Put it off no longer: We are planning our next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge that starts on Wednesday, January 8th. This is your opportunity to seize control over health and weight, maybe even turn the clock back 10 or 20 years, look and feel better, be freed of numerous, if not all, prescription drugs.

By joining our Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge, you will have access to:

1) Our Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Private Facebook page that provides videos, success stories, and plenty of feedback and answers to your questions.

2) LIVE Facebook sessions with Dr. Davis and April Duval, our main Facebook page administrator. Dr. Davis will personally kick off the Detox Challenge on January 8th. And because April is herself an example of a fabulous Wheat Belly Detox success, she knows the ins and outs of this lifestyle like the back of her hand.

To join our Challenge, you must sign up to become a member of the Wheat Belly Blog community with an annual subscription fee of $15.99. Sign up here. Once you have signed up, you will be given access to our Private Facebook page. 

By becoming a Wheat Belly community member, you will have access to the huge number of resources available on the Wheat Belly Blog, also—additional recipes, tips, new concepts, avoiding pitfalls, etc.

Our goal: to help you succeed in turning around your life and health and achieve all your health goals including weight loss, getting off prescription medications, and turning back the clock 10 or 20 years.


Why the Detox Challenge?

Through my New York Times bestseller, Wheat Belly, millions of people learned how to reverse years of chronic health problems by removing wheat from their daily diets. But, after reading the original Wheat Belly or the Wheat Belly Total Health book, or even using the recipes from the Wheat Belly Cookbook and Wheat Belly 30-Minute Cookbook, people still said: “I’ve read the books, but I’m still not sure how to get started on this lifestyle.

That’s why I wrote the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox  and now help readers along in this Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox CHALLENGE. This is the quickest, most assured way to get started on regaining magnificent health and slenderness by adopting the Wheat Belly lifestyle.

We are kicking off the next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge on Facebook LIVE on Day 1: Wednesday, January 8th, 12 pm EST/11 am CST/10 am MT/9 am PT. Come join us on the private Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Facebook page: https://ift.tt/2yBsz0z

The Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox supplies you with carefully designed meal plans and delicious recipes to fully eliminate wheat and related grains in the shortest time possible. Perfect for those who may have fallen off the wagon or for newcomers who need a jump-start for weight loss, this new addition to the Wheat Belly phenomenon guides you through the complete 10-Day Detox experience. And we will kick off this next Challenge with a live Facebook session with Dr. Davis on Day 1!

In addition to this quick-start program, I’ll teach you:

  • How to recognize and reduce wheat-withdrawal symptoms,
  • How to avoid common landmines that can sabotage success
  • How to use nutritional supplements to further advance weight loss and health benefits
  • How to effectively navigate the grocery store and choose safe products

To join the Detox Challenge:

Step 1
Get the book. And read it (at least the first 5 chapters).

Detox Challenge participants should be informed and active in order to get the most out of the challenge and private Facebook group. READING THE WHEAT BELLY DETOX BOOK IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE. PLEASE DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE BOOK or else the conversations will not make sense and you will not enjoy full benefit. It is a very bad idea to try and piece the program together just from our conversations. (Note that the Wheat Belly Detox program is NOT laid out in the original Wheat Belly book.)

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1JqzMea

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/wheatbelly10daygraindetox-bn

Indiebound: http://bit.ly/1KwcFTQ

Step 2
Join the Wheat Belly Blog community to access the thousands of discussions that provide additional recipes, discussions about issues relevant to the Wheat Belly lifestyle, access the newest ideas in the Wheat Belly Blog. The cost is $15.99 for an annual subscription. Here is why we have converted to a subscription process.

Step 3
Come join the Private Facebook Group.


Step 4
Head back to the Private Facebook Group starting Tuesday, January 7th (the day before the official start of the Challenge) and onwards for tips, videos, and discussions to help you get through your detox and reprogram your body for rapid weight loss and health. Dr. Davis and site administrator, April Duval, will be posting video instructions and answers to your questions. Or just join the conversation now, as we discuss the ups and downs, share recipes, and just have fun every day!


The post The next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge begins Wed Jan 8th! appeared first on Dr. William Davis.

20 health tips

Inputs from chief nutritionist Suhasini Mudraganam and fitness expert Sobha Rani

Ringing in the New Year with a handful of resolutions has been the norm for years. From promising to quit unhealthy habits to wanting to meet certain fitness goals, the start of the year has seen it all.

Resolutions are great per se. They give a purpose and a chance to change something about you – for good. Alas, many do not succeed. Why? Lack of determination and failing to keep up with the commitment made during the beginning of the year!

On the bright side, millions of people have succeeded in achieving their goals and have stuck to their resolutions for years. This success totally boils down to the approach and if the resolutions are health-based, a little knowledge about nutrition goes a long way.

After speaking to Truweight’s very own chief nutritionist and fitness expert, Suhasini Mudraganam and Sobha Rani respectively, we have jotted down 20 important health tips.

These health tips play a major role in determining your overall wellness and when followed religiously, they can make a significant difference.

The best part is these health tips are so versatile and for all! These are not only helpful for weight loss; but can also help you manage lifestyle-related diseases or simply, help you lead a healthy lifestyle. 

