October 2018

S0me people find the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox challenging. Not only does it require you to purge your kitchen of (or at least avoid) many common staples, restock with healthier replacements, learn some new ways to prepare foods, but many also endure an unpleasant opioid withdrawal/detoxification process with fatigue, headache, muscle aches, nausea, and depression. We’ve therefore assembled what I think is an impressive collection of resources to help you get through your Detox successfully.

So we host a private Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Facebook page with periodic 10-day challenges that provide advice, success stories, live Facebook events, reminders, Q&As, etc. all designed to make the process a little easier and tip the scales in favor of a huge success. We’ve introduced the Suggestic iPhone app (Android version in the works) for the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox that is offered for free during the challenges, a useful app that provides additional recipes, helps search for restaurants compatible with the Wheat Belly lifestyle, identifies safe menu items, allows you to customize recipes searches, track various measures, etc. Wheat-Free Market offers a Detox Bundle that includes baking mixes, two varieties of delicious breakfast cereals, and Virtue Sweetener and Virtue Prebiotic Mixes for convenience during the Detox.

There are additional resources, also tailored to make this Wheat Belly Detox process easier and more effective:


Once you have completed your Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox and wish to gain even further insight into regaining magnificent health, learn how to use new health tools, and tackle a bit more complex issues like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, or age-reversal including

The post How to use the Wheat Belly books during the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge appeared first on Dr. William Davis.

I have a super easy and healthy recipe for Black Bean Soup with Real California Cotija Cheese to share today! It’s only 3 ingredients and really good! And to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month I’m sharing some information on my favorite Mexican cheese – Cotija.

3 ingredient black bean soup recipe and cotija cheese (534x800)

Cotija cheese is my favorite because it is salty and has a strong flavor without being pungent or overwhelming the other flavors of a dish. I love to eat it rolled up in a warm corn tortilla. So simple and delicious!

easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese recipe 1

I’m Mexican-American so I’m super familiar with this crumbly cheese used as a topping for tacos or soup. And it’s very common in Mexican restaurants. But in case you haven’t used it at home… here’s some information on the taste, where it’s from and how to use it:

Cotija Cheese 101 how to cook with it and (534x800) (2)

It is usually sold in small rounds in the cheese section of your local grocery store. Make sure to look for the Real California Milk seal when you buy it!

For more information check out the Real California Milk – Cheese Types chart and click on Hispanic Cheese at the top. It has a description of several different types of cheese and how they’re best used.

Real California Milk logo new Oct 18


Okay – now let’s make some black bean soup!

easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese 2 recipe


This recipe is so simple it almost seems too easy, too good to be true… but it’s delicious!

The secret is to use a really good salsa. I love a medium salsa with roasted peppers or something with a lot of garlic. And after combining all the ingredients, taste and add more salsa or season with salt & pepper as needed.

3 ingredient black bean soup recipe with cotija cheese (1) (534x800)

Black Bean Soup Recipe with Cotija Cheese


2 cans black beans (not drained)

2 cups salsa (roasted garlic works great)

1/2 cup Real California cotija cheese

optional: cilantro, avocado, tortilla chips

Directions: Combine beans and salsa in a sauce pot and heat thoroughly. Stir.

Serve topped with crumbled cotija cheese.

Optional – add avocado, cilantro and tortilla chips (or your favorite toppings).



easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese 7


Look for the Real California Milk seal when you’re shopping for your favorite cheese. The seal means it’s made with Real California Milk – 99% of the dairy farms here are family owned.

Question: Have you used Cotija Cheese at home?

It’s one of my favorites – so yeah!


This post is in partnership with Real California Milk. All opinions are my own.

The post 3 Ingredient Black Bean Soup with Cotija Cheese appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


Pile on the Miles Challenge 2018[3]

Today I’m sharing the BIG NEW challenge we’re doing for Pile on the Miles this year here (click link on your smart phone – not computer) https://runbet.me/runeatrepeat

Plus I have updates on running, eating and life! This might be a quick one…!

Running Challenge November Pile on the Miles

Pile on the Miles starts Nov 5th!!
NEW – This year we’re using the Run Bet app to track all the miles!!

Join here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)

– Stay accountable.
– Get motivated!
– Make friends.
– Pile on the miles – not pounds in November!!

Pile on the Miles 2018 Run Bet Challenge (800x800)

We’ll have a private FB group too! I’ll be available to answer your running & eating questions.
I’m here to coach, support and help keep you going!

How to Join the Pile on the Miles Challenge:
1. Download the Run Bet App.
2. Sign up for the Pile on the Miles Challenge.
Challenge yourself to run at least 4x a week / 30 minutes.
Nov 5 – Dec 2.
3. Run!
4. WIN and get your money back.
Stick with it and get your money back plus split any extra in the pot!!
(So it’s free because you’re going to stick with it – right!)
AND – the app tracks everyone’s mileage so if you want a lil friendly competition you can try to go for the most miles!!
* BONUS: I’ll be giving out prizes for the most miles!! *

Sign up here: (link only works on your phone)



Pile on the Miles Run Bet page

Run Bet Questions and Answers:

1. Can I use my Garmin Connect info on the treadmill? The treadmill I have is a little off with distance and pace.

RunBet:  For any treadmill photos, we do require the treadmill readout and the sweaty selfie.  They can try to use Garmin Connect on the treadmill, but we don’t recommend it as the GPS doesn’t always work indoors. And I’d hate to see someone try to use GarminConnect only to find out it didn’t track properly.

