, you can enjoy healthy, strong and beautiful nails.

Thyroid Disorders

Do your hands and feet usually feel cold? If yes, it’s an indication of poor blood circulation brought about by an underactive thyroid or an iron deficiency. Get your thyroxin levels checked. Intensify aerobic activity as it can help to strengthen your cardiovascular system. In the case of hypothyroidism, a low dose of the thyroid hormone taken under medical supervision also helps counter brittle nails.

vertical ridgesVertical Ridges

This is usually due to deficiency or low levels of iron, zinc, and protein. To treat iron deficiency, consume coriander juice made from 100 gms fresh coriander leaves regularly. Also, top up all your salads and vegetables with lime juice. Up your intake of iron-rich foods such as leafy vegetables, fish, eggs, most pulses and nuts like alphalpa, sprouts, almonds, and walnuts. Include good sources of protein and calcium such as low-fat milk and curds to your diet.


This occurs when the skin around the nail dries out. Dry skin tags at the sides of the nails mainly due to the deficiency of vitamin C, folic acid or protein. Include folate-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, fish and eggs.

Discoloured Nails

Frequent use of nail paint tends to discolour the nails. Yellowish nails are usually caused by smoking, while blue nails indicate breathing problems. Pale white nails indicate the presence of anaemia. Regular intake of beetroot and spinach juice (diluted with water or tomato juice) helps combat anaemia and provides bioflavonoids and vitamin C – both are essential to improve breathing and oxygenation to the tissues.

discoloured nailsSlow Nail Growth

This occurs mostly due to lack of proteins or vitamin A, intake of certain allopathic medicines, mental stress or illness. Following a very low-calorie diet also leads to low levels of protein and zinc, both of which are vital for nail growth.

White Spots

White spot on the nails indicates zinc and vitamin B deficiency. Brewer’s yeast and wheat germ are excellent sources of zinc and vitamin B.  Other zinc-rich foods include whole grains such as wheat bran, jowar, bajra, and naachini.

Brittle Nails

brittle nailsOveruse of nail polish remover, dipping hands in harsh detergents, low protein intake, a calcium deficiency and poor blood circulation to the base of the nail are some of the reasons for brittle nails. Cold hands and feet are a common sign of poor circulation.

Also, when your diet is low in protein your body stops supplying protein to your nails and hair, giving other vital organs a priority. Since nails and hair are mostly protein they get severely affected. Take adequate protein by consuming more of eggs (especially the yolk), almonds, fish and tofu. Consume at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your muscle weight. If you have cold hands and feet begin a brisk walk or a jog at least 4-5 times a week. This will strengthen your cardiovascular system.

The element sulphur is also known as ‘the beauty mineral’ is also essential to keep your nails hard. It keeps your hair glossy and complexion clear and smooth. Sulphur, when combined with protein, contributes to strong hair and hard nails. It is found in the B vitamin and biotin. The amino acids methionine, cystine and cysteine contain sulphur. These are found in rice, wheat, eggs, and organ meats.

To begin your quest for healthy nails, first make a commitment to entertaining positive thoughts, eliminating stress and eating healthier foods. Remember your nail health, beautiful hair and skin are a reflection of what’s inside you. Your body talks to you all the time. You must find time to listen to it.

The post The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails appeared first on Health Total.

Veg Hot & Sour Soup
Savoury, spicy, tangy and loaded with veggies like cabbage, carrot, beans, Veg Hot & Sour soup is addictive and a great starter. The ingredients required are easily available. So, try out this recipe from the fusion Indo-Chinese cuisine.
    Servings1 bowl
    Prep Time20 minutes
    Cook Time30 minutes
    1. Heat oil in a deep pan. Add chopped onion, garlic, celery and ginger and sauté for a minute.
    2. Then add chopped French beans, carrot, cabbage and sauté.
    3. Add 1 cup boiling water, followed by cornflour paste (cornflour mixed with water).
    4. Add soy sauce, then add pepper powder and mix.
    5. Add Chilli vinegar sauce. Garnish with coriander leaves.
    Recipe Notes

    Total calories: 121.5 kcal

    The post Veg Hot & Sour Soup appeared first on Health Total.