The 20 golden health tips

We know we have told this umpteen times, nevertheless, we stress again – a healthy life can be achieved only eating nutritiously. To this day, many fail to see this and take nutrition lightly. Once healthy eating habits are in place, your body automatically heals and responds to the change positively.

Below are some tips on how to incorporate healthy eating this 2020.

Tip 1

This 2020, establish a healthy relationship with water. Start by beginning your day with water instead of a caffeinated drink like coffee/tea.

If possible, add lemon to it. Night is the time our body recovers and during that process, metabolic by-products are released. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps in the elimination of these toxins.

Drinking water is essential to health.

Also, water helps prevent acidity that is caused by caffeine. You don’t have to drink one litre of water. Begin by drinking a glass or two. Then gradually increase it.

Tip 2

Drink enough water. Many assume that they are drinking an adequate amount of water but the truth be told, they are not. Consume water according to your BMI. An average person should drink a minimum of 2 to 2.5 litres of water a day.

Tip 3

Start your day with nuts after drinking water. Nuts are loaded with essential micronutrients and good fats. It is even better if you eat nuts soaked overnight. Post this you can have coffee/tea. This reduces the chances of developing acidity.

Tip 4

Make it a point to include protein consciously in all major meals. Protein is very important for healthy muscles. Some of the best sources of protein are eggs, lentils, legumes, kidney beans, lean meat like chicken, fish etc.

Tip 5

Try eating more of whole grains. To begin with, eat millets once a week and slowly increase the intake. And importantly, don’t just eat one type of millet. There are plenty of wholegrain varieties out there and try to incorporate them all in your diet.

It is noteworthy that each grain has different compositions of nutrients. Each one is rich in calcium, iron, phytochemicals, antioxidants etc. Eat them all to enjoy their full benefits.

Whole grains lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems

Similarly, add Ragi or other millet flour to you regular wheat flour to give it a wholegrain touch. Likewise, replace regular or whole wheat Rava with Jowar Rava or other millet Rava.

Tip 6

Add more colour and variety to your plate.

People tend to eat the same meal day in, day out. By doing this, you are missing out on several essential nutrients offered by other foods.

For example, many South Indian households predominantly cook Toor Dal only. While it is good to eat Toor Dal, one should eat other lentil varieties regularly.

Tip 7

Fruits are an important part of a well-balanced diet. For starters, eat at least one fruit a day. And always remember to choose seasonal fruits and local produce over imported fruits. Imported fruits are full of preservatives and chemicals to keep it fresh for longer days owing to the transit involved.

For example, you might have seen imported waxed apples. Wax is used to retain the moisture of the apples. Eating this is not at all healthy and can damage your health.

On the other hand, locally produced fruits do not require heavy transportation and therefore, it is more natural. 

Fruits grow according to the season and those fruits suit our body the best during that particular season. This makes seasonal fruits best any day.  Also, opt for whole fruits instead of fruit juices.

Tip 8

Eat berries. They are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals. If possible, stick to native berries and fruits like Ber (Indian jujube) and custard apple. They benefit the body more than imported berries.

Tip 9

Devise an eating pattern and stick to it. Have meals on time. Having dinner late at night is extremely dangerous. Make a habit of eating dinner before 9 pm. Create an eating habit and follow it with discipline.

Similarly, don’t indulge in heavy meals during the night. If your dinner gets delayed, then keep it simple and light. If you eat a heavy meal at night, your body won’t be able to digest the food efficiently. This results in the accumulation of fat.

Tip 10

Maintain a sleep pattern. Our body follows the circadian rhythm. When the sun rises, our body wakes up and when the sun sets, our body prepares to rest too. Disturbing this pattern can damage the body.

Staying up late once in a while is okay but don’t confuse your body by making this a habit. Likewise, sleep for a minimum of 7 to 8 hours. A sound sleep is very important for mental health. 

Tip 11

This new year, make it a point to increase your fibre intake. An average person should eat 20 to 30 grams of fibre in a day. To achieve this, eat vegetables, fruits, lentils, kidney beans, wholegrain etc. Eat four to five servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. These are a good source of micronutrients too.

Tip 12

Our nutritionist strongly recommends the intake of fruits and vegetables in its raw and uncooked form. Uncooked vegetables have a higher amount of nutrients than cooked vegetables.

Eat raw fruits, nuts and at least one serving of salad prepared using uncooked vegetables. Include small servings of sprouts at least once or twice a week. If your stomach agrees, increase the sprouts intake.

Tip 13

Include probiotic foods such as buttermilk, curd and other fermented foods in your diet. Our body has three times more bacteria than cells and probiotics are good bacteria. Probiotic bacteria keep the gut healthy and aids in easy digestion

Tip 14

Have three square meals a day and two healthy mid-meal snacks. Nuts, fruits and berries are a great option for mid-meal snacking. Also don’t have heavy meals. Implement portion control. This can be done diligently by choosing smaller plates and serving bowls.

Another important health tips for this 2020 is, try to avoid processed foods and sugars. Reduce the intake of maida, desserts and sugary soft drinks. These unhealthy foods will negate your wellness efforts.