2. Can I walk on the treadmill for 30 min or has to be on the run?? 

RunBet: The player must meet the 18:00/mile pace requirement for this game.  The intention is to get people running and not point out that they can walk and still make the pace requirement.

3. Can I do the run in 2 parts to total 30 minutes for the day? Example – I run a 5K that day but finish in less than 30 minutes… Can I do a separate run to total 30 minutes for the day? 

RunBet: As per the Rules, “All runs must be tracked in one continuous session from start to finish.” So we do require the run to be done and completed in one session.

4. Can I do more than 1 run in a day? If I won’t have time to run 4 days… could I do 2 runs on 1 day? [Monica added – I’m assuming they’d chop it to start separate runs and NOT do 1 –  run for 60 minutes… but run 30 and start a new workout on their app?? ]

RunBet: Unfortunately, only one run a day can count towards the four runs/week requirement.

5. Can I do it from Canada? 

RunBet:  Anyone, anywhere can join and play.

6. Does Run Keeper count to track runs?

RunBet: Yes, RunKeeper and Strava will both work. 

7. I tried logging in using Facebook and got an error message… help?

RunBet: Please refer any person having problems with logging in to support@waybetter.com.  Our staff will be able to assist them, reset passwords, or do anything else they need to get logged in.

Link to join:



Hyland’s Boston Marathon Team Applications Open Now

And another Big Announcement…

I’m going to be the host of a video series by Hyland’s following the journey of their runners to the Boston Marathon finish line!!

They’re recruiting right now for Healers… doctors, nurses, therapists, physical therapists, etc.

bts Boston Marathon video series

Hylands Boston Marathon team recruiting next race

Watch the first video announcing the team here – Hyland’s Powered Boston Marathon FB

Apply at >>>  Hylands.com/Boston


I ran the Lexus Lace Up Ventura Half Marathon last weekend! I woke up at 3:30am to drag myself from south Orange County to Ventura. But it was a fun, fast course! And there were waffles.

Race Recap coming soon.


Lexus Lace Up Palos Verdes is next!

Use discount code RER10 to save!

Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon irvine results discount (800x800)

Check the Race Discounts Page for more.



I’m finally going to move. That’s all I know.

But I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it on Instagram.

Follow @RunEatRepeat as I figure it out…

we get to run fitness podcast

Got a question for me?

Email – RunEatRepeat@gmail.com or leave it in the question box on instagram!

podcast question info (800x800)


Make sure you’re subscribed to the show so you don’t miss an episode! And tell someone about it!

Tag @RunEatRepeat on instagram and let me know what you’re doing while you listen!

Have a great run!



The post Running Challenge–Run Bet and Pile on the Miles Announcement Podcast appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Parties, holidays, birthdays, bad days—sometimes a binge happens. Even to people who know the dangers so well, like LeeAnn Kindness, Jeff Chiarelli and Deanna Otranto from Nutrisystem’s team of nutritionists and weight loss pros. We asked them to tell us about their smartest strategies for getting back on track after a bout of unhealthy eating.

Here’s what nutrition experts do after they give in to a binge… and why:

1. Forgive and forget.


“Know that you’re not perfect. Striving for perfection can sabotage your goals,” LeeAnn says. “One meal or one day won’t ruin your chances of achieving your healthy lifestyle. Get right back on track with your next meal and be proud of yourself for that!”

2. Consider why.

Binges may be triggered by special occasions, stress or other reasons, but your daily choices can help reduce the chances they will occur. “Did you skip any meals?,” Jeff asks. “Did you drink enough water? Did you eat enough veggies?” When you’re following your Nutrisystem weight loss plan, eating good food frequently, and staying well-hydrated, you feel satisfied, so you’re less likely to overdo it even when the temptation is hard to resist.

3. Get moving.

“Lacing up and going for a stroll will not only clear you mind and get you moving, but it will aid in digestion to get you through the post-binge bloat,” LeeAnn suggests. Even better, physical activity stokes your metabolism, so you start burning off those extra calories right away. “Just remember not to try to compensate for your binge all in one exercise session,” Deanna cautions. “You’re likely to end up so sore you won’t be able to hit the gym again tomorrow or, worse, you’ll hurt yourself” and be unable to exercise for even longer.

4. Drink up.

After a binge, “be strict with your fluid intake. Hydrating will aid in digestion, naturally rid your body of excess sodium and curb hunger,” LeeAnn explains. “Plus, drinking enough water can be an easy and rewarding goal to focus on instead of post-binge guilt.” Try for the daily goal of 64 ounces of water, unsweetened tea or plain seltzer. Click here for simple hacks to make loading up on liquids easier >

5. Go green, yellow, orange and red.

bell peppers

Fiber helps all the food you’ve eaten move smoothly through your digestive tract and keeps you feeling full long after you’re done. Non-starchy vegetables are loaded with fiber, high in nutrients and unlimited on your Nutrisystem plan. “At your next meal, go a little overboard with the spinach, cucumbers or peppers,” Kindness urges.

6. Keep tracking.


Logging what you eat, drink and do each day increases your chances of losing weight, according to a study by Kaiser Permanente, the healthcare company. The NuMi app, free to Nutrisystem customers, makes it easy to track your daily diet and activity. “Tracking your meals with NuMi is a great way to hold yourself accountable for all of your meal-time decisions,” Otranto says. Record your binge and then the healthy choices you make after it and you’ll see and be motivated by all that you’re doing to make progress toward your goal.