    If you are genetically prone to early balding or greying of hair, blame your ancestors. But largely, hair health depends on your blood circulation and nutrition. Hair colour is the result of pigmentation attributed to the presence of certain specific chemicals known as eumelanin and pheomelanin (broadly referred to as melanin).

    The stem cells at the base of hair follicles are responsible for producing melanocytes, the cells that produce and store pigment in hair and skin. In general, the more melanin present, the darker the hair colour; the less melanin, the lighter the hair colour.

    What Causes Greying of Hair

    Grey hair is usually associated with aging, but this is not always the case. The change in hair colour is caused by the gradual decrease of pigmentation that occurs when melanin ceases to be produced in the hair root and new hair grows in without pigment. The death of the melanocyte stem cells causes the onset of greying.

    Early greying of the hair is basically hereditary. Since hair is made up of protein, low protein intake can result in a change of hair colour, change its texture making it look dull and lifeless, and cause unnecessary thinning.

    Stress can also influence greying of hair. A person experiencing a prolonged period of stress, worry and anxiety may notice premature greying of hair, over a period of time. This is because prolonged stress brings about biochemical changes within the body and may cause premature greying of hair.

    Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, refined flour and sugar, red meat, and fried, spicy, and acidic foods can reduce the moisture, oxygen, and nutrients reaching the hair follicles, subsequently leading to premature greying.

    A drop-in melanin can be due to vital minerals like copper, selenium, iron and calcium and vitamins like B12 and folic acid. Chronic illness such as diabetes, pernicious anemia, albinism or thyroid malfunction too can stop or affect the production of melanin.

    Treatment for greying of hair

    Greying of hair at an early age is primarily due to hereditary reasons or due to intense stress, but lack of a balanced and wholesome diet, rich in nutrients plays a pivotal role in early greying of hair.

    Tips to maintain healthy hair:

    • Take enough antioxidants both in the natural form as in vegetable and fruit juices. Raw nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, and supplements of vitamin E, selenium, zinc, folic acid, and the B-vitamins are beneficial.
    • Consume good quality of protein (approximately 40-50 grams daily) to give your hair a natural shine. Include more of sprouted whole grains, cereals, eggs and soy.
    • Include dark green vegetables and orange & yellow fruits & vegetables in your diet as they are rich in vitamin A, which aids in promoting a healthy scalp and glow to your hair.
    • Including minerals like zinc (present in chicken and eggs), iron (green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds) & copper (whole grains and fish) also promote healthy hair.
    • Avoid foods loaded with artificial colours and preservatives, as they put a strain on your digestive system. They can to dull and brittle hair along with a dehydrated scalp.

    Read more: Home remedies for hair fall

    • Nourishment and proper grooming are important to keep the hair texture, growth, shine and luster in good condition. So, use a shampoo & conditioner that suits your hair type. Choose products that are gentle, preferably without any harsh detergent like sodium lauryl sulfate. For daily washes, use a mild shampoo that is gentle & moisturizing.
    • Daily massage your hair with your fingertips; it helps proper blood circulation in the scalp. Regular massage of hair scalp with “amla” paste along with warm coconut oil and lemon works wonders.
    • Boiling soaked rithas and shikakai pods and using this liquid as the shampoo improves hair health. Soak dried amla (10-12) overnight and apply the strained water on hair as a natural conditioner. This will leave your hair smooth and shiny and stop premature greying of your hair.
    • Exercising regularly for about 30-40 minutes promotes proper blood circulation to hair follicles.

    Many hair problems are due to faulty genes or too much of the male hormone testosterone. But you can improve your hair health by changing your diet and taking vitamin supplements. For a personalised hair care plan, call our toll-free 1800-266-0607 to book your appointment.

    The post What Causes Greying of Hair appeared first on Health Total.

    Most of us experience an upset stomach occasionally. The discomfort is usually temporary and not serious. A mildly upset stomach is generally caused by eating too much, too soon. Most people are relieved of it after a few hours. But, if the trouble starts after consuming food and is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, the usual causes can be food poisoning and viruses.