Eating junk food can lead to obesity

That’s all the crucial tips about nutrition and nutritious eating! When eating habits are sorted, three-fourths of the challenge is met.

When nutritious eating is needed for a healthy body, a proper exercise routine can help you attain a fit body. Below are some exercise tips that can help you meet your 2020 fitness goals.

Tip 15

Do not exercise for long hours. It is not the amount of time spent but the quality of the exercise that matters. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes, ensure that you do it properly and employ the proper technique. Give importance to quality over quantity.

Tip 16

Choose your exercises wisely. Don’t just focus on cardio exercises. Incorporate strength training as well in your exercises. While cardio helps with burning fat, strength training will give you a chiselled body.

Tip 17

Women tend to believe that they’ll gain muscle if they do strength training. But this is not true. Women lack testosterone and therefore, they will not gain bulky muscles.

Tip 18

Don’t push yourself too much. Take it slow. Maximum heart rate while exercising is 220 minus your age. Exercise up to 80% of your heart rate. You’ll see good results. And take proper care of your muscle mass. Good and healthy muscles complement fat burning.

Tip 19

Do not exercise on an empty stomach. Initially, you might burn fat but on later stages, your body will start taking energy from muscles leaving the fat intact. This will not yield the desired results.

Tip 20

Don’t begin your fitness journey with an “I-know-it-all” attitude. Keep an open mind. Know your body and its metabolic rate. And importantly, do not hesitate to seek expert help.

If you are a gym rat, eat a fruit along with some nuts before hitting the gym.

Post-workout, eat protein and carbohydrate-rich meal. It is important to supply your body with nutrition and energy after a good workout session. And protein helps in the building up of muscles.

Similarly, indulge in whey protein only if you are into bodybuilding. Vegetarians can get their share of protein from kidney beans, sprouts, legumes, lentils etc.

Another important point to note is – be active throughout the day. And no, we are not talking about exercise.

Do not sit for more than 30 to 40 minutes. Take short walks as often as possible. Walk while you are on call. Move your body constantly.  

Well, these are the crucial health tips that will help you a lot with your wellness journey this new year.

If you are consistent and committed throughout the year, you will definitely see good improvement by the end of the year. Even if you are unable to maintain consistency, do not give up. Fall right back into the pattern and incorporate these health tips as much as possible in your day to day life.

Remember, you can either make your resolution or break your resolution! With the correct approach, you can definitely make it.

We wish you a happy and healthy New Year 2020. 

The post 20 Health Tips To Reassert Your Wellness Goals This 2020 appeared first on Truweight Blog.

Weight loss experts used to warn us that on average, Americans gain seven pounds over the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year. Fortunately, more recent studies have dialed that number back to what looks like a more manageable pound or so.

For example, one 2016 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that in the U.S., we put on an average of 1.3 pounds after the holidays. (For those who are already overweight, other studies have found it can be as much as five pounds or more.

We are not alone. The researchers, from Tampere University of Technology in Finland, found that packing on pounds over the holidays isn’t a uniquely American problem. Germans gained 1.8 pounds and the Japanese put on an extra 1.1 pounds over Christmas. Everyone also overdid it on national holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Easter and Golden Week, a Japanese holiday that occurs in May.

But it’s actually worse than it sounds. A full half of the pounds that Americans and their friends put on over the holidays, the study found, stick to them like super glue. After dropping half their holiday weight gain, they stopped losing weight, so they still weighed more than they had before the holiday meals and festivities began.

Now, multiply that by years. That’s one answer to the age-old question, “How did I gain so much weight so fast?” We make all kinds of mistakes in the winter months that sabotage our fat loss diet goals, and not just over the holidays.

25 Weight Loss Wins That Have Nothing To Do With The Scale

Read More

Here are seven winter weight loss mistakes you might be making and how to avoid them:

1. You stick to traditions.

holiday meal

You always have turkey with all the trimmings, sometimes twice during the holiday season (an average of 4,500 calories, according to research from the Calorie Control Council. You always bake gingerbread men with the kids or grandkids (at 158 per man, according to one homemade recipe from mccormick.com for this holiday treat). And it wouldn’t be the holidays if you didn’t make your famous Buche de Noel, a delectable concoction of sponge cake, chocolate and heavy cream (484 calories—most from fat—according to Bon Appetit magazine’s recipe). You warm up cold winter nights with comfort foods such as mac and cheese (one cup made from a mix is 405 calories a cup, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)) , and thick, beefy stews (at least 210 calories a cup, depending how you make it according to USDA).

Solution: To lose weight in winter you’ll need to change up your traditions. Choose your favorite foods from your holiday meal and take one serving of each. Focus less on food and more on experiences. Trade the annual cookie bake-off for a day of crafting or ice skating. Skip your fancy calorie-laden dessert and become the life of the party by bringing board games to play after dinner. Feed your cravings for comfort food by indulging in Nutrisystem’s creamy mac and cheese, Chicken Pot Pie and Hearty Beef Stew—tons of comfort, fewer calories.