7. Begin again today.

fresh start

“When you first started on this journey, you didn’t try to compensate for a lifetime of bad eating—you just started,” Otranto reminds us. “Pretend today is the very first day of your new healthy lifestyle and put the past behind you.”

The post How Nutritionists Bounce Back From a Binge appeared first on The Leaf.

Root vegetables are the edible parts of plants that grow underground, but these super-nutritious, health foods are finding their way into the spotlight and onto the plates of healthy eaters. Carrots are the most familiar root vegetable—we eat the long, orange bottoms, not the leafy tops. These six other roots are, like carrots, rich in flavor and nutrients, and they’re ideal for slow-cooking in diet dishes that warm you up on cool fall days. Here’s why each is a healthful addition to your diet plan and a few ideas for enjoying them:

root vegetables

Most of us recognize the dark red roots, though you can also find varieties that are striped with white inside and some that have golden yellow skin and flesh. All are naturally sweet—beets are a raw ingredient in table sugar—yet they’re low to medium on the Glycemic Index, so you can enjoy them even when you’re trying to lose weight.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: A cup of raw beets has 58 calories, 3.8 grams of fiber, 13 grams of complex carbohydrates, 22 milligrams of calcium and 442 milligrams of potassium.
Try: Beet salad with arugula and goat cheese blends the sweetness of the roots with peppery greens and the creamy texture of the cheese. When you roast beets, the sugars are caramelized, giving them an even deeper, richer flavor.


They look like large, white carrots and they have a similar mildly sweet flavor and crunchy texture. When cooked, parsnips become very tender and even sweeter.
Nutrisystem category: SmartCarb
Nutrition facts: A half-cup of raw parsnips has just 50 calories, yet gives you 3.3 grams of fiber, 250 milligrams of potassium, and more than 10 percent of your RDA of vitamin C, folate and manganese.
Try: Steamed and pureed parsnips make a hearty foundation for low-fat, creamy soups. Slice raw parsnips into “sticks” and bake them in the oven with a little oil, salt and pepper to make crispy “fries.”


A roundish bulb shaped a bit like a large radish, turnips often have purplish tops and white bottoms but some varieties are all white. The insides of both are a creamy white color. They taste lightly spicy. When shopping, look for smaller turnips, which are more tender than larger ones.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: In a cup of raw turnips, you get 36 calories, 2.3 grams of fiber, 27 milligrams of vitamin C, and no fat or cholesterol.
Try: Instead of ordinary mashed potatoes, try boiled and mashed turnips with apples, a sweet and spicy weight loss combination that just might become a new family favorite. And don’t toss the green tops in the garbage—they’re also loaded with nutrients and they taste delicious raw or sauteed.

Sometimes called swedes or wax turnips, rutabagas are a hybrid created from turnips and cabbage. Rutabagas are mildly spicy but become more sweet-tasting when cooked. They look a bit knobby on the outside, but they have smooth, starchy texture inside.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: In a cup of raw rutabaga, you get 52 calories, 3.2 grams of fiber, 60 milligrams of calcium, 35 milligrams of vitamin C, and 427 milligrams of potassium.
Try: With their sturdy texture, rutabagas make a solid base for a vegetable tart made with layers of potatoes, carrots and garlic. For a hearty and healthy side dish, toss chunks of rutabaga with mustard and dill, then roast them to tenderness.

The bulbous exterior of kohlrabi may be light green or deep purple, but all are white inside. Like its close relative broccoli, kohlrabi has a mild peppery flavor.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: A cup of raw kohlrabi has 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 83 milligrams of vitamin C, 472 milligrams of potassium, and a substantial amount of vitamin A.
Try: You can eat kohlrabi raw, sliced into salads or grated into your favorite slaw. Add cubes of kohlrabi to vegetable soups, where they become tender after slow cooking. Shredded kohlrabi mixed with egg and a little flour make tasty fritters your family will love.


Also called celery root or knob celery, celeriac is a variety of celery grown for its edible roots. While celeriac won’t win the vegetable beauty pageant, its scent is fresh and sweet, and when cooked its aroma has a savory smell that may remind you of Thanksgiving dinner in the oven. The taste is mild, with gentle herbal notes that make it an ideal companion to stronger flavors.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: In a cup of raw celeriac, you get 66 calories, 2.8 grams of fiber, 67 milligrams of calcium, 12.5 milligrams of vitamin C and 468 milligrams of potassium.
Try: Celeriac’s smooth texture (after peeling the rough skin) lends itself to purees that can be used to add flavor and nutrients to soups and stews. Roast it with pears to make a sweet side dish for broiled fish or turkey breast.

Did you snap a picture of your root vegetable dish? We want to see! Share your weight loss inspired recipe creations.

The post 6 Healthy Root Vegetables You Have to Try This Fall appeared first on The Leaf.

Hi friends! I’m so excited for today’s podcast episode because I’m chatting with a good friend of mine and a huge part of the behind-the-scenes magic here on the blog: Katy Widrick. 

When I think of people who are just slaying it at life, Katy is one of the first who come to mind. She does so many different things, does them extremely well, makes time for her health, and is super organized and efficient. For today’s podcast episode, I thought it would be fun to hear some of Katy’s tips for productivity plus chat about fitness, carb cycling, and so.much.more.

Here’s a little bit about Katy:

Katy Widrick is the owner of Make Media Over, a managed services and consulting company for bloggers, businesses and online influencers who are looking to scale up without stressing out. She’s also an Emmy-nominated television and documentary producer, a personal trainer and group fitness instructor and a mom of two. Learn more at makemediaover.com and find Katy on social media @kwidrick. You can also get her FREE 14-day guide to a more efficient life at https://makemediaover.com/efficient.