    Stomach upset: Causes & Symptoms

    Some common causes of stomach upset include food poisoning, virus infection, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, and certain medications. The chronic stomach upset can be caused by allergies to foods like wheat and milk, ulcers, certain cancers, and Crohn’s disease. Severe stomach upset can be due to appendicitis and pancreatitis. Gastrointestinal reflux can sometimes cause constant heartburn or severe abdominal pain. These reflect in symptoms such as nausea, constipation, vomiting, gas, heartburn, stomach ache, diarrhea, and dehydration.

    Foods that Soothe Stomach Upset

    Each of us has endless remedies to share when our stomach is troubled. Health Total experts recommend the following foods that have a soothing effect on your stomach:

    peppermint leavesPeppermint: It is one of the most soothing foods for an upset stomach and helps to calm nausea. Peppermint tea also helps in providing relief to women who are suffering from morning sickness.

    Cardamom Seeds: It controls intestinal gas and lessens stomach upset.

    Coriander Seeds: It helps to relieve indigestion and gas.

    Fennel Seeds: These seeds relieve bloated stomach, indigestion, and gas.

    Ginger: This spice prevents stomach ailments. You can have it raw or in the form of ginger tea.

    bananasBanana: It provides satiety, is light on the stomach and replenishes essential nutrients lost due to stomach ailments.

    We all tend to skip food altogether while suffering from stomach upset. Skipping meals not only depletes our energy levels but also weakens our immune system, which helps to fight infections. However, if we make the right choices and avoid the trigger foods, we can cope up with the stomach problems in a better way.

    Tips to soothe an upset stomach

    • Avoid dairy products, caffeine, spicy foods, nuts, tomatoes, meat, alcoholic beverages and most importantly raw food (salads and fruits except banana and grated apple).
    • Eat-in moderation. Try to avoid long gaps and fasting as acid accumulation can cause stomach upset.
    • Avoid vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage when you have an upset stomach.
    • Don’t skip breakfast. Eat a couple of bananas for breakfast instead of skipping it.
    • Switch to green or herbal tea from normal tea or coffee.
    • Add buttermilk to your diet as it improves digestive flora of the stomach.
    • Rehydrate your system with coconut water or lime juice with rock salt.
    • brussels sproutsIf you have an acid stomach (burning sensation) try eating half a cup of overcooked rice with curd. It can soothe your stomach immediately.
    • Avoid drinking beer as it will double the stomach acids. Eat a salty broth of chicken or vegetables if you have nausea. The salt is especially good to restore electrolytes (if you are vomiting) and you stay hydrated.
    • Avoid raw vegetable juices and raw fruit juices, especially citrus fruits.
    • Avoid high-fibre bran biscuits and cereals if you have an upset stomach as you may not be able to tolerate fibre.

    Besides these, yogurt, oatmeal, soft fruits, and vegetables are other options to relieve stomach upset. If symptoms persist for more than a day along with green coloured diarrhea, severe stomach cramps, and fever, consult your physician immediately.

    You can also book a consult with Health Total experts for personalised diet plans to improve digestion. Call toll-free 1800-266-0607 for a FREE consultation .

    The post What To Eat For Stomach Upset? appeared first on Health Total.

    All of us fall sick on certain occasions. However, the severity and duration of the illness are different for different individuals. Our bodies are constantly attacked by toxins present in our environment. Everyday our immune system has to deal with polluted air, processed food, and contaminated water. It provides soldiers to your body to be able to deal with the attack of pollutants in your environment. A frail immune system escalates the chances of falling sick.

    Your symptoms of frequent exposure to infections, low energy, are typical of low immunity. Factors like stress, improper nutrition, chronic disease, poor liver function, underactive thyroid, and toxins impact our immunity.  Despite the constant attack by toxins, there are many natural ways to boost the immune system and stay away from monsoon maladies.