Get perfectly-portioned Nutrisystem weight loss meals to ensure you stay on track. >

2. You use busyness as an excuse for unhealthy choices.

holiday busyness

One Cornell University study, published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, found that having a busy schedule was the number one reason families made unhealthy food choices. In winter, to your already busy days, you add holiday shopping, decorating and delays caused by bad weather—so of course grabbing a bucket of chicken or ordering a pizza seems like a good solution…until you step on a scale.

Solution: Even if you can’t slow down your life or offload any of your daily tasks, you can be prepared for those times when you used to turn to the drive-thru. Make sure you have your Nutrisystem snacks with you so when you hit a snag finishing up your shopping at the mall you won’t be so hungry that the temptation to binge out is too great to resist. Keep your kitchen stocked with the fixings of healthy Flex Meals—veggies all cut, simple recipes at hand—or do some binge-cooking on the weekend so you have microwave meals in the freezer.

Get your Nutrisystem snacks right here. >

3. You drink too many calories.

holiday drinks

Alcohol at parties, hot chocolate drinks after a day of skiing, sledding or even shopping–those liquid calories add up. Alcohol has almost the same amount of calories per gram as fat (seven vs. nine according to a study conducted by Middle Tennessee State University), and a typical hot chocolate with whipped cream from a major national chain is 400 calories (before you start adding the syrups according to starbucks.com). Worse,  liquid calories may not be filling, so you could put away 400 calories at a sitting and still want more. Not only that, alcohol can chip away at your willpower so you’re likely to have more.

Solution: Wise advice any time: Drink in moderation. According to Berkeley Wellness, A five-ounce glass of wine is only about 100 to 190 calories; a 12-ounce bottle of beer is as little as 55 calories and up to 200 calories or more; and a 1.5 ounce drink of liquor 90-165 calories or so. Stick with one, and make sure it’s not “supersized.” Many bars serve six to eight ounces of wine, and your cocktail might contain two or three times the amount of alcohol recommended for one serving. Your bartender can tell you.

You don’t have to give up those delicious hot chocolates and creamy lattes either. Just be smart when you order. Ask for skim milk and turn down the whipped cream. Love those seasonally spiced lattes? Order a small with nonfat milk and without that swirl of whipped cream on the top!

Grab a few protein-packed Nutrisystem shakes to curb the liquid craving. >

How to Bounce Back After a Day of Overeating

Read More

4. You don’t eat as many vegetables and fruit as you do in summer.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Yes, the farmer’s markets have largely closed down. No more fresh lettuces, juicy tomatoes and fresh-off-the-tree peaches. You miss those fresh salads the abundance of berries and fruits so your intake slacks off.

Solution: Expand your produce repertoire. There’s still plenty of cold weather produce to choose from, like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, turnips and carrots, that can be shredded into salads or roasted to sweetness. Some fruits, like clementines, apples, and pears, are most abundant when the weather turns cold. Don’t turn down frozen and canned versions either. You’re not losing any of the health benefits. Studies have found that nutrient content of frozen and canned veggies doesn’t vary greatly from fresh.

 5. You’re too “nice” to regift Christmas cookies and turn down party treats.

Christmas cookies

It’s hard to say no to the party-giver who spent days preparing a ton of food and keeps running plate after plate of delectable goodies under your nose urging you to “just take one,” or assuring you that “it’s just once a year.” It’s even harder—no, impossible—to give back your sister-in-law’s chocolate chip banana bread or your neighbor’s cookie tray.

Solution:  At parties, you can avoid temptation—and insulting a solicitous host—by bringing your own healthy appetizers or desserts and always keeping something you know you can eat on your plate. Then it’s easy to say, “Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t have room.” Or you can come clean: “It looks amazing, but I’m committed to sticking to my diet, even at parties.” The food gifts you receive are a blessing in disguise. They’ll save you some time and money: One less gift to buy or make!

Grab your favorite Nutrisystem desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth while remaining on track. >

6. You hide under layers.


Sweaters, layers and coats are a place to hide from a body that makes you unhappy, but you’re dieting. You’re working on a body you can be happy with and that you don’t want to hide.

Solution: You may be able to hide from others, but there isn’t enough outer wear in the world that can hide your weight from yourself. And you don’t want to. Let it be your weight loss motivation, and certainly don’t be afraid to show off your hard work in a shirt or dress you’ve been eyeing up at your favorite store.

 7. You don’t exercise because it’s cold, rainy, snowy, windy, dark. . .winter.

lack of exercise

According to a Gallup poll, exercise frequency drops off precipitously the minute the weather gets little cold and messy. This can cause problems when you are trying to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the holidays.

Solution: This is the time to pay for a gym membership or a few pieces of exercise equipment—like bands, kettle bells or a step that will let you exercise indoors during inclement weather. But winter offers you a unparalleled opportunity to burn more calories in less time. By being a bit cold—enough to start shivering—you can burn 300 more calories a day, according to George King, MD, of the Joslin Diabetes Center. Cold burns more calories by activating brown fat, a special kind of fat that acts more like muscle to torch calories.

Need a little help to get on the healthy track this winter? Get started with your Nutrisystem meal plan today to avoid the winter weight gain! >

The post 7 Winter Weight Loss Diet Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on The Leaf.