In this episode we chat about:

– How to stay motivated and organized when you have a lot on your plate

– Tips for getting stronger at Orangetheory

– Carb cycling

– The power of saying “no”

– When to delegate

and how to avoid burnout.

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you. 

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

The post 021: Productivity hacks, getting better at Orangetheory, and the power of “no” with Katy Widrick appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Take your yoga practice to a new level by increasing your flexibility with the help of the Total Gym. If you practice yoga regularly or are just getting into a yoga practice, there is always something to work on and improve.

In order to gain flexibility, you have to train the muscles to be flexible in all range of motion. Stretching is just as important as working out. Lengthening your muscles prevents injury, helps your body move more efficiently, and it helps your muscles recover.

So, I will say, flexibility is the key to enhanced movement success.


Yoga is a beautiful thing. It can be done at any age, at any physical level, and can be sustained for a lifetime. Honoring your body’s strengths and limitations will allow for growth to occur each time you practice.

That being said, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing what your body needs will help improve your overall skills and wellbeing. For instance, if you are naturally strong, you may need to work on improving your flexibility by lengthening the muscles and relaxing into a pose. However, if you are blessed with flexibility, then strength training is needed to compliment your ‘bendiness’ for muscular strength and joint stability.


The Total Gym is known for its versatility for strength training, but it’s also the perfect equipment to enhance your flexibility. Depending on the incline level, you can achieve stretches that may be difficult performing from the  floor. Here are a few benefits you can expect from stretching on your Total Gym.

Comfortable Surface

  • The padding on the glide board allows you to comfortably position your body and relax into a stretch or pose.

Incline Accommodates Flexibility

  • Typically, the higher the incline, the less intense the stretch will be by accommodating your flexibility to stretch the muscle. The lower the incline, the more intense the stretch since you will be closer to the ground.

Moveable Surface

  • The glide board moves freely up and down the rails to accommodate your flexibility for a lesser or deeper stretch.

Cable Stretches

  • Utilizing the cables to stretch the upper body allows you to safely move around the anchor point by rotating, bending, and opening various muscles in a specific angle.

Daily Dose

  • Incorporating daily stretches is the perfect way to end any workout to lengthen the muscles you worked, prevent injury, and enhance your yoga practice.

6 stretches to increase Flexibility for yoga

Let’s take your yoga practice to the next level by enhancing your flexibility with a series of stretches on your Total Gym.


  • Perform the following stretches in the following sequence.
  • Position your body comfortably to feel the stretch where your body needs it most.
  • Hold each stretch for 10- 30+ seconds.
  • Adjust the incline based on your flexibility needs.
  • Repeat these stretches often to develop a consistent routine.

Up Dog / Down Dog

  • Up Dog: Stand facing the tower at the bottom base and place hands on the glide board. Extend body into a plank, then lift the chest and drop the hips while keeping the thighs actively lifted off the glide board. Keep shoulders relaxed away from ears.
    • Stretches: chest, shoulders, & torso opener
  • Down Dog: From Up Dog, keep the legs straight as you press the hips back and extend the arms forward to create a ‘triangle’ position.
    • Stretches: hamstring, hips, & torso lengthening

Seated Forward Fold

  • Open and sit at the bottom of the glide board. Position feet inside the base and extend the legs. Keep the spine extended, hinge forward from the hips and reach towards the feet.
    • Stretches: hamstrings & hips, lengths spine


Seated Figure 4

  • From the previous stretch, bend one leg and place it on the opposite thigh. Bend the extended leg and hinge slightly forward to feel the stretch in the hips. Move the glide board for more flexibility.
    • Stretches: hips, outer thigh, piriformis


  • Facing the tower, bend one knee to the outer edge of the glide board and extend the back leg. Fold the chest over the front knee and keep the hips square to relax into the stretch.
    • Stretches: hip opener & glutes

Runners Lunge +quad

  • Facing the tower, position one leg in a lunge on the floor and extend the other leg on the glide board. Relax into the stretch. To stretch the quad, bend the leg on the glide board and pull the heel towards the glutes.
    • Stretches: quad & hip flexor


Seated Cable Chest Opener

  • Connect the cables. Sit facing away from the tower holding onto the cables in each hand. Open the arms to the sides and lean forward, rotate to sides, or slide the glide board down the rails to feel the stretch where needed.
    • Stretches: chest, shoulders, & torso


Check out the video to see how these stretches are performed on your Total Gym.


Utilizing the Total Gym for stretching techniques will improve your flexibility skills and enhance your yoga practice. Flexibility is the key to longevity!






The post Total Gym Stretches to Enhance Your Yoga Practice appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

Yoga is all about balance. It is often known for its bendy, stretchy, flexible aspects, however, it’s fierce, powerful, vigorous side of strength is just as important. There is a physical and mental manifestation of balance that occurs between flexibility and strength in yoga.


There’s no question that a regular yoga practice strengthens, conditions, and tones the body. There is a balanced combination of strength and flexibility that coincides with connecting the body with the mind. Each yoga pose has a purpose that stimulates the body energetically along with increasing muscle endurance by either holding a pose for a period of time or flowing through a movement pattern.



Yoga connects physical movement with mental awareness. You don’t need a formal meditation practice to experience yoga’s mental benefits. The connection happens simultaneously when you set an intention and pay attention to all that is occurring within your body.