    Monsoon Maladies: A few recommendations


    Turmeric or Haldi is an excellent preventive remedy for monsoon maladies. Take ½ tsp of turmeric powder mixed with ½ tsp of honey twice a day to prevent a cold. It also helps relieve bloat and indigestion which seems to increase during the rainy season. It boosts the immune system and prepares it to fight disease. You may also drink fresh turmeric juice. Simply blend the fresh turmeric with a little water, strain it and drink 30 ml of this freshly prepared turmeric juice once a day to boost immunity.


    Ginger is valuable for immunity boosting according to Ayurveda. Include raw ginger in your regular diet. If you suffer from hyperacidity, use it cautiously. Ginger tea is used as a remedy against flu, colds, sore throat, nasal congestion, and sinus pain. Being heat-producing and anti-clotting, it should be consumed in small quantities.


    Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacteria and viral diseases.  If you have a cold, cough and congestion- Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with an equal quantity of ginger juice and consume it frequently.

    Cumin seeds

    They are rich in anti-oxidants like eugenol, limonene and hence boost immunity. Cumin seeds are rich in iron, Vitamins A and C, which boost the immune system. Black cumin seeds are also used as a natural medicine in treating asthma.

    Clove oil

    It has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect, and thereby clears the nasal passage. This expectorant is useful in various respiratory disorders including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis. Chewing a clove bud eases sore throats.


    In an acute attack of a common cold or migraine headache, put Ajwain powder in a thin cloth and smell it frequently. Also, drinking hot water after chewing Ajwain reduces phlegm and cough. When suffering from cold drink water boiled with 3gms of Ajwain and 3gms of Cinnamon bark thrice a day for a few days. This helps reduce the discomfort of cold to a great extent

    Kalonji (Black onion seeds)

    These are very effective in treating diseases caused by a weakened immune system. Kalonji seeds are a rich source of essential fatty acids i.e. Linoleic acid. Linolenic acid is important constituents for the production of immune cells and for the growth and maintenance of the nervous system. You can add onion seeds to vegetables, dals, and chutneys.

    In addition to these foods, make certain lifestyle changes to further improve the health of the immune system:

    Get sufficient sleep and rest. Sleep deprivation for a long time weakens the immune system. This is one of the main reasons for inviting disease condition. Avoid Stress.  Stress not only affects people emotionally but also impacts physically by weakening the immune system. A well-balanced diet protects the body by providing the necessary vitamins and minerals which keeps a person healthy. Exercise boosts the immune system and promotes overall health. Maintain a proper gap between two meals. The previous meal should get digested fully before you eat the next one.

    Timely gap will allow the body to absorb nutrients in a proper way and this will boost up your energy level and your immunity. Reduce refined sugar, white flour in your diet. They tend to lower down your immunity levels. Include vegetable juice made from carrot (2), fresh amla (1), fresh Haldi (3 inches) ginger(1 inch), beetroot (1/2)and pinch of rock salt. This is a very simple and good remedy to boost immunity.

    With a strategy that combines a healthy diet, supplements and lifestyle management, you will be able to make it through this monsoons without much trouble.

    (As published in Hindustan Times dated August 26, 2019)

    The post No More Monsoon Maladies appeared first on Health Total.

    Do you wonder sometimes why you are craving for certain foods when you’ve just had your lunch or dinner? Food cravings can be intense, and sometimes it is difficult to get your mind of what you are craving to eat. During these cravings, mostly you end up eating foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, which do more harm to your body than good. In this article, we share some healthy snacks that you can munch on when you crave for some junk.

    Healthy Snacks to Include in your Diet

    Listed below are a few healthy snacks that you can eat to curb your cravings –

    Salted nuts

    salted nutsA handful of mildly salted nuts like pistachio, almonds, walnuts or soy nuts are great healthy snacks to curb your cravings and at the same time satiate your taste buds. These healthy snacks are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and loaded with good amounts of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. They also supply healthy amounts of vitamins B and E and are rich in antioxidants.

    Roasted seeds

    Watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds or flaxseeds are nutrient-dense foods that provide your body with essential proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. They contain a significant amount of micronutrients such as minerals, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, Vitamins B and E, and fibre that help manage blood sugar levels and improve digestion.