If you’re like most people, you would love to know how to lose 10 pounds in a month… or even how to lose more weight than that. What you need to remember is this: Reaching your weight loss goal isn’t a sprint—it’s a steady jog that brings you across the finish line at your own pace. But when you start the journey, you want to know right away that you’re making fast weight loss progress with your smart choices. Waiting weeks or even months to see a difference can be so discouraging. “Studies have shown that early weight loss is a predictor of long-term success,” says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, Nutrisystem Corporate Dietitian.

Ready to learn how to lose at least 10 pounds? Click here to get started with Nutrisystem today!

With Nutrisystem’s Body Reboot week, you move right into the fast lane and begin passing milestones immediately. The Body Reboot week is a quick-start weight loss diet plan designed to help speed up your results from the outset. In a clinical study, subjects lost up to 13 pounds and 7 inches overall in their first month on the Nutrisystem plan.* This is two times the weight lost by subjects dieting on their own. (Still not sure why DIY diets don’t work? Check out this article on the subject).

The key to the power of the Body Reboot week is the boost you get from your first week kit.** To help you start strong, you’ll be set up with all of your weight loss meals and snacks during the first week, including:

Along with the weight loss meals, you get a specially designed Quick Start Guide log to help you maximize your results. Plus, you get FREE access to NuMi, our helpful, easy-to-use weight loss app (Click here to learn more about NuMi). Along the way, you’ll have a professional support team, with comprehensive counseling options from trained weight loss coaches available seven days a week. So if you want to know how to lose 10 pounds in a month, they’re standing by to help you make it happen.

After completing your first week, you’ll move on to your regular Nutrisystem meal plan, as the weight continues to drop. You could say that Nutrisystem is your perfect pace-setter for winning weight loss, starting you rapidly on the path to your weight loss goal and supporting you all the way to Nutrisystem weight loss success. So if you do decide to try it, don’t be surprised if friends and family members start asking you how to lose 10 pounds in a month!

Click here to get started! >

Note: The Body Reboot week may not be appropriate for all, such as diabetics, but we have plans specifically designed for individuals living with diabetes. Check out our meal plans or call a counselor for more information.

*In a study, average weight loss was 11.6 lbs. and 8 inches.

**In a study, avg weight loss was 5.4 lbs in the first week. The avg weight for the study participants was 207.3 lbs. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence.

**Usage of this kit for more than one week in any consecutive 4-week period may lead to health complications and is not recommended.  Please be sure to eat all of the food recommended for this program. Failure to follow the program protocol and eat all of the food recommended may involve developing serious health complications. If you have diabetes, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or a nursing mother, or following a specialized diet for health issues, you may not use this kit. Please consult your physician before purchasing (or beginning) this kit.

The post How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month* with the Nutrisystem Program appeared first on The Leaf.

Hi friends! Happy New Years Eve! What are you up to this evening? I’m excited to take the girls to a Noon Years Eve party (more my style than staying up until midnight) and Meg is going to be my dinner date since both our hubbies are working. Later tonight, I’m really looking forward to watching the ball drop on TV and hanging out with the crew. It should be low-key and perfect. 

Since it’s prime time for resolutions and goal setting, I thought I’d share some tips as we brainstorm any New Years changes or resolutions. While I don’t love the pressure of an ambiguous date, I do love the fresh feel of a new year. I especially love the fresh feel of this year because it’s ended on kind of a blah note. I’m really looking forward to a shiny new start and chance to shake off the shadows that have been around for the last few months. It feels so amazing to take out my planner, jot down ideas and goals and start to fill the pages. 

While I don’t think you need to wait until New Years to make a change – if you want to go after something, do it now! – I thought I’d share some tips to consider as you’re planning your goals.

Tips for smart New Years resolutions:

Maybe you don’t want to change anything, and that’s AMAZING. This time of year, we’re often flooded with messaging that makes us feel like we NEED to change or that we’re “less than.” You’re absolutely perfect the way you are. If what you’re doing is working, and you’re happy and fulfilled, keep doing your thang. Don’t feel like you have to make a resolution or any drastic changes because everyone else is doing it!

Instead of focusing on subtracting from your routine, think about adding. I feel like a lot of resolutions are centered around deprivation, which can set you up for a feeling of failure. (Really it also just sucks the fun out of life.) Also, what makes you want something more than anything? Telling yourself you can’t have it. Instead of taking things away from your routine, think about what you can add. More vegetables on your plate, more meditation minutes, more time outside, more memories with the people you love, more soul fulfillment, more reading, etc. What can you do MORE of this year for a happier, healthier you? 

Don’t make changes you don’t want to sustain indefinitely. If it doesn’t make you excited, don’t do it! If you’re doing something that you don’t want to do forever, it’s not worth it. Aim for lifestyle changes you can implement for the long haul. 

For fitness resolutions, make sure they’re SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Goals should be achievable within a certain time frame and make sense for your lifestyle. Be sure to crosstrain (don’t do the same thing every day), take rest days, fuel yourself appropriately, and get proper guidance and coaching to avoid injury.

Enlist a buddy, or someone who knows what you’re up to. I don’t share all of my goals with everyone – that would be annoying because I have a new one pretty much every day – but a select few people in my life know what I’m up to and check in with me. Have someone join you on your goals, or even just share your goals with someone you love that will be cheering for you.