Physical Strength: Practicing yoga consistently will build strength in all major muscle groups along with developing stability in the smaller muscles for support.


Mental Strength: Utilizing your breath clears the mind so you can focus on your intention while connecting to the movement task.


Here are a few cognitive effects that occur from a consistent yoga practice:

  • Learning the power of perseverance
  • Exploring a willingness to try something new
  • Accepting failure followed by success
  • Learning to control the mind’s activity


The strength and mental development connection is what makes yoga so powerful.



Yoga movements are categorized as bodyweight training, in which you use your body as resistance. The Total Gym equipment also uses your bodyweight along with the assistance or resistance of gravity to move in all ranges of motion.


Performing specific exercises on the Total Gym that simulate yoga movements will help you improve your balance, stamina, and achieve strength-based poses to enhance your yoga practice.


When utilizing the Total Gym to strengthen and condition your body for yoga, vary your tempo to get the most out of the exercises.

  1. The exercises can move slowly or be held for a sustained period of time to develop stamina and fatigue the muscles.
  2. Or, perform the exercises dynamically (faster paced) with high reps to add an element of cardio while conditioning muscular endurance, strength, and power.


Incorporating a variety of strength skills and yoga poses into your training will ultimately condition you to be stronger and healthier for life.


6 Exercises for Yoga Strength

This workout contains 6 Total Gym exercises that can help you build strength for a stronger yoga practice.



  • Perform the following strength exercises in the following sequence.
  • Perform each exercise for 10-15 reps on each side.
  • Adjust the incline based on your strength needs.
  • Incorporate these exercises often to develop a consistent routine.


Pulsing Squats + Single Leg + figure 4

  • High incline & squat stand attached. Perform low pulsing squats for a set period of time. Extend one leg and continue to pulse. Option to place one leg in a figure 4 stretch. Perform single leg version on both sides.
    • Yoga Pose: chair pose, single leg poses
    • Strengthens: leg & hip strength, torso mobility, balance


Reverse Lunge + Twist

  • Medium incline, remove squat stand. Face away from tower to perform a reverse lunge. Rotate torso towards the knee for a twist. Perform on both sides.
  • Yoga Pose: crescent pose & twisting poses
  • Strengthens: core balance, ankle stability, leg & hip strength


Incline Plank Walks

  • Hold a plank position facing the tower with glide board open. Walk hands up the glide board, then back to the starting position while maintaining the plank.
    • Yoga Pose: Up Dog, Down Dog, Planks, Push-ups
    • Strengthens: wrist & core strength


Back Extensions + Bowl

  • Lye in a prone position facing the tower with the feet resting on the bottom rails and hands on forehead. Extend torso upward to the center (1), then rotate to each side (2-3). Repeat this pattern. Option to finish exercise with an inclined bow pose by grabbing the ankles and kicking into the hands while lifting the torso into extension.
    • Yoga Pose: bow, back bends & inversions
    • Strengthens: upper, middle, lower back, glutes, hamstrings


Kneeling Press Backs

  • Place both cables in each hand, kneel on glide board facing tower. Keep spine long as the arms press straight back behind hips. Hold, then slowly return to repeat.
    • Yoga Pose: balance poses, arm balances, reverse plank
    • Strengthens: core balance, core strength & stabilization, shoulder/ tricep strength


Opposition Arm & Leg

  • Hold one cable to assume a quadruped position facing the tower. Extend the opposite leg. Keep the spine level and elongated as you slowly bring the elbow toward the opposite knee, then extend to repeat.
    • Yoga Pose: balance poses, corrects strength imbalances, spinal alignment
    • Strengthens: core balance, stability & strength, oppositional strength patterns


Check out the video to see how these strength exercises are performed on your Total Gym.



Strength development shares a common connection with yoga. It’s the desire to be strong (mentally and physically) within ourselves so that we make a difference in this life.


Practice with strength, love, & peace,



The post Total Gym Strength Exercises to Improve Your Yoga Practice appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

My name is Danielle Cooper. I live in Florida with my husband and our three children. I have currently lost a total of 100 pounds and I am now using the Total Gym as my primary source of exercise.

I was overweight my entire life. It became especially bad after having my first two children. At my heaviest, I was around 210 pounds while being under 5 ft tall. I was also a size 18/20. I was tired of always feeling like I wasn’t able to keep up with my children, do the things I wanted to do, or even buy clothing in a regular store. I tried so many different diets and exercise regimens, but nothing ever seemed to work. As a busy mom, I lacked the time and effort needed for most weight loss programs. I needed something that would fit into my schedule and not take me away from my family for long periods of time.

I finally made the commitment to myself to start becoming more active and live a healthier lifestyle, not only for myself, but for my family. After having my third child, I ended up gaining a lot of weight and had little to no strength or energy. This was right at the time I needed it the most, as a mother to a new baby and two older children.

I was watching television one day and I came across the Total Gym. I realized that this was exercise I could enjoy doing and it would help me gain the strength back I lost over the past year. I loved that I could work out at home, on my schedule. I also liked that I could start off at my own level and work my way up as needed. I immediately purchased the Total Gym and haven’t looked back. It has been wonderful to have everything I need in one machine.

I am now 110 lbs. and a size 0 and in the best shape of my life. I have progressed more than I ever thought possible. I truly look forward to my workouts because I know I can just go to my living room and get a better workout than I could in a gym. I also love that I am modeling healthy habits for my children. I constantly have people asking me how I could possibly achieve the results I have. Everyone assumes I spend hours at the gym, working out. I tell them it’s no secret, just consistent commitment with the Total Gym.  I am so grateful to have found the Total Gym and be able to bring it into my home. My life has completely changed for the better and I am able to physically accomplish things I never thought possible.