    Dark Chocolate

    If you are craving for something sweet, you can swap your regular chocolate with dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is made with 70% cocoa and is rich in antioxidants. Having just 2-3 pieces of dark chocolate regularly can reduce your risk of heart diseases. However, limit your intake, as an excess of it can add a lot of sugar to your diet. You can try Health Total’s Dark Chocolate, which is less than 15 calories per piece.

    yogurt with carrotLow-fat yogurt with carrots

    This is a tasty and comforting snack, which works great as an in-between meal. Yogurt is high in probiotics helps to improve digestion. Carrots are high in beta-carotene and good for your eyes and hair. You can roast the carrots, or grill them with a little salt and olive oil. Add a bit of cumin powder, salt and a little bit of lemon juice to the yogurt and mix it well.


    Roasted or boiled peanuts with their shell are a very tasty snack. They are rich in protein and healthy fats. They are also a good source of carbohydrates that gives you a healthy dose of energy. Peanuts offer a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals like biotin, copper, folate, manganese, Vitamin E and phosphorus.

    Boiled Chickpeas

    boiled channaJust like other legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils, chickpeas or channa is high in fibre and protein. It comes in different varieties; the most common variety is round and beige and other varieties come in black, red and green. These are sometimes also known as garbanzo beans. Chickpeas are a good source of iron, phosphate, calcium; manganese, zinc, vitamin K and vitamin C. It is best consumed after soaking in water for 8 to 10 hours and then boiling them. You can add salt, lemon juice, raw onions, tomatoes, red chili powder, and chaat masala to boiled channa, garnish with coriander leaves and enjoy this yummy tangy, spicy healthy and filling snack. You can also try out our Peri Peri Chickpeas, which is a great snacking option!

    Cucumber with red chili powder and salt

    Cucumber is a low-calorie snack that is tasty, easy to carry and contains enormous amounts of water. Thanks to the high water content, it helps you flush out toxins from your body. Just 1 whole cucumber a day is a great snack for your kidneys, liver, bladder, and pancreas. Cucumber also helps prevent blood clotting, is rich in vitamin K and helps in building healthy tissues for your muscles. You can add a little salt, chili powder, and chaat masala to peeled cucumber sticks and enjoy them during your food cravings.

    Sliced guava with red chili powder & salt

    guavaFruits are best to consume when you get a food craving. They are naturally sweet, low in calories and rich in fibre. So, you stay full for a long time and satiate your cravings as well. Guava has several health benefits – it helps lower blood sugar levels, improves digestion and heart health.

    It is a great food to include in your diet if you are on a weight loss plan. It is great food for your skin and beneficial in fighting painful symptoms of menstruation. Cut guava in slices, sprinkle a little salt and red chili powder for a spicy and sweet snack.

    The post Healthy Snacks To Curb Your Cravings appeared first on Health Total.

    Ever wondered why some women can get away with scrubbing floor and sawing on nails with a metal file while others need to strengthen their nails by putting base coats and numerous visits to the nail bar? It would be hard to find a nutritionist today who denies that nutrition affects nails. So, the right nutrition for healthy nails is what you must focus on.

    Your nails speak volumes about your state of health and what you eat affects nail health. However, if your nails are in a bad shape, it can take anywhere between 3 and 6 months or maybe even a year to improve. The reason: nails, like hair, are lifeless tissue.

    We all like to have strong and healthy nails. But if you are plagued with brittle and discoloured nails that refuse to grow, do not fret. Nails grow approximately 0.6 to 1.3 millimetres in a week – faster during warm seasons and slower when it’s cold. Poor eating patterns, stress, low protein levels, thyroid disorders or conditions such as anaemia all affect nail health. However, you can easily rectify all of these.

    Nutrition for Healthy Nails – Do’s & Don’ts

    Modify your diet, eat and drink correctly and, you can enjoy healthy, strong and beautiful nails.