Are you into the resolution thing or not so much? What’s something you want to do MORE of in 2020?

See ya next year 🙂



The post Switch your New Years resolution mindset appeared first on The Fitnessista.

A huge thanks to everyone that took part in our competition extravaganza in December! From cookbooks to cheese hampers, t-shirts to protein bars, and even the chance to win a whole year’s worth of MAN v FAT Football – it was quite the ride. And it seemed that you thought so too, as we got an incredible 7,650 entries in the lead up to Christmas!

We’ve come out of our turkey haze to draw some lucky winners – congratulations all! We’ll be in touch in the coming days via email to organise the delivery of your prize.

Eat Lean protein cheese hamper: Stuart Tapping
CauliRice bundle: Hannah Lord
MAN v FAT water bottles for your MAN v FAT Football team: Sean Bullard
Five copies of ‘The Dad’s No-BS Approach To Fat Loss And Fitness’: Kelly Goodall, Adrian Price, Stephen Dodsworth, Craig Yeomans, Debra Shirley
Protein Ball hamper: Paul Knight
A MAN v FAT T-shirt: Liam Potter
A GRENADE snacking bundle: Thom Cosgrove
A Cranes Cider giftset: Keith Hunt
One of three copies of the Ultimate Performance cookbook: Charlotte Hood, Scott Fallon, Joe Dee Phoenix
MAN v FAT scarves for your entire MAN v FAT Football team: Matt Bishop
A session with a dietician: Andy Duff
MAN v FAT Football kit for your entire team: Craig Harding
A £50 voucher for a supermarket of your choice plus £50 for your local food bank: Ray Rajani
Tickets for a local football match for your entire team: Mark Cordell
A pro photographer visit for your MAN v FAT Football league: Andy McGowan
One year of MAN v FAT Football membership: Alan Clark

If you’re not one of the lucky winners this time, keep an eye out for more competitions in the new year!

The post #MVFAdvent 2019 Competition Winners appeared first on MAN v FAT.

Hi friends! Hope you’re enjoying the morning! I don’t know about you, but I’m so ready for 2020 to begin. The end of 2019 can pretty much go in the trash can lol. Even though I’ve been feeling way better, I’m still a bit tired and achy. I haven’t worked out since Xmas eve, and I just feel ready to feel like myself again, get back into a routine, and not feel like I could nap at any second. 

As I set my intentions for the upcoming year, I always like to go back and check out my blog posts to see which ones performed well. Some of these are usually expected, and some are complete surprises! It gives me a little glimpse into the type of content that you’re looking for and I like to use some of these ideas to plan future posts. 

When I’m planning my content for the next year, I also use your survey suggestions and topic requests. If you haven’t done this year’s survey yet, please take 2 minutes here! Your feedback is invaluable to me (and yes I’ll have a sneaky giveaway to celebrate this week!).

Here are my 19 top blog posts for 2019: 

1) PiYo review month 1. This is one of those posts that continues to do well every single day and I’m afraid to mess with it even though the photos are a total nightmare. Carry on, old post. 

2) Potty training tips from two nanas. This is from that one time that my mom and nana potty-trained Liv in 24 hours. She was a little over two years old and it was a game changer. I was really excited to use their strategies for P, but she ended up potty-training herself around 18 months. She screamed at me, “NO DIAPERS” every time I went to put a diaper on her, so finally I stopped… and turns out she didn’t need them any more. These kids are a mystery in the best way, I tell ya.

3) How to combine baby led weaning with purees. This one was unexpectedly controversial. Turns out people get fired up about how other people feed their babies, despite epic disclaimers and “talk with your pediatrician and do what works best for your family.” Both of our kids had purees in addition to baby led weaning for convenience and it worked out well for our family. They’re both awesome and adventurous little eaters now.

4) When I got my breast implants removed and my experience with explant. This was an important post for me and one where I really put it all out there. I was so thankful for all of the support I’ve received about this and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for my health. 

Breast explant surgery

5) My full review of the Peloton App. Even if you don’t want to invest in the Peloton bike or treadmill, you can absolutely still get an awesome workout using the app. They have so many workouts available, including bootcamp, meditation, and yoga, plus you can use the app on a spin bike or treadmill at home or the gym. I use the app on my old spin bike for about a year before purchasing a Peloton bike. 

6) Top 5 easy healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These are some of our go-to staples that we still enjoy all the time!

7) Baked breakfast cookie. This is a convenient and portable breakfast treat. I haven’t made it in a while, but I have a feeling that it will be making a comeback. Liv is changing schools next semester and it starts earlier and is a bit farther, so as much as I’d love to have time for them to eat at home, we’ll probably have a lot of car breakfasts. 

8) Full Peloton bike review and is the Peloton bike worth it? The Peloton bike is one of my favorite purchases EVER and I still use it at least 2-3 times a week. The Pilot is into it now, too! I’m obsessed with my bike and if you’re considering gifting yourself one for New Years, my code gets you $100 off accessories: XXKJQU.

Peloton bike2 1024x683

9) Morning detox drink. This is one of my classic drinks and I especially love it during the winter months. According to Liv, it smells like death, but I look forward to it. 