My current workout routine consists of using the Total Gym four to five days a week for around forty-five minutes a day. I enjoy using the videos that were included with my Total Gym. My regular go-to’s are Rosalie Brown’s Challenge video and Todd Durkin’s Advanced series. I also like to take my favorite exercises, such as squats, Hamstring Curls, and Surfer Rows and incorporate them into my own routine.

You can follow my progress on Instagram under MacrosFoodandFitness or at MacrosFoodAndFitness.com, where I include my favorite workout tips and healthy recipes!

The post Total Gym Addicts, Danielle’s Story appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

Take your yoga practice to a new level by increasing your flexibility with the help of the Total Gym. If you practice yoga regularly or are just getting into a yoga practice, there is always something to work on and improve.

In order to gain flexibility, you have to train the muscles to be flexible in all range of motion. Stretching is just as important as working out. Lengthening your muscles prevents injury, helps your body move more efficiently, and it helps your muscles recover.

So, I will say, flexibility is the key to enhanced movement success.


Yoga is a beautiful thing. It can be done at any age, at any physical level, and can be sustained for a lifetime. Honoring your body’s strengths and limitations will allow for growth to occur each time you practice.

That being said, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing what your body needs will help improve your overall skills and wellbeing. For instance, if you are naturally strong, you may need to work on improving your flexibility by lengthening the muscles and relaxing into a pose. However, if you are blessed with flexibility, then strength training is needed to compliment your ‘bendiness’ for muscular strength and joint stability.


The Total Gym is known for its versatility for strength training, but it’s also the perfect equipment to enhance your flexibility. Depending on the incline level, you can achieve stretches that may be difficult performing from the  floor. Here are a few benefits you can expect from stretching on your Total Gym.

Comfortable Surface

  • The padding on the glide board allows you to comfortably position your body and relax into a stretch or pose.

Incline Accommodates Flexibility

  • Typically, the higher the incline, the less intense the stretch will be by accommodating your flexibility to stretch the muscle. The lower the incline, the more intense the stretch since you will be closer to the ground.

Moveable Surface

  • The glide board moves freely up and down the rails to accommodate your flexibility for a lesser or deeper stretch.

Cable Stretches

  • Utilizing the cables to stretch the upper body allows you to safely move around the anchor point by rotating, bending, and opening various muscles in a specific angle.

Daily Dose

  • Incorporating daily stretches is the perfect way to end any workout to lengthen the muscles you worked, prevent injury, and enhance your yoga practice.

6 stretches to increase Flexibility for yoga

Let’s take your yoga practice to the next level by enhancing your flexibility with a series of stretches on your Total Gym.


  • Perform the following stretches in the following sequence.
  • Position your body comfortably to feel the stretch where your body needs it most.
  • Hold each stretch for 10- 30+ seconds.
  • Adjust the incline based on your flexibility needs.
  • Repeat these stretches often to develop a consistent routine.

Up Dog / Down Dog

  • Up Dog: Stand facing the tower at the bottom base and place hands on the glide board. Extend body into a plank, then lift the chest and drop the hips while keeping the thighs actively lifted off the glide board. Keep shoulders relaxed away from ears.
    • Stretches: chest, shoulders, & torso opener
  • Down Dog: From Up Dog, keep the legs straight as you press the hips back and extend the arms forward to create a ‘triangle’ position.
    • Stretches: hamstring, hips, & torso lengthening

Seated Forward Fold

  • Open and sit at the bottom of the glide board. Position feet inside the base and extend the legs. Keep the spine extended, hinge forward from the hips and reach towards the feet.
    • Stretches: hamstrings & hips, lengths spine


Seated Figure 4

  • From the previous stretch, bend one leg and place it on the opposite thigh. Bend the extended leg and hinge slightly forward to feel the stretch in the hips. Move the glide board for more flexibility.
    • Stretches: hips, outer thigh, piriformis


  • Facing the tower, bend one knee to the outer edge of the glide board and extend the back leg. Fold the chest over the front knee and keep the hips square to relax into the stretch.
    • Stretches: hip opener & glutes

Runners Lunge +quad

  • Facing the tower, position one leg in a lunge on the floor and extend the other leg on the glide board. Relax into the stretch. To stretch the quad, bend the leg on the glide board and pull the heel towards the glutes.
    • Stretches: quad & hip flexor


Seated Cable Chest Opener

  • Connect the cables. Sit facing away from the tower holding onto the cables in each hand. Open the arms to the sides and lean forward, rotate to sides, or slide the glide board down the rails to feel the stretch where needed.
    • Stretches: chest, shoulders, & torso


Check out the video to see how these stretches are performed on your Total Gym.


Utilizing the Total Gym for stretching techniques will improve your flexibility skills and enhance your yoga practice. Flexibility is the key to longevity!






The post Total Gym Stretches to Enhance Your Yoga Practice appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.

Just following up on our post from last week – Robert, I wanted to share with you my single best weight loss tip.

In our body, nothing happens by accident. Every single physiologic process is a tight orchestration of hormonal signals. Whether our heart beats faster or slower is tightly controlled by hormones. Whether we urinate a lot or a little is tightly controlled by hormones. Whether the calories we eat are burned as energy or stored as body fat is also tightly controlled by hormones. So, the main problem of obesity is not the calories we eat, but how they are spent. And the main hormone we need to know about is insulin.