    Thyroid Disorders

    Do your hands and feet usually feel cold? If yes, it’s an indication of poor blood circulation brought about by an underactive thyroid or an iron deficiency. Get your thyroxin levels checked. Intensify aerobic activity as it can help to strengthen your cardiovascular system. In the case of hypothyroidism, a low dose of the thyroid hormone taken under medical supervision also helps counter brittle nails.

    vertical ridgesVertical Ridges

    This is usually due to deficiency or low levels of iron, zinc, and protein. To treat iron deficiency, consume coriander juice made from 100 gms fresh coriander leaves regularly. Also, top up all your salads and vegetables with lime juice. Up your intake of iron-rich foods such as leafy vegetables, fish, eggs, most pulses and nuts like alphalpa, sprouts, almonds, and walnuts. Include good sources of protein and calcium such as low-fat milk and curds to your diet.


    This occurs when the skin around the nail dries out. Dry skin tags at the sides of the nails mainly due to the deficiency of vitamin C, folic acid or protein. Include folate-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, fish and eggs.

    Discoloured Nails

    Frequent use of nail paint tends to discolour the nails. Yellowish nails are usually caused by smoking, while blue nails indicate breathing problems. Pale white nails indicate the presence of anaemia. Regular intake of beetroot and spinach juice (diluted with water or tomato juice) helps combat anaemia and provides bioflavonoids and vitamin C – both are essential to improve breathing and oxygenation to the tissues.

    discoloured nailsSlow Nail Growth

    This occurs mostly due to lack of proteins or vitamin A, intake of certain allopathic medicines, mental stress or illness. Following a very low-calorie diet also leads to low levels of protein and zinc, both of which are vital for nail growth.

    White Spots

    White spot on the nails indicates zinc and vitamin B deficiency. Brewer’s yeast and wheat germ are excellent sources of zinc and vitamin B.  Other zinc-rich foods include whole grains such as wheat bran, jowar, bajra, and naachini.

    Brittle Nails

    brittle nailsOveruse of nail polish remover, dipping hands in harsh detergents, low protein intake, a calcium deficiency and poor blood circulation to the base of the nail are some of the reasons for brittle nails. Cold hands and feet are a common sign of poor circulation.

    Also, when your diet is low in protein your body stops supplying protein to your nails and hair, giving other vital organs a priority. Since nails and hair are mostly protein they get severely affected. Take adequate protein by consuming more of eggs (especially the yolk), almonds, fish and tofu. Consume at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your muscle weight. If you have cold hands and feet begin a brisk walk or a jog at least 4-5 times a week. This will strengthen your cardiovascular system.

    The element sulphur is also known as ‘the beauty mineral’ is also essential to keep your nails hard. It keeps your hair glossy and complexion clear and smooth. Sulphur, when combined with protein, contributes to strong hair and hard nails. It is found in the B vitamin and biotin. The amino acids methionine, cystine and cysteine contain sulphur. These are found in rice, wheat, eggs, and organ meats.

    To begin your quest for healthy nails, first make a commitment to entertaining positive thoughts, eliminating stress and eating healthier foods. Remember your nail health, beautiful hair and skin are a reflection of what’s inside you. Your body talks to you all the time. You must find time to listen to it.

    The post The Right Nutrition for Healthy Nails appeared first on Health Total.

    Veg Hot & Sour Soup
    Savoury, spicy, tangy and loaded with veggies like cabbage, carrot, beans, Veg Hot & Sour soup is addictive and a great starter. The ingredients required are easily available. So, try out this recipe from the fusion Indo-Chinese cuisine.
      Servings1 bowl
      Prep Time20 minutes
      Cook Time30 minutes
      1. Heat oil in a deep pan. Add chopped onion, garlic, celery and ginger and sauté for a minute.
      2. Then add chopped French beans, carrot, cabbage and sauté.
      3. Add 1 cup boiling water, followed by cornflour paste (cornflour mixed with water).
      4. Add soy sauce, then add pepper powder and mix.
      5. Add Chilli vinegar sauce. Garnish with coriander leaves.
      Recipe Notes

      Total calories: 121.5 kcal

      The post Veg Hot & Sour Soup appeared first on Health Total.


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