Morning detox drink 3

10) Homemade nibble bars. These are the perfect little bars for toddlers and tiny hands! I need to make some for Augs. 🙂 

11) How to keep your guinea pig cage clean. This was an important post to write because I did SO much research before we got guinea pigs to make sure our house wouldn’t smell like a barn. The strategy really works and visitors are usually impressed by how clean the cage is and the fact that Livi’s room doesn’t smell. 

Holding the guineas

12) Fitness categories page. This is where I keep all of my workouts and they’re organized by muscle group and type of workout!

13) Orangetheory vs. Barry’s Bootcamp. This one is a comparison between Orangetheory and Barry’s Bootcamp with what makes them difference. I feel like it could use an update since I feel like the Orangetheory workouts and technology have changed quite a bit. 

14) 1 month of baby food, 1 hour, $20 – round 2. Baby food posts are always on my top lists. Since we’re done on the babies front, I think I should make food for a baby friend of ours so I can take some new pics. 🙂 

15) Healing timeline for breast explant and diastasis recti repair. In this post, I broke down my healing journey and what it looked like. It was a ROUGH recovery, but I’d do it again tomorrow if I needed to. I wanted to write this post because when I was first researching getting my implants out and having my diastasis recti repaired, I couldn’t find anything like this. I wanted to know how I could build up my movement, exactly how I’d be feeling, and any tips for a better recovery.  

16) My review of the book Thinner, Leaner, Stronger. While this isn’t my favorite strength training or healthy living resource, I liked it way more than I expected. 

17) Exciting cable machine exercises. This post is if you’re sick of doing the same ol’ cable exercises. It includes some of my favorite ways to switch it up!

18) DIY shower steamers. I love these little beauties! They’re like a bath bomb for your shower and made with natural ingredients. 

DIY shower steamers with essential oils

19) 1 month of baby food, 1 hour, $20. The OG baby food post. This one absolutely needs new photos but I’m really proud of the recipes. It’s been fun to see mamas make this food for their babies over the years. 🙂

So tell me friends: is there a post on the blog that stuck out to you that you really loved? Any topic requests for 2020?

See ya soon with some tips for New Years resolution mindset.



The post Top posts of 2019 (and survey help!) appeared first on The Fitnessista.

It is a known fact that as we age, we gradually lose some of our brain cells which eventually leads to senility. Fortunately, for us, we now have the answer to at least partially avoid the loss of cognitive processes.

The brain is made up of 60% fat. Therefore, the brain cells are metabolically active and produce the highest number of free radicals. A strong immune system produces sufficient antioxidants to keep these free radicals in check. With poor eating habits, a toxic liver, physical and emotional stress and pollution, far too many free radicals are generated, which speeds up the aging of neurons (brain cells).

Food has a profound effect on the brain. The antioxidants in food such as lycopene found in tomatoes and watermelon help neutralise the free radicals and also protect the brain. Here are a few food items that help.

Vitamin E helps to protect the brain against oxidative stress. Consuming cloves of garlic daily also help to protect the neurons from damage. It further helps to stimulate the growth of brain cells.

Vitamin C has the same effect on glutathione levels and helps prevent free radical damage to the brain cells. A dose of 500mg daily provides sufficient protection.

The Korean ginseng helps you deal with mental stress better and prevents damage to brain cells. It helps keep the brain alert and strengthens the immune system, while normalising all bodily functions.

Vitamin B12 is also known as ‘brain food’. As we grow older, the body is unable to absorb sufficient B12 from food. This leads to neurological disturbances like loss of balance, muscle weakness, poor vision, mood disturbances, if the deficiency goes on over a period of time you can precipitate pseudo senility. Taking vitamin B12 supplements can reverse this problem to some extent. B12 is found in milk and dairy products, red meat, eggs and fish. Therefore, vegetarians have a special need to take vitamin B12 supplements to protect the brain from aging.

Ginko biloba is a herbal supplement that is known to improve alertness. This is because it helps improve circulation to the brain tissue. Increased blood flow to the brain tissue helps improve its functioning, by bringing in more oxygen and stimulating blood circulation on the tiny capillaries of the brain. The recommended dose is about 40mg once or twice a day, for those who are over 50 years of age.

Taking antioxidants both from natural food sources, as well as in supplement form, early in life, may help you prevent memory loss that sets in later in life. Antioxidants help prevent age-related degeneration not only to the brain but to most vital organs of the body. But remember that along with taking antioxidants you must practice correct eating habits and keep other lifestyle factors in control.
(As published in Hindustan Times dated December 30, 2019)

The post Fodder for your brain appeared first on Health Total.

Foods You Should Eat To Reduce Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a global concern because of its wide prevalence. If not attended to in time, it can lead to severe complications like a heart attack or a stroke which can turn fatal.

Hypertension is referred to as a silent killer because you can live with it for years even without knowing, as its symptoms are likely to go unnoticed by you.

Table of Content

A report of the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that the proliferation of processed food industry has influenced the extensive prevalence in people with hypertension. This is attributed to the alarming increase of salts in processed and packaged foods worldwide.

On the bright side, high blood pressure can be managed better by choosing healthier foods. In this article, we will bring all about the infamous blood pressure and certain foods to reduce blood pressure.[1]

What is high blood pressure or hypertension?