Insulin is a fat-storing hormone. There’s nothing wrong with that – that is simply its job. When we eat, insulin goes up, signalling the body to store some food energy as body fat. When we don’t eat, then insulin goes down, signalling the body to burn this stored energy (body fat). Higher than usual insulin levels tell our body to store more food energy as body fat.

Hormones are central to obesity as is everything about human metabolism, including body weight. A critical physiological variable such as body fatness is not left up to the vagaries of daily caloric intake and exercise. If early humans were too fat, they could not easily run and catch prey, and would be more easily caught themselves. If they were too skinny, they would not be able to survive the lean times. Body fatness is a critical determinant of species survival.

As such, we rely on hormones to precisely and tightly regulate body fat. We don’t consciously control our body weight any more than we control our heart rates or our body temperatures. These are automatically regulated, and so is our weight. Hormones tell us we are hungry (ghrelin). Hormones tell us we are full (peptide YY, cholecystokinin). Hormones increase energy expenditure (adrenalin). Hormones shut down energy expenditure (thyroid hormone). Obesity is a hormonal dysregulation of fat accumulation.We get fat because we’ve given our body the hormonal signal to gain body fat. And those hormonal signals go up or down according to our diet.

Obesity is a hormonal, not a caloric imbalance.

Insulin levels are almost 20 percent higher in obese subjects,2and these elevated levels are strongly correlated to important indices such as waist circumference and waist/hip ratio. Does high insulin causeobesity?

The “insulin causes obesity” hypothesis is easily tested. If you give insulin to a random group of people, will they gain fat? The short answer is an emphatic “Yes!” Patients who use insulin regularly and physicians who prescribe it already know the awful truth:4the more insulin you give, the more obesity you get. Numerous studies have already demonstrated this fact. Insulin causes weight gain.

In the landmark 1993 Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, researchers compared a standard dose of insulin to a high dose designed to tightly control blood sugars in type 1 diabetic patients. Large insulin doses controlled blood sugars better, but what happened to their weight? Participants in the high-dose group gained, on average, approximately 9.8 pounds (4.5 kilograms) more than participants in the standard group. More than 30 percent of patients experienced “major” weight gain!

Prior to the study, both groups were more or less equal in weight, with little obesity. The only difference between the groups was the amount of insulin administered. Insulin levels were increased. Patients gained weight. Insulin causes obesity. As insulin goes up, the body set weight goes up. The hypothalamus sends out hormonal signals to the body to gain weight. We become hungry and eat. If we deliberately restrict caloric intake, then our total energy expenditure will decrease. The result is still the same—weight gain.

Once we understand that obesity is a hormonal imbalance, we can begin to treat it. If we believe that excess calories cause obesity, then the treatment is to reduce calories. But this method has been a complete failure. However, if too much insulin causes obesity, then it becomes clear that we need to lower insulin levels.

The question is not how to balance calories; the question is how to balance our hormones especially insulin. There are really only two ways that insulin increases. Either:

  1. We eat more foods that stimulate insulin
  2. We eat the same insulin-stimulating foods, but more frequently.

My book, The Obesity Code laid out the science behind weight gain and how to apply that knowledge to lose weight. It forms the theory behind the IDM program’s (www.IDMprogram.com) many successes over these many years. This book’s goal is to embrace these ideas and make it easier to implement in day to day life.

The key to long lasting weight control is to control the main hormone responsible, which is insulin. There are no drugs that control Controlling insulin requires a change in our diet, which is composed of two factors – how high the insulin levels are after meals, and how long they persist. This boils down to two simple factors:

  1. What we eat – determines how high insulin spikes
  2. When we eat – determines how persistent insulin is

Most diets concern themselves with only the first question and therefore fail over the long term. It is not possible to address only half the problem and expect success.

In terms of the foods, this is not a low-calorie diet. This is not even necessarily a low carbohydrate diet. This is not a vegetarian diet. This is not a low-fat diet. This is not a carnivore diet. This is a diet designed to lower insulin levels, because insulin is the physiologic trigger of fat storage. If you want to lower fat storage, you need to lower insulin, and this may be done even with a high carbohydrate diet.

Many traditional societies have eaten carbohydrate based diets without suffering from rampant obesity. In the 1970s, before the obesity epidemic, the Irish were loving their potatoes. The Asians wer loving their white rice. The French were loving their bread.

Even in America, let’s remember the 1970s. Disco was sweeping the nation. Star Wars and Jaws played to packed theatres. If you looked at an old photograph from that era, perhaps you might be amazed at several things. First, why anybody ever thought bell bottoms were cool. Second, it’s amazing just how little obesity there is. Take a look at some old high school yearbooks from the 1970s. There is virtually no obesity. Perhaps one child in a hundred.

What was the diet of the 1970s? They were eating white bread and jam. They were eating ice cream. They were eating Oreo cookies. There were not eating whole wheat pasta. They were not eating quinoa. They were not eating kale. They were not counting calories. They were not counting net carbs. They were not even really exercising much. These people were doing everything ‘wrong’ yet, seemingly effortlessly, there was no obesity. Why?

What about the diet of the Chinese in the 1980s? The were eating tons of white rice. On average, over 300 grams per day, compared to a low carb diet of less than 50 grams and all highly refined. Yet they had virtually no obesity. Why?

What about the diet of the Okinawan? Over 80% carbohydrates, and mostly sweet potato, which has some sugar in it. What about the Irish in the 1970s, with their beloved beer and potatoes? They didn’t think twice about what they were eating, but until recently there was almost no obesity. Why?

The answer is simple. Come closer. Listen carefully.

They were not eating all the time.

When you don’t eat, this is technically known as ‘fasting’. This is the reason there is the English word ‘Break fast’ or breakfast, the meal that breaks your fast. During your sleep, you are (presumably) not eating and therefore fasting. This allows time for your body to digest the foods, process the nutrients and burn the rest for energy to power your vital organs and muscles. In order to maintain stable weight, you must balance feeding and fasting.

During feeding, you store food energy as body fat. During fasting, you burn body fat for energy. If you balance those two, your weight will remain stable. If you are predominantly feeding, you will gain weight. If you are predominantly fasting, you will lose weight. So, here’s my best single tip for weight loss. It’s so simple and obvious that even a 5 year old could have come up with it.

Don’t eat all the time.

Unfortunately, most nutritional authorities tell you the exact opposite. Eat 6 times a day. Eat lots of snacks. Eat before you go to bed. Eat, eat, eat – even to lose weight! It sounds pretty stupid, because it is pretty stupid. Instead, it may be better to use intermittent fasting, a dietary technique used successfully for countless generations.

PS. Fasting is effective but not always easy. I often drink green tea during fasting as I find it helps with hunger. Fasting Tea is also available and now back in stock, for those that need some aids.

Also check out the free Facebook support group – The Obesity Code Network for fasting support and education.


The post My Single Best Weight Loss Tip appeared first on Intensive Dietary Management (IDM).

Few days on the calendar strike more fear in the heart than Halloween. And we’re not even talking about the houses of horror, haunted hayrides and people dressed like Freddy Krueger standing at our front door. No, Halloween presents a scary scenario for anybody on a weight loss program, because everywhere you’ll look the next few days, you’ll see candy and treats. And even when the candles in the jack-o-lanterns finally flicker out, the candy may still be around, thanks to enterprising trick-or-treaters who have stockpiled the stuff sufficiently to last to Christmas.

What’s a slimming body to do? Follow The Leaf’s 10-point Halloween Survival Guide. Each of the tips outlined below is designed to help you enjoy the holiday without going overboard with temptation.

1. Wait until October 31 to buy your trick-or-treat candy.
That way, you won’t hear voices calling from the kitchen cabinets saying, “Come on, just one choco-caramel bar won’t kill you!” Worried about not being able to find candy at such a late date? Seriously, have you been to a store lately? Everybody sells Halloween candy now. If for some reason you can’t find sweets, see point 2 below.

14 Reasons to Have (A Little!) Chocolate Today

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2. Don’t give out candy.
We’ve found that the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood love getting things beside candy: Try handing out pretzels, pencils. coins, water bottles or even tooth brushes. You’ll be amazed at the reception they get. Having a Halloween party? Try these 13 Healthy Halloween Recipes instead of the typical sweet treats.

3. Buy candy you don’t like.
It’s human nature to buy the kind of candy you’d like to eat. But if you have leftovers because you bought too much or too few kids showed up at your door, you’ll be staring at a big bowl of temptation. So if you love chocolate, get lollipops. Are you crazy for chewy or sour things but don’t care about chocolate? Then consider buying chocolate bars. And if you can, stay away from these Not-So-Sweet Halloween Candies to Avoid.

4. Go out with your kids, or walk around the neighborhood.
Turn trick-or-treat into a calorie-burning stroll. You can walk around the neighborhood to get some exercise, carrying the candy with you to hand out to the little goblins. Or, if you’re with your own kids, enjoy the crisp air and leave the candy for visitors on your stoop.

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5. Send some candy to the troops.
Your kids will probably have so much candy that they won’t even want to eat it all. So consider sending some it as a care package to American troops. Operation Gratitude collects candy to use to prepare gifts for soldiers and sailors. Learn more about where to send your loot here.

6. Sell it to your dentist.
Many dentists now “buy” back candy by offering prizes or reduced fees on services to people who hand over their treats. Consider saving a small portion of the haul, then giving your dentist the rest. Bonus: Some of that candy you sell back may end up in the hands of soldiers. Find a participating dentist near you by clicking here.

7. Don’t go out hungry.
Trick-or-treating, or going to Halloween parties, is a lot like going grocery shopping. If you do it when you’re hungry, it’s much easier to go overboard. Have a salad or small meal before you go out so that you feel satisfied. That way you’ll be much less likely to give in to temptation.

6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight this Fall

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8. Treat yourself.
Look, kids can’t have all the fun, and part of any successful weight loss program is balance. If you’re following a Nutrisystem plan, you can have up to 100 calories worth of “extras” in order to satisfy your sweet tooth. Feel like having a Snickers Fun Size? Go for it: you’ll be eating 80 calories. Better yet, check out some of these sweet swaps for typical Halloween hankerings.

9. Think small pieces.
Everybody wants to be the house that draws the big crowds by giving out king size candy bars. But you’re not doing anybody any favors by giving out huge pieces of candy. For most kids, the fun of the Halloween lies in the hunt, so be sure to hand out the small stuff. Their parents will thank you.

10. Read the labels.
You may think you’re doing everyone a favor by giving out gummy treats called fruit snacks, but be sure to read ingredient labels should you decide to go that route and look for the total amount of sugars such things deliver. One serving could pack more sugar than a candy bar.


The post Your Ultimate Halloween Survival Guide appeared first on The Leaf.


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