Blood pressure is referred to as the pressure of the blood exerted on your artery walls. The normal pressure is measured as 120 over 80 mm of mercury (mmHg), and when your reading is over 130 over 80 mmHg, you are considered to be suffering from high blood pressure.

Causes of high blood pressure:

Many factors like age, lifestyle, family history, gender, and race, which are beyond your control, can increase your risk of blood pressure/hypertension. You can, however, control hypertension by exercise and eating a diet rich in potassium, magnesium, fibre and less sodium.

Hypertension is broadly classified into two types 


  • Genetic: The condition is inherited.
  • Physical: Changes in the body due to ageing cause imbalance in salts and fluids.
  • Environment: Induced by a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food habits.

Junk Foods


It can appear on its own or due to some underlying medical condition and diseases.

The contributory factors for hypertension are:

  • Stress
  • Kidney disease
  • Inborn heart defects
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Thyroid malfunction
  • Drug-related
  • Alcoholism[2]

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

High blood pressure is often referred to as a silent killer with no discernible symptoms to alarm you. It remains undetected for long and can damage your cardiovascular system and kidney.

It is advised that you keep a regular check on your pressure measurement. Sometimes, it is suggested that hypertension may cause sweating, anxiety or disturbed sleep. In extreme cases, it can cause severe headaches and nose bleeding.

Treatment of high blood pressure:

The first step towards the management of hypertension is to monitor your blood pressure regularly. The best way to counter it is through your diet.

Eat foods that reduce blood pressure. Apart from modifying diet, the usual methods to manage it are:

  • Regular physical exercises for at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Avoid stress and devise strategies to counter situations that cause stress.
  • Maintain healthy body weight.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Medications prescribed by a doctor.[3]

8 Foods to reduce blood pressure:

You are often faced with a situation of how to lower high blood pressure. A suitable change in your diet is one of the best home remedies for high blood pressure that works.

Here are a few easily available foods to reduce blood pressure.

  1. Leafy greens: The potassium-rich leafy greens lower your blood pressure as they help your kidneys to excrete excess sodium through urine. Spinach, kale, turnip greens, beet greens should be high in your diet.
  2. Garlic and herbs: The increase in nitric oxide in the body is attributed to the use of garlic. Nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator reducing the pressure in your arteries. Addition of herbs and spices like basil, cinnamon, thyme, and rosemary in your diet helps to cut down on your salt intake. This helps to reduce blood pressure.
  3. Skim milk and yoghurt: It is calcium-rich and also, low in fats. These factors make this food ideal for reducing blood pressure.
  4. Oatmeal:The low-fat, low-salt and high-fibre contents of oatmeal are a sure way to reduce your blood pressure. These properties make oatmeal an ideal breakfast option.
  5. Bananas: Eating bananas gives you the best of potassium to lower your blood pressure.
  6. Fish with omega-3: The primary source of lean protein in our diet is fish. Salmon and Mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids which lower not only your blood pressure but also lower triglycerides and inflammation. Other fishes like Trout contain Vitamin-D that can reduce blood pressure too.
  7. Olive Oil: If you want to know how to reduce high blood pressure with healthy fat, olive oil is your answer. Polyphenol in it is an inflammation-fighting compound that helps reduce blood pressure.[4]

DASH diet:

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is shown to manage and reduce high blood pressure effectively. It is a therapeutic diet, recommended by the U.S. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). This flexible and well-balanced diet is specially designed for people with hypertension.

It aims to:

  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Improve the level of fat in the bloodstream
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

The DASH diet advocates adequate fruits and vegetables in every meal that must also contain high-fibre foods such as nuts, beans, and whole grains.[5]

Eating strategy:

Mere knowledge of what food to eat and how to reduce blood pressure is not enough to benefit fully from its intake. You have to devise a fruitful strategy to prevent and manage hypertension. A smart strategy is to fill up half your plate with fruits and vegetables.

Make blue your new favourite color
Make blue your new favourite color

Fruits and vegetables have fewer calories are loaded with potassium, fibre, antioxidants and a range of other nutrients while offsetting the effects of sodium. The cardinal point to remember is that if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, you should not deprive yourself of food, but eat smartly to keep yourself healthy.

It is also important to know what foods you should avoid to reduce blood pressure. You should keep away from:

  • Salt: Reduce your intake of salt, and at times, it may be necessary to eat salt-free diet.
  • Processed meat and food: These can be described as sodium trap because of its excess sodium content.
  • Pickles: The excess of preservative in the form of salt makes this food unsuitable for a high blood pressure diet.
  • Packaged food: Ketchup, sauces, and other foods are a strict no-no.[6]


The best way to counter high blood pressure is to be informed about the disease. Next comes the diet part. It is very essential to know about the foods that help to reduce blood pressure.

A long-term strategy and the adoption of healthy habits towards your food and lifestyle is an effective way to counter hypertension or high blood pressure.

Remember, nutritious eating is not just a healthy habit; it is a way of life. Eat wholesome foods, lead a healthier life.

The post 7 Foods That Help To Reduce Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer appeared first on Truweight Blog.